US Imports of Steel Mill Products
Quantity in Metric Tons
Same Table - Annual US Dollars

Same Table - Average Unit Value

Same Table - Monthly Average Metric Tons

Same Table - Monthly Average US Dollars

'C & A' = Carbon and Alloy products, 'S' = Stainless products

Product Census Data
Jul 2007
All Steel Mill   Products
All Steel Mill Products 459,224 541,456 459,046 566,454 629,263 503,689 468,199 305,409 210,856
Carbon and Alloy Products
All Carbon and Alloy Products 392,954 482,809 401,389 485,022 552,705 416,356 387,159 246,976 163,911
Bars-Hot rolled -- C & A 125,180 145,725 168,928 205,920 147,904 123,739 123,185 78,537 66,096
Line Pipe -- C & A 29,504 58,592 47,760 6,242 7,474 32,424 102,463 57,872 6,757
Structural Shapes Heavy -- C & A 84,524 80,279 75,475 78,835 65,109 46,299 67,707 43,585 46,497
Wire Rods -- C & A 28,803 92,879 28,232 42,046 49,901 41,245 19,539 17,190 4,587
Bars-Cold Finished -- C & A 39,105 28,146 28,249 32,594 30,749 24,252 18,015 12,966 8,401
Plates Cut Lengths -- C & A 8,857 3,281 2,576 4,411 4,257 9,873 13,281 8,160 4,897
Tin Plate -- C & A 796.3 505.4 174.0 402.0 244.2 51.6 10,405 6,037 831.1
Tin Free Steel -- C & A 2,024 610.6 78.7 2,174 996.5 1,372 5,922 4,184 1,940
Blooms, Billets and Slabs -- C & A 4,330 8,244 7,997 55,105 199,483 99,392 5,619 4,777 539.3
Strip-Cold Rolled -- C & A 7,913 6,251 6,423 5,398 7,095 5,298 5,298 3,385 3,142
Wire Drawn -- C & A 15,953 14,475 7,916 12,990 5,226 3,965 3,326 2,360 1,987
Sheets & Strip All Other Metalic Coat -- C & A 7,075 8,472 3,161 5,523 8,308 9,079 2,156 1,838 2,499
Strip-Hot Rolled -- C & A 166.5 563.9 643.1 2,513 908.3 2,150 2,136 1,631 1,940
Sheets & Strip-Electrical -- C & A 1,762 3,660 5,307 7,751 3,689 2,396 2,041 1,467 836.5
Sheets Cold Rolled -- C & A 203.9 410.0 138.8 2,019 9,661 4,044 1,555 243.1 7,887
Tool Steel -- C & A 1,905 2,368 2,974 3,926 2,539 1,765 1,119 770.8 881.5
Mechanical Tubing -- C & A 5,723 6,609 2,836 3,041 3,397 2,435 714.3 586.4 175.4
Sheets Hot Rolled -- C & A 159.8 38.5 48.2 378.9 43.0 391.6 682.7 41.4 .
Pipe For Piling -- C & A . . . 4.88 . . 464.8 464.8 4.17
Plates in Coils -- C & A 230.5 . 8.79 458.3 71.1 152.2 425.5 136.0 205.9
Oil Country Goods -- C & A 6,386 4,141 3,668 5,609 3,701 2,922 301.7 253.8 1,058
Structural Pipe & Tube -- C & A 2,969 682.5 274.5 1,065 439.3 1,937 243.3 112.5 325.3
Standard Pipe -- C & A 911.2 666.3 183.6 258.1 164.5 260.5 112.4 39.1 73.0
Bars-Reinforcing -- C & A 51.7 71.6 . 632.5 192.4 244.8 87.7 87.7 2,132
Pipe & Tubing Nonclassified -- C & A 262.8 180.4 58.5 150.1 157.1 144.8 81.0 60.0 85.7
Pressure Tubing -- C & A 338.9 761.9 134.9 142.2 53.4 65.4 76.6 50.4 18.1
Ingots and Steel for Castings -- C & A 187.9 26.4 90.2 . 79.9 34.5 64.8 54.3 16.4
Sheets & Strip Galv Electrolyt -- C & A 6,004 839.8 22.8 115.7 48.8 90.5 56.4 47.3 9.47
Bars-Light Shaped -- C & A 20.9 63.1 59.7 117.5 49.1 164.9 37.9 20.9 19.9
Sheets & Strip Galv Hot Dipped -- C & A 99.3 5,377 577.1 223.4 203.6 33.6 28.7 5.81 28.3
Rails Standard -- C & A 10.0 . 0.04 . 13.3 20.0 4.29 4.29 4.79
C . . . . . . 2.89 2.89 .
Black Plate -- C & A . . . . 14.8 . . . .
Railroad Accessories -- C & A 14.5 117.6 3.21 . . 7.24 . . 2.33
Rails All Other -- C & A 68.5 40.3 3.60 . . 22.5 . . .
Steel Piling -- C & A 11,403 8,721 7,381 4,967 524.6 75.6 . . 26.9
Stainless        Products
All Stainless Products 66,269 58,647 57,656 81,432 76,557 87,333 81,039 58,433 46,944
Blooms, Billets and Slabs -- S 50,040 47,717 47,431 61,752 62,507 73,453 66,934 47,917 39,305
Wire Rods -- S 7,100 5,773 5,226 9,590 6,508 5,904 5,933 4,662 3,259
Bars-Hot rolled -- S 1,866 441.0 851.5 4,130 1,428 1,847 3,127 2,556 1,600
Bars-Cold Finished -- S 3,915 2,103 1,905 2,624 2,400 2,210 1,924 1,194 1,444
Strip-Cold Rolled -- S 251.3 273.6 267.8 496.2 576.0 990.1 1,017 692.5 479.5
Sheets Cold Rolled -- S 428.3 650.3 744.5 517.5 256.3 278.9 499.8 324.5 192.8
Wire Drawn -- S 1,002 1,001 417.9 1,158 1,075 627.6 450.8 281.0 182.7
Stainless Pipe & Tubing -- S 1,367 206.4 177.1 257.4 301.5 840.5 379.0 231.5 116.0
Ingots and Steel for Castings -- S 111.4 225.7 402.2 391.9 1,213 1,037 298.4 251.0 1.40
Oil Country Goods -- S . . . . . . 269.3 167.3 208.8
Plates Cut Lengths -- S 113.1 74.6 139.1 56.0 43.8 7.27 99.2 85.7 48.8
Line Pipe -- S . . . . . . 40.5 31.9 24.8
Bars-Light Shaped -- S 15.2 88.8 82.1 299.1 130.4 25.7 22.4 13.3 10.5
Structural Shapes Heavy -- S 2.85 0.00 . 4.40 6.46 . 18.9 12.9 21.4
Strip-Hot Rolled -- S 3.37 5.32 0.10 37.1 0.13 . 14.9 10.4 2.66
Sheets Hot Rolled -- S 49.5 46.4 9.46 115.5 109.6 91.9 7.77 . 43.9
Plates in Coils -- S 1.86 38.3 1.47 . 0.00 17.8 . . .

SOURCE: US Department of Commerce, Import Administration
Table last modified on: September 23, 2008 , with
Final Census data compiled through July 2008
Data listed in order of descending volume exported during the year - 2007
Steel mill categories are defined by 10-digit HTS codes
To see License Data at HTS 6-digit level click on chart title at the top of the page.

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