United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

Historic Revision Notes for Previous Versions of NLMCommon DTD

The following changes were made.

The nlmcommon_090101.dtd used for the 2009 production year:

  1. Added ValidYN attribute to Investigator element
  2. Moved OtherAbstract element from nlmsharedcatcit to nlmcommon dtd
  3. Added OtherAbstract element to NCBIArticle element
  4. Moved entity Type from nlmmedlinecitation to nlmcommon dtd
  5. Added Publisher value to entity Type
  6. Deleted Consumer value from entity Type
  7. Added Country element to Grant element

The nlmcommon_080101.dtd used for the 2008 production year:

  1. Added ELocationID in Article
  2. Added EIdType and ValidYN as attributes to ELocationID
  3. Added ISSNLinking to MedlineJournalInfo
  4. Investigator & InvestigatorList were moved from nlmsharedcatcit dtd to nlmcommon dtd

The nlmcommon_070101.dtd used for the 2007 production year:

  1. Changed NlmUniqueID? to %NlmUniqueID.Ref in MedlineJournalInfo. 
  2. Changed MedlineJournalInfo? to MedlineJournalInfo in NCBIArticle element.

The nlmcommon_060101.dtd used for the 2006 production year:

  1. Added attribute CitedMedium to JournalIssue element (two valid values are Internet and Print; will serve as an indicator of whether a citation is processed/indexed at NLM from the online or the print version of the journal)
  2. Added attribute IssnType to ISSN element (three valid values are Electronic, Print, and Undetermined; clarifies which ISSN is recorded in the citation; Undetermined will not be used for MEDLINE/PubMed data)
  3. Added IndexingTreatment entity (this will have no impact on the MEDLINE/PubMed exported data)
  4. Replaced PublicationTypeList with PublicationType entity reference in Article element (this will have no impact on the MEDLINE/PubMed exported data)

The nlmcommon_041101.dtd used for the 2005 production year:

  1. Deleted JournalIssue attribute of PrintYN.
  2. Changed ElectronicPubDate element and its attribute OfficialDateYN to ArticleDate element and its attribute DateType.
  3. Added attribute ValidYN to Author element.

The nlmcommon_031101.dtd used for the 2004 production year:

  1. Added optional elements DatesAssociatedWithName, NameQualifier, OtherInformation and TitleAssociatedWithName to Author element (for use with NLM cataloging data not MEDLINE).
  2. Added PublicationInfo element and its optional elements: Country, PlaceCode, Imprint, Place, Publisher, DateIssued, ProjectedPublicationDate, PublicationFirstYear, PublicationEndYear, Edition, DatesOfSerialPublication, Frequency.(Country and Publisher were already defined in NLMCommon)
  3. Added optional element BroadJournalHeadingList, BroadJournalHeading, and Coverage.(for use with NLM cataloging data not MEDLINE).
  4. Added PrintYN attribute to JournalIssue and added OfficialDateYN attribute to ElectronicPubDate.
  5. Added IndexingStatus and ImprintType entities.(for use with NLM cataloging data not MEDLINE).
  6. Moved 17 elements previously listed in entity list to list of elements in Further Definitions of NLM Tags.
  7. Entity list labeled internal DTD entities.
  8. Alphabetized lists of internal DTD entities and Further Definition of NLM Tags.

The nlmcommon_021101.dtd used for the 2003 production year:

  1. Deleted Descriptor and SubHeading elements from Mesh Heading element.
  2. Deleted MedlineCode element from MedlineJournalInfo element.
  3. Changed DateOfElectronicPublication element to ElectronicPubDate and format to %normal.date.

The nlmcommon_011101.dtd used for the 2002 production year:

  1. Added DescriptorName to MeshHeading field.
  2. Added QualifierName to SubHeading field.
  3. Added attribute for DescriptorName.
  4. Added attribute for QualifierName.
  5. Added ForeName to personal name field.

The nlmcommon_010319.dtd used for the 2001 production year:

  1. Added Entity % Abstract to dtd.
  2. Element Abstract now links to % Abstract.
  3. Moved element definition of AbstractText & Copyright Information to nlmcommon_0010319.dtd. They were previously defined in nlmmedlinecitation.dtd.
  4. Made Country and MedlineCode optional elements.
  5. Element Grant now links to %GrantID.Ref, %Agency.Ref & %Acronym.Ref.

The nlmcommon_001211.dtd used for the 2001 production year:

  1. Addition of NLMUniqueID to the DTD.

Last updated: 25 August 2008
First published: 21 October 2003
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