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California office of USDA-NASS

Historical Data

The USDA, NASS, California Field Office annually revises the historic commodity and principal crops data. The series will be updated throughout the year as new data becomes available. They are open to revisions and may change. Also, some data sets may have been discontinued or have breaks due to changes in the programs. The current year's forecasts or estimates will not be shown on the historical tables. For the current year's statistical information, refer to the monthly reviews.

This data is available in the following file formats: Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) and Excel (XLS).

When PDF files are downloaded to your computer and displayed using the free Acrobat Reader, the files will display as an on-screen publication. You will need the Acrobat Reader on your computer in order to read the files. If you have not already downloaded the free Acrobat Reader, you should download it now from the Adobe web site.

Principal Crops
(Rev. 10/01/2007)
File Format
Harvested Acreage, 1950-2006 PDF XLS
Production, 1950-2006 PDF XLS
Value, 1950-2006 PDF XLS

Commodities are listed alphabetically
by commodity group.
Field Crops Fruit and Nut Crops Livestock and Dairy Vegetable and Melon Crops

Commodities By
Commodity Group
File Format
Field Crops (Rev. 10/01/2007)
Barley, 1867-2006 PDF XLS
Beans, All Dry, 1909-2006 PDF XLS
     Grain, 1866-2006 PDF XLS
     Silage, 1919-2006 PDF XLS
     All, 1910-2006 PDF XLS
     American Pima, 1941-2006 PDF XLS
     Upland, 1941-2006 PDF XLS
Cottonseed, 1910-2006 PDF XLS
     All, 1909-2006 PDF XLS
     Alfalfa, 1919-2006 PDF XLS
     Other, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
Oats, 1867-2006 PDF XLS
Potatoes, Irish:    
     All, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     Fall, 1984-2006 PDF XLS
     Spring, 1984-2006 PDF XLS
     Summer, 1984-2006 PDF XLS
     Winter, 1984-2006 PDF XLS
Potatoes, Sweet, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     All, 1912-2006 PDF XLS
     Long Grain, 1982-2006 PDF XLS
     Medium Grain, 1972-2006 PDF XLS
     Short Grain, 1972-2006 PDF XLS
     Grain, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     Silage, 1944-2006 PDF XLS
Sugar Beets, 1910-2006 PDF XLS
     All, 1866-2006 PDF XLS
     Durum, 1956-2006 PDF XLS
     Winter, 1909-2006
      (excludes Durum)
Fruit and Nut Crops (Rev. 10/01/2007)
Almonds, 1909-2006 PDF XLS
Apples, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
Apricots, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
Avocados, 1925-2006 PDF XLS
     Boysenberries, 1981-2006 PDF XLS
     Raspberries, 1981-2006 PDF XLS
          All, 1918-2006 PDF XLS
          Fresh, 1939-2006 PDF XLS
          Processing, 1939-2006 PDF XLS
Cherries, Sweet, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
Dates, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
Figs, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
Grapefruit, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     All, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     Raisin, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     Table, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     Wine, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
Kiwifruit, 1980-2006 PDF XLS
Lemons, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
Nectarines, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
Olives, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     All, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     Navel, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     Valencia, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     All, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     Clingstone, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     Freestone, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     All, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     Bartlett, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     Other, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
Pecans, 1979-2006 PDF XLS
Pistachios, 1977-2006 PDF XLS
     Fresh Market, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     Dried (Prunes), 1920-2006 PDF XLS
Tangerines, 1962-2006
      (includes Mandarins and Hybrids,
      Tangelos, and Tangors)
Walnuts, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
Livestock and Dairy (Rev. 10/01/2007)
Bee Colonies and Honey, 1944-2006 PDF XLS
Broilers, 1934-2006 PDF XLS
Cattle and Calves, 1924-2006 PDF XLS
Cattle and Calves by Class, 1867-2006 PDF XLS
Cattle on Feed, 1994-2006 PDF XLS
Eggs, 1924-2006 PDF XLS
Hogs and Pigs, 1924-2006 PDF XLS
Livestock, All, 1924-2006
      (includes cattle and calves, hogs
      and pigs, and sheep and lambs)
Milk Cows and Production, 1924-2006 PDF XLS
Milk Production, 1935-2006 PDF XLS
Sheep and Lambs, All, 1924-2006 PDF XLS
Sheep and Lambs, Shorn, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
Turkeys, 1929-2006 PDF XLS
Vegetable and Melon Crops (Rev. 10/01/2007)
Artichokes, 1925-2006 PDF XLS
Asparagus, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
Beans, Fresh Snap, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
Broccoli, 1939-2006 PDF XLS
Brussels Sprouts, 1949-2006 PDF XLS
Cabbage, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     All, 1925-2006 PDF XLS
     Fresh Market, 1993-2006 PDF XLS
     Processing, 1993-2006 PDF XLS
Cauliflower, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
Celery, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
Corn, Sweet, 1949-2006 PDF XLS
    Fresh Market, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
    For Pickles, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
Eggplant, 2000-2006 PDF XLS
Escarole/Endive, 2000-2006 PDF XLS
Garlic, 1922-2006 PDF XLS
    Collard, 2000-2006 PDF XLS
    Kale, 2000-2006 PDF XLS
    Mustard, 2000-2006 PDF XLS
     All, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     Head, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     Leaf, 1992-2006 PDF XLS
     Romaine, 1992-2006 PDF XLS
     Cantaloupe, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     Honeydew, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     Watermelon, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
Mushrooms, 1973-2006 PDF XLS
     All, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     Processing, 1998-2006 PDF XLS
     Spring, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     Summer Non-Storage, 2000-2006 PDF XLS
     Summer Storage, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     Bell, 1925-2006 PDF XLS
     Chili, 1929-2006 PDF XLS
Pumpkins, 2000-2006 PDF XLS
Radishes, 2000-2006 PDF XLS
Spinach, Fresh Market, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
Spinach, Processing, 2002-2006 PDF XLS
Squash, 2000-2006 PDF XLS
     Fresh Market, 1920-2006 PDF XLS
     Processing, 1920-2006 PDF XLS

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
For California Email or call
(916) 498-5161.

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