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Watch Your Weight

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Eat Smaller Portions
Eating healthy food is important. But you also need to pay attention to how much food you eat. Here are some tips:

  • Eat small, healthy snacks during the day. This will keep you from over-eating at mealtimes.
  • Don’t eat out of the bag or package. Instead, put a small amount of food in a bowl.
  • Serve food on plates and leave the main dish on the stove. You will be less tempted to go back for seconds.
  • If you are eating out, only eat half of your meal. Take the other half home with you.
  • Read the label to find out how many servings are in a package. There may be more than one!
  • Eat slowly – this will give you time to feel full.

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Start Today: Small Steps

Learn how losing weight can help lower your risk of heart disease; overweight and obesity; and some cancers such as colorectal cancer.

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