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California office of USDA-NASS

Grape Acreage Reports Listing

Released: Annually in April
(starting with 2005 crop year)

NOTE: The California Field Office of USDA/NASS annually conducts an acreage survey of California grape growers. This is a continuation of a long series of annual surveys to provide grape acreage by type, variety, county, year planted, and Grape Crush (pricing) Districts. We sincerely thank the many farm operators, owners, and management firms providing the information. Funding was provided by an assessment on wine grapes, as well as from the California Table Grape Commission and the Raisin Administrative Committee.

Previous Bulletins
Year Format
2007 PDF XLS
2006 PDF XLS
2005 PDF XLS
2004 PDF XLS
2003a/ PDF XLS
2002a/ PDF XLS
2001a/ PDF XLS
2000 PDF XLS
1999 PDF XLS
1998 PDF XLS
1997 PDF XLS
1996 PDF XLS
1995 PDF XLS
1994 PDF XLS
1993 PDF XLS
1992 PDF XLS
1991 PDF XLS

a/ Raisin varietal data not available for
these years due to lack of funding.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
For California Email or call
(916) 498-5161.

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