OVAE News for 2006
Archived Information

Spring 2006 Community College Working Group Meeting

In May 2006, OVAE convened a community college working group meeting focusing on the American Competitiveness Initiative (ACI). Proposed by President George W. Bush in his January 2006 State of the Union Address, the ACI is designed to build upon our nation's success in mathematics, science, and technology. Because a basic tenet of the initiative is to strengthen our ability to develop a highly skilled workforce and prepare students for the competitive global economy of the 21st century, community colleges will have a key role to play in its success. The working group participants included community college presidents and other campus leaders, leaders in K-12 education, and business representatives. The first panel explored how business and industry alliances can enhance academic goals and workforce readiness. Panelists included representatives from three community colleges and the CEO of the Texas Chamber of Commerce. The second panel addressed the types of programs, initiatives, and core curricula that need to be in place to better prepare students for college and to help them be more competitive in a global workforce. Panelists included a school district superintendent, a high school principal, and a community college representative. Facilitated group discussion centered on identifying best practices and overcoming challenges in implementing those practices. Select this link to view previous year meetings.

Workforce Innovations 2006 Regional Strategies. . .Global Results: Talent Driving Prosperity

This annual national conference is co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration (ETA) and the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD). Local, state and national workforce leaders and their partners from industry, education, and economic development gather to sort through issues and look at the workforce challenges facing our country.

For more information and registration information, visit their website: www.WorkforceInnovations.org

Last Modified: 10/16/2007