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National Health Interview
Survey (NHIS)
Celebrating the First 50 years:

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Major Changes

Data Collection Technology and Physical Activity Questions 

Major changes in data collection technology:

bulletFrom 1963 through 1996, the NHIS questionnaire was printed as a paper booklet. The interviewer read the questions and wrote the answers in the booklet. Results were subsequently keyed into a computer in preparation for data processing.

 From 1997 through 2003, the NHIS used CASES software for computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI). The interviewer read the questions and entered the responses directly into a laptop computer.

 In 2004 the NHIS questionnaire converted from CASES to BLAISE CAPI software. This technology continues to the present.

Major changes in physical activity questions:

bulletIn 1975, questions on leisure-time physical activity were first introduced in the NHIS, as part of a special topic supplement.

bulletIn 1985, the NHIS became the federal government’s tool for monitoring progress toward National Health Objectives for Physical Activity. A set of questions about more than 22 leisure-time sports activities, including frequency, duration, and intensity of each activity during the past 2 weeks, was included in supplements variously titled “Health Promotion and Disease Prevention” and “Healthy People” that were fielded in 1985, 1990, 1991, 1995, and 1998.

bulletIn 1997, questions on usual leisure-time physical activity were first included in the NHIS annual core questionnaire, in the Sample Adult component. These questions have remained unchanged mid-year 1997.

bulletIn 1998, the NHIS questionnaire included both the 2-week sports activity questions (in the Healthy People supplement questionnaire) and the usual leisure-time physical activity questions (in the annual Sample Adult core questionnaire). Both sets of questions were asked of the same sample adult respondents in the same interview. For a comparison of these two physical activity measures, see Comparison of Two Sets of Physical Activity Questions.



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National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)
Celebrating the First 50 years: 1957-2007
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This page last reviewed September 09, 2008

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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