[NIFL-FAMILY:1028] Re: Parents as first teachers (long)

From: AWilder106@aol.com
Date: Fri Apr 26 2002 - 17:57:34 EDT

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Why don't you try one and see how it goes?  Then you would know whether it 
would suit others or not.  When I had conferences, I always asked first 
something like:  "I am eager to talk about x, but first I would be interested 
to hear from you how the year is going."  Then I could adjust what I said to 
what the parent wanted to say and we could have a real conversation.  I'm 
telling you this because I think you should communicate this to the teacher 
right away.  Don't hold back.  The teacher knows only part of the story, what 
you have to say is crucial.  You may be a novice at flash cards, but you are 
an expert at your child and the teacher needs your help to know how to work 
with your child. 

  Also, I think it is important for the parent to tell what things are 
important to you, goals you might have for your child.  I had a conference 
with a parent once who hesitatingly told me she wanted her daughter to be 
excused early 2 days a week to continue her practice ice skating.  We worked 
it out fine--one happy mother, one happy child.


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