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Epidemiology Elective Program for Senior Medical and Veterinary Students

This program provides medical and veterinary students with an introduction to public health, preventive medicine, and principles of applied epidemiology, all under the mentorship of experienced CDC epidemiologists. Students have the opportunity to assist in epidemiologic investigations, including those with regard to cancer, congenital malformations, environmental and occupational diseases, intentional and unintentional injuries, chronic diseases, reproductive health, and population dynamics.

Students work on diverse projects. Some become coauthors on publications of major health importance. Others participate in investigations of public health problems.



Elective assignments are available from September through early June, depending on the student’s program of study and elective schedule.


Students who are selected for the program must pay the cost of the round-trip transportation to Atlanta and their living expenses during the elective. However, travel and living expenses related to field investigations away from Atlanta are paid by CDC.

Student Comments about the Program

"This elective was one of the highlights of my medical school experience."

"This was a great experience for me. I learned that veterinarians are very much needed in public health. I also got a firsthand look at the professional life of a person in the public health field and decided that it is a career worth pursuing. Thanks!"

"I had a fantastic time working with my mentor, Dr. James Alexander. The project set up for me was small enough to make significant headway, yet complex enough to allow me to grapple with many epidemiologic concepts. Jim was excellent, bright, and patient. He spent much time explaining things, yet he gave me plenty of room to exercise independent judgment."

"Great elective! The outbreak investigation was a particularly valuable experience. I enjoyed the opportunity to see a project from inception to completion."

"My experience was textbook and I won't hesitate to recommend this opportunity to anyone in the veterinary or medical professional programs."



Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • be currently enrolled in a school accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, the American Osteopathic Association, or the American Veterinary Medical Association;
  • be a medical or veterinary student in their junior year at the time of application;
  • be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident; and
  • be available for at least 6 weeks during their senior year.


Assignment Locations

Most assignments are based at CDC headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. However, assignments are also based within other agencies and cities.

  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in Cincinnati, Ohio; Morgantown, West Virginia; or Anchorage, Alaska
  • Indian Health Service in Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases in Fort Collins, Colorado
  • Arctic Investigation Lab in Anchorage, Alaska


Application Information

For more information, download the Instructions for Application to the Medical and Veterinary Student Epidemiology Elective PDF document (PDF) (346 KB, 7 pages).


Application Deadlines

For students entering September–December

All application materials, including letters of reference, must be postmarked by March 30 of the applicant’s junior year. Students will be notified by mid-July, or as soon as selections have been made.


For students entering January–June

All application materials, including letters of reference, must be postmarked by May 30 of the applicant’s junior year. Students will be notified by the mid-September, or as soon as selections have been made.



Ms. Douglas, Program Coordinator (contractor)

Epidemiology Elective Program

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

1600 Clifton Rd., NE

Mailstop E-92

Atlanta, GA 30333 USA


Phone: 404-498-6152



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