2007 MAY–JUNE; 356
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May 23, 2007 [posted]

New and Improved PubMed®/Entrez and New URL

NCBI is changing to a new version of the Entrez system in a phased implementation beginning today. The new system offers more flexibility and will serve as the foundation for creating the next generation of features and capabilities for Entrez databases.

Users had a preview of the new system recently when a "Beta" version was made available. See NCBI to Introduce Changes to the Entrez System for a description of some of the changes that are included with the introduction of the new system.

We’ve Moved!

Our Web address has changed slightly: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez

Please note that links using the old URL, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=PubMed, will point to the new address and continue to work. New links should be created using the instructions found in Help, Creating a Web Link to the Entrez Databases.

Our easy address, PubMed.gov, is still an option.

By Annette M. Nahin
MEDLARS Management Section

Nahin AM. New and Improved PubMed®/Entrez and New URL. NLM Tech Bull. 2007 May-Jun; (356):e4.