[NIFL-FAMILY:705] Re: Hail and Farewell to the NIFL-Family moderator

From: Jessica Fitzpatrick (jbfitz@optonline.net)
Date: Sun Feb 03 2002 - 10:21:33 EST

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From: Jessica Fitzpatrick <jbfitz@optonline.net>
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Subject: [NIFL-FAMILY:705] Re: Hail and Farewell to the NIFL-Family moderator
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Just wanted to add my sincere thanks to you, Nancy for the wonderful job 
you've done as list moderator.  And welcome to Jon.  Looking forward to 
what I know will be your excellent "leadership".  Looking forward to seeing 
y'all at the conference.

At 10:57 AM 1/31/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Well, this is a tough...and exciting...e-mail message to sent out to you
>Effective February 1:
>Hail to Jon Lee, Family Literacy Training Specialist here at NCFL as the new
>moderator for the NIFL-Family listserv discussion.  Jon has been here at
>NCFL for a year and a half now, and during that time, he has been a great
>asset.  Jon has worked primarily with the Head Start Family Literacy Project
>since joining the staff here, and has been instrumental in exploring an
>emphasis on early literacy development in our work.  He has been an Even
>Start director in Colorado for many years prior to joining us here at NCFL.
>I know you will join me in welcoming him to the list as our moderator.  He
>has been an active participant on the list, so he is no stranger to
>NIFL-Family nor to many of you personally.  He will soon send out a message
>to you all introducing himself more and sharing his ideas for this list.
>And, farewell to "yours truly."  I will still be here at NCFL and continuing
>our work in trainings around the country and providing technical assistance
>to many of the family literacy programs.  When I first came to NCFL over
>three years ago, I was thrilled to be chosen as the moderator of the
>NIFL-Family list, and it has continued to be one of my most rewarding and
>fun assignments.  This list has provided me with a wealth of information and
>has been the conduit for meeting so many of you around the country.
>Y'all are the best.  When I think of how easy you all have made my job and
>how much I have learned from all of you, I will miss this connection with
>you.  I will still be on the list, and I will probably "open my mouth" more
>than is necessary, but I will miss the great opportunities being moderator
>of the list has afforded me.  Continue your strong efforts to keep family
>literacy in the forefront of your community, and continue to serve the
>families well.  Hugs to you all.
>Nancy Sledd, Senior Training Specialist
>National Center for Family Literacy
>325 W Main St   Ste 200
>Louisville KY  40202
>e-mail:  nsledd@famlit.org               phone:  502.584.1133 x 142
>Internet:  http://www.famlit.org/    fax:  502.584.0172
>Thoughts are like arrows:  Once released, they strike their mark.
>Guard them well or one day you may be your own victim.
>-Navajo proverb

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