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Good Ways
Eagle's Nest
Good ways are healthy ways that help us keep balance in our lives — body, mind, and spirit.

Many people live in cultures where older people teach wise ways for living in balance. People with diabetes often have stories to share about their struggles for balance and harmony in their lives. We can honor people by listening to and learning from their stories to find meaning and hope for our own lives.

An old, well-loved story, told around the world, is about the turtle and a rabbit. In this story, the turtle outsmarts the other animal to win the race – simply by not giving up and by staying on its path. And it has to stick its neck out! It takes determination like that to face diabetes, day after day, reminding ourselves that we can do it if we stick to it!

There are about 250 kinds of turtles, and almost all have the same pattern on their top shell — 13 plates that fit together in harmony and balance to form a strong shell. The turtle and its shell can remind us of the harmony and balance we seek in all parts of our lives — including living with diabetes.


Balance is a key word for health. We strive for balance in all parts of our lives — as part of the rhythm of life. You can read this story at

Here are some ways to stay healthy and balanced:

We Need Our Zzzzzzzzzz!

During the day, we work hard. Then we let our bodies and minds rest so we can recharge for the next day. Sleep is a big deal! Find out how important sleep is at

Healthy Foods

Every day we choose foods that help us grow safe and strong — for today and for the future. Sometimes we choose to have a treat — like birthday cake or a cookie. Visit these sites and Energy  to learn more.

Safety First!

Every day – every minute – safety counts.

Go to for great tips and stories about safety for kids!

Check out this website about safety

More on safety!

You’ll find some good, safe ways to prepare foods at

Reach Out for Help When You Need It

If you are struggling with diabetes or other challenges, you are not alone. There are many people who care about you and who want to help you stay healthy and happy. Reach out for help. Talk to someone in your family or where you worship, an older friend, a school counselor, doctor, or diabetes educator. It might help to write down your feelings in a journal. If you still feel down or sad, ask your parents to help you find a counselor. You can learn more at

More good tips on handling stress are available at  If you live with diabetes, be sure to visit (PDF logo PDF - 199 KB). – Learn more about PDFs

Lend a Hand

Another good way to be — and to find balance — is to help others. Some kids help family members or they volunteer in their communities. Just be sure you talk with your parents before you volunteer! Read more about “lending a hand” at

More About Balance in Nature

Keeping balance in the rhythm of life is part of all life. The change from day to night and from season to season reminds us of balance. Farmers plant seeds at a certain time and harvest their crops at another. Farmers also rotate their crops to balance the soil. One type of crop is planted and then years later, a different crop is planted in the same soil. Learn more about farming at*.

For many people, the eagle is a respected symbol of power and balance. In flight, eagles keep their balance, often using the wind, and even the storms, to rise above obstacles. There are so many fascinating facts about eagles! They build round nests, often balanced high in a tree, in the spring they care for their young for the next two seasons. Learn more about eagles at
You might also want to learn about park rangers and what they do to protect our natural resources and our cultural heritage. You might even want to become a webranger! Here’s how  

* Links to non-Federal organizations are provided solely as a service to our users. Links do not constitute an endorsement of any organization by CDC or the Federal Government, and none should be inferred. The CDC is not responsible for the content of the individual organization Web pages found at this link.


Page last reviewed: July 12, 2007
Page last modified:
November 14, 2007
Content Source: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Division of Diabetes Translation

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United States Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Division of Diabetes Translation