US Imports of Steel Mill Products
Quantity in Metric Tons
Same Table - Annual US Dollars

Same Table - Average Unit Value

Same Table - Monthly Average Metric Tons

Same Table - Monthly Average US Dollars

'C & A' = Carbon and Alloy products, 'S' = Stainless products

Product Census Data
Jul 2007
All Steel Mill   Products
All Steel Mill Products 793,730 634,885 408,363 576,841 535,096 474,141 394,795 291,223 171,185
Carbon and Alloy Products
All Carbon and Alloy Products 758,160 598,099 372,494 537,554 502,496 433,644 353,674 262,435 148,765
Sheets Hot Rolled -- C & A 250,400 219,673 137,769 195,508 179,353 162,620 97,811 78,024 32,508
Tin Plate -- C & A 20,887 4,274 13,567 51,338 80,337 70,134 64,058 45,682 1,408
Plates in Coils -- C & A 91,741 63,568 62,918 55,994 84,261 35,639 32,961 25,951 14,934
Sheets Cold Rolled -- C & A 111,646 57,670 30,337 22,695 23,626 22,920 28,996 25,166 734.0
Bars-Cold Finished -- C & A 39,848 14,684 18,254 18,494 22,147 29,534 25,620 18,423 14,106
Pressure Tubing -- C & A 20,637 19,694 10,457 13,332 18,900 14,009 19,193 14,090 15,943
Plates Cut Lengths -- C & A 11,248 4,212 3,705 12,973 11,438 14,055 16,425 11,024 9,667
Mechanical Tubing -- C & A 12,021 9,723 8,380 9,746 11,367 8,778 12,337 8,428 6,676
Tool Steel -- C & A 13,935 10,470 15,665 10,438 12,734 12,165 11,571 6,677 4,758
Oil Country Goods -- C & A 6,956 2,345 3,395 21,815 5,385 13,127 8,985 7,292 8,663
Tin Free Steel -- C & A 5,293 2,513 1,732 13,540 10,626 6,837 8,177 5,924 1,574
Line Pipe -- C & A 12,829 9,586 4,271 28,655 12,178 17,220 5,687 4,367 12,633
Sheets & Strip All Other Metalic Coat -- C & A 100.3 67.6 99.6 989.9 1,456 411.3 4,574 2,670 76.1
Wire Drawn -- C & A 27,877 25,049 19,210 12,340 7,180 5,423 4,143 2,896 2,636
Bars-Hot rolled -- C & A 16,217 27,512 3,618 14,108 11,219 7,125 2,878 2,334 1,429
Sheets & Strip Galv Electrolyt -- C & A 692.0 48.3 7.82 25.2 2.92 3.00 2,047 . 59.9
Standard Pipe -- C & A 1,575 598.2 523.1 2,455 1,133 1,094 2,029 1,435 627.0
Sheets & Strip Galv Hot Dipped -- C & A 15,942 29,622 8,678 7,333 1,744 4,092 1,625 331.9 15,809
Ingots and Steel for Castings -- C & A 18.0 13.4 13.4 2.41 0.93 . 1,037 . .
Strip-Cold Rolled -- C & A 3,616 3,178 1,910 2,214 1,290 1,526 885.9 607.5 533.9
Blooms, Billets and Slabs -- C & A 27,909 18,920 3,835 4,688 3,211 2,162 759.4 339.9 504.4
Black Plate -- C & A 2,703 2,726 3,850 6,278 19.8 74.5 726.8 . .
Rails Standard -- C & A 22,474 20,302 10,858 9,869 941.0 209.5 476.5 476.5 .
Sheets & Strip-Electrical -- C & A 3,338 2,096 6,933 327.1 531.4 1,286 304.3 149.3 474.0
Structural Shapes Heavy -- C & A 438.3 71.8 332.5 269.9 258.1 108.4 217.1 67.5 118.8
Pipe & Tubing Nonclassified -- C & A 20.2 19.7 14.5 21.9 54.3 53.6 69.4 32.4 33.4
Steel Piling -- C & A 472.0 12.6 . . . 5.78 28.9 . 13.3
Structural Pipe & Tube -- C & A 1,189 773.4 95.2 616.0 77.5 141.9 18.6 17.7 52.9
Rails All Other -- C & A 142.2 1.21 8.48 . . 2,843 17.2 17.2 2,782
Bars-Light Shaped -- C & A 20.7 8.90 . . 19.4 . 6.87 4.70 .
Bars-Reinforcing -- C & A 14,245 . . . . . . . .
Pipe For Piling -- C & A 12.2 . . . . 5.65 . . .
Strip-Hot Rolled -- C & A 650.9 9.66 264.6 86.6 492.6 31.7 . . .
Wire Rods -- C & A 21,055 48,645 1,781 21,391 502.1 . . . .
Stainless        Products
All Stainless Products 35,570 36,786 35,869 39,287 32,600 40,496 41,121 28,788 22,419
Sheets Cold Rolled -- S 10,121 14,365 14,713 18,732 9,464 16,666 15,691 11,788 9,319
Stainless Pipe & Tubing -- S 5,710 5,797 4,542 4,971 5,744 7,192 7,998 5,807 4,023
Bars-Cold Finished -- S 5,786 5,052 3,934 6,322 6,043 7,441 5,241 4,224 2,535
Plates Cut Lengths -- S 1,130 1,249 2,155 2,368 5,218 2,869 4,375 2,358 1,604
Strip-Cold Rolled -- S 2,182 2,512 3,957 3,714 3,189 3,018 2,393 1,518 1,541
Wire Rods -- S 6,591 5,091 3,233 1,195 1,144 1,472 2,389 1,402 2,254
Wire Drawn -- S 1,609 1,861 2,132 1,161 1,130 827.8 1,324 998.9 209.1
Line Pipe -- S . . . . . . 794.3 164.3 4.05
Bars-Hot rolled -- S 1,236 664.9 160.0 689.4 510.7 866.5 685.9 336.5 785.2
Oil Country Goods -- S . . . . . . 105.0 105.0 .
Sheets Hot Rolled -- S 72.6 16.0 703.0 3.34 0.57 85.1 85.1 63.5 95.5
Bars-Light Shaped -- S 40.9 94.5 137.1 42.5 23.0 2.97 13.6 8.62 5.58
Structural Shapes Heavy -- S 5.96 42.7 70.2 15.9 9.48 29.6 7.74 7.74 2.68
Blooms, Billets and Slabs -- S 18.1 16.1 9.37 29.3 33.2 20.6 5.71 . .
Plates in Coils -- S 1,062 20.1 95.8 23.8 16.7 0.46 4.15 . .
Strip-Hot Rolled -- S 1.19 0.91 10.1 17.2 26.1 3.47 2.54 . 37.5
Ingots and Steel for Castings -- S . . 14.6 . 44.3 . 1.38 1.38 .

SOURCE: US Department of Commerce, Import Administration
Table last modified on: September 23, 2008 , with
Final Census data compiled through July 2008
Data listed in order of descending volume exported during the year - 2007
Steel mill categories are defined by 10-digit HTS codes
To see License Data at HTS 6-digit level click on chart title at the top of the page.

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