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Oral Complications of Chemotherapy and Head/Neck Radiation (PDQ®)
Patient VersionHealth Professional VersionEn españolLast Modified: 11/06/2008
Management Guidelines Relative to Invasive Dental Procedures

Medical Status   Guideline   Comments 
Patients with chronic indwelling venous access lines (e.g., Hickman). AHA prophylactic antibiotic recommendations (low risk). There is no clear scientific proof detailing infectious risk for these lines following dental procedures. This recommendation is empiric.
Neutrophils Order CBC with differential.
>2,000/mm3 No prophylactic antibiotics.
1,000–2,000/mm3 AHA prophylactic antibiotic recommendations (low risk). Clinical judgment is critical. If infection is present or unclear, more aggressive antibiotic therapy may be indicated.
<1,000/mm3 Amikacin 150 mg/m2 1 hour before surgery; ticarcillin 75 mg/kg IV ½ hour before surgery. Repeat both 6 hours postoperatively. If organisms are known or suspected, appropriate adjustments should be made based on sensitivities.
Platelets* Order platelet count and coagulation tests.
>75,000/mm3 No additional support needed.
40,000–75,000/mm3 Platelet transfusions are optional; consider administering preoperatively and 24 hours later. Additional transfusions are based on clinical course. Utilize techniques to promote establishing and maintaining control of bleeding (i.e., sutures, pressure packs, minimize trauma).
<40,000/mm3 Platelets should be transfused 1 hour before procedure, immediately obtain platelet count, transfuse regularly to maintain counts above 30,000–40,000/mm3 until initial healing has occurred. In addition to above, consider using hemostatic agents (i.e., microfibrillar collagen, topical thrombin). Monitor sites carefully.

CBC = complete blood cell count; IV = intravenous.
*Assumes that all other coagulation parameters are within normal limits and that platelet counts will be maintained at or above the specified level until initial stabilization/healing has occurred.

A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health