[NIFL-FAMILY:1350] Even Start Funding

From: Tony Peyton (tpeyton@famlit.org)
Date: Tue Dec 17 2002 - 14:08:14 EST

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Subject: [NIFL-FAMILY:1350] Even Start Funding
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Contact Members of Congress NOW!

$50 Million Cut in Even Start Possible

Contact your Members of Congress and urge them to not cut funding for Even
Start. Let them know what Family Literacy means to families in their
district and state.  If Even Start receives a $50 million cut, funding for
your program may be at risk!

To find your Members of Congress visit:

Recent information indicates that the House and Senate leadership has met
with the White House and have agreed to the following timetable:

January 7 -- Congress Convenes
January 11 -- Current Continuing Resolution expires (Before this time
Congress will pass another short-term Continuing Resolution.)
January 28 -- By this date, Congress will complete action on all FY 2003
appropriations measures, combining the remaining appropriation bills as a
single Omnibus Appropriations Act. This measure will have to be
approximately $8 billion less than what the Senate had been dealing with,
with most of the reductions needed in Labor/HHS appropriations. (It is
likely that the Senate will act first on the new appropriations bill, since
the House can move practically anything with a more comfortable working

This means the Even Start/Family Literacy Community should not hesitate.
House and Senate Appropriations Committee staff will be working through
December to resolve differences between the two bodies and leaders on the
two committees will be making final decisions on every line item --
including Even Start.


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