[NIFL-FAMILY:1233] Forward of "Thursday Notes"

From: Jon Lee (jlee@famlit.org)
Date: Sun Jul 21 2002 - 10:09:24 EDT

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Some good news here....

Thursday Notes

>From the Division of Adult Education and Literacy

Office of Vocational and Adult Education

Editor: Sarah Newcomb
Production: Rose Tilghman

July 18, 2002

FY '03: Senate
Committee Says
Level Funding

On July 17, the Senate appropriations committee approved FY '03 funding for
adult education state grants, national leadership, literacy for prisoners,
and Even Start at last year's levels. In the Senate scenario, state grants
would get $575M, national leadership $9.5M, literacy for prisoners $5M, and
Even Start $250M. Community Technology Centers would receive $32.475M.
Contact <mailto:braden.goetz@ed.gov>

Towey on
Loan to CFC

Division Director Cheryl Keenan recently announced that Dr. Carroll Towey
has been nominated for and accepted by the Loaned Executive Program to serve
the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) for five months. Towey will help
generate strategies for the charitable giving campaign that solicits
contributions from all federal employees for local, state, national and
international charitable organizations. He will begin training next month
when he moves to the CFC. We look forward to his return January 1.
Congratulate Carroll at <mailto:carroll.towey@ed.gov>

Adult Learning
Now on Web

OVAE's Community Partnerships for Adult Learning just launched its website
with information to help adult educators form new partnerships or enhance
existing ones. It features a toolbox of how-to's, research, and related
websites organized by topic (creating communities, curriculum and
instruction, professional development, workforce development, technology,
and program assessment). Check it out at http://www.c-pal.net  Comments to

For Sale

Aliza Becker's new handbook on naturalization has just been released for
purchase from The Catholic Legal Immigration Network. Citizenship for Us,
which sells for $25, offers a highly documented and up-to-date analysis of
citizenship eligibility, requirements and benefits using simple English.
Order at http://www.cliniclegal.org


A Fact Sheet from the Division of Adult Education and Literacy

Office of Vocational and Adult Education

OVAE Homepage http://www.ed.gov/offices/OVAE/

Jon Lee
Training Specialist
NIFL-Family list moderator
National Center for Family Literacy
325 West Main St, Suite 300
Louisville, KY 40202-4237
Phone: 502.584.1133 x175
Fax: 502.584.0172

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