[NIFL-FAMILY:1110] Re: Be Careful !!

From: Kafka Kali (kafka@pei.sympatico.ca)
Date: Tue May 21 2002 - 16:49:39 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-FAMILY:1110] Re: Be Careful !!
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yep!  Very bad KlezE virus...do not download them...it is also a good
idea to update your virus scanner if you have one.  It is a very recent
virus, not picked up by older scanners.

K Gillis

TPGdirop@aol.com wrote:

> I have not downloaded these files (eager to see you, etc.) but they
> look highly suspicious (viruses?)
> Garry Brown

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yep!&nbsp; Very bad KlezE virus...do not download them...it is also a good
idea to update your virus scanner if you have one.&nbsp; It is a very recent
virus, not picked up by older scanners.
<p>K Gillis
<p>TPGdirop@aol.com wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><font face="arial,helvetica"><font size=-1>I have
not downloaded these files (eager to see you, etc.) but they look highly
suspicious (viruses?)</font></font>
<br><font face="arial,helvetica"><font size=-1>Garry Brown</font></font></blockquote>


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