Northeast Region

Northeast Region: Waltham, MA (Boston)

Press Release, September 2004

National Archives is Waltham Polling Station, Announces Election Related Exhibits

Waltham, MA... The National Archives-Northeast Regional facility at 380 Trapelo Road will be a polling station for the City of Waltham in the fall of 2004.

The Massachusetts State Primary will be held Tuesday, September 14. General elections will be held on Tuesday, November 2.

On Wednesday, October 6 at 6:30 PM, State Senator Susan Fargo, Waltham Mayor Jeannette McCarthy, United States Marshal Anthony Dichio, and NARA Regional Administrator Diane P. LeBlanc will perform a ribbon cutting ceremony to officially open three new election related exhibits. A special Open House and Tour will also be held for Waltham residents.

"The Arrest, Trial, and Conviction of Susan B. Anthony for Illegal Voting" will explore events surrounding the champion of women's suffrage and the election of 1872. The exhibit consists of original Federal court documents from the National Archives' holdings, and other materials. Featured documents will include records reflecting the role of the United States Marshal, including the order to deliver Susan B. Anthony to county jail.

Two exhibits will be available to the public in time for the primary on September 14. "Presidential Acts and New England History", contains original Federal documents from the National Archives in Waltham, which reveal how Presidents have exercised their executive power in New England during the past 200 years.

The third exhibit, "The Electoral College" shows original New England Federal court certifications of Electoral College votes cast for Presidents and Vice Presidents with New England roots, including John F. Kennedy and Calvin Coolidge. Accompanying the documents will be information on the origin of the Electoral College system, early problems encountered with the system, and a brief look at the elections of four presidents who received fewer popular votes than their opponent but who received more Electoral College votes, including John Quincy Adams and George W. Bush.

The National Archives-Northeast Region in Waltham is open to the public Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., and the first and third Saturday of each month 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., excluding Federal holidays.

The National Archives and Records Administration is an independent Federal agency that preserves the nation's history by overseeing the management of all Federal records. The mission of the National Archives is to ensure, for the Citizen and the Public Servant, for the President and the Congress and the Courts, ready access to essential evidence.

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The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
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