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 NIOSH Publication No. 2004-146

Worker Health Chartbook 2004

 Worker Health Chartbook > Appendix A > The Center to Protect Workers’ Rights (CPWR)
Appendix A

The Center to Protect Workers' Rights (CPWR)

CPWR is a research, development, and training arm of the Building and Construction Trades Department—the 15 construction unions in the AFL-CIO. Since 1990, CPWR has conducted much of its safety and health research under a cooperative agreement with NIOSH. The overriding goal for CPWR has been to build a safety culture in the construction industry—improving work conditions while lowering long-term costs and improving productivity. To help address the issues and find solutions, CPWR has led a consortium of experts at leading universities, government agencies, unions, and corporations (project owners, contractors, and insurers). The consortium has used a variety of approaches to improve safety and health, including on-site interventions, national meetings, and publications for a broad audience. Research publications include technical reports and the groundbreaking Construction Chartbook: the U.S. Construction Industry and its Workers, first published in 1997. The third edition, completed in 2002, is available at or

For further information, contact

Janie Gittleman, Ph.D., M.R.P.
Associate Director, Safety and Health Research
Center to Protect Workers’ Rights
Suite 1000
8484 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Telephone: 301–578–8500, extension 107
Cell phone: 202–302–1340
Fax: 301–578–8572

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