Wyoming News Release
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August 28, 2006
Contact: Lesley A. Collins,

Outlaw 2 Fire Update 2

Outlaw 2 continues to burn 20 miles southwest of Kaycee, WY in Johnson County. The fire is currently 12, 238 acres, and is 40 percent contained. The fire, reported at 4:04 p.m. on August 22, 2006, was started by lightning.

There are currently 3 fire crews along with the Craig Hotshots that arrived this morning. Resources also include 23 engines, 2 dozers, 2 water tenders, 2 National Guard Black Hawk helicopters, and 1 interagency helicopter. There are 175 people total working on the Outlaw 2 Fire.

Cooler moisture and precipitation last night helped suppression efforts. Crews were able to finish dozer lines, complete a burn out operation on the north side of the fire, and cool off the perimeter of the southwest and northwest sides of the fire using air resources.

According to Incident Commander Steven Haines, “We are going to take advantage of the cooler weather today and go direct. Crews will complete mop up around structures and secure the perimeter of the fire. Aerial resources will be used for support in the canyons.”

Firefighter and public safety is the top priority for the Outlaw 2 Fire. Please refrain from driving into the fire area if you are not part of the suppression efforts.

Everyone living in the wildland urban interface should consider ways to make their property firewise. Create and maintain defensible space around structures and utilize fire resistant building materials. For more information see www.firewise.org or www.rockymountainwildlandfire.info. The National Fire Prevention team stationed in Casper provides defensible space assessments. If you would like to schedule one for your property call: 307-251-0567or email: wyfpet06@yahoo.com.


Last updated: 03-03-2007