[NIFL-FAMILY:1111] Re: and, to add

From: Gail Spangenberg (gspangenberg@caalusa.org)
Date: Wed May 22 2002 - 08:13:07 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-FAMILY:1111] Re: and, to add
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Friends, If the purpose of adding titles is to help extend CAAL's 
list, this is just a reminder that a major criterion is that the work 
should be based on original, hard research, equal in rigor to the 
"scientific" research done in other disciplines -- though we realize 
this isn't always easy to determine.  Many thanks. Gail S

>Dear all,
>In addition to those research documents I submitted to the CAAL 
>study, these occur to me as being particularly relevant at the 
>moment, for your consideration/fyi
>Rivera, K. M. (1999). From developing one's voice to making oneself 
>heard: Affecting language policy from the bottom up. In T. Huebner, 
>K. Davis (Eds.), Socio- political perspectives on language policy 
>and language planning, pp. 333-346. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: 
>Rivera, K. M. (1999). Popular research and social transformation: A 
>community-based approach to critical pedagogy. TESOL Quarterly, 33, 
>Taylor. D. (1997). Many families, many literacies: An international 
>declaration of principles. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
>other suggestions?
>Janet Isserlis

Gail Spangenberg
Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy
1221 Avenue of the Americas - 50th Floor
New York, NY 10020
212-512-2362, fax 212-512-2610

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