Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
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Press Releases

October 23, 2003  
Nomination to Be Referred to Senate Governmental Affairs Committee
WASHINGTON, D.C.-Senate Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Susan Collins (R-ME) today issued the following statement on the President’s nomination of retired Coast Guard Admiral James M. Loy to be Deputy Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. The nomination would be referred to her committee, which has jurisdiction over the department.

“Admiral Loy has front-line experience in homeland security, as well as the credibility and resourcefulness that is needed for this challenging position. I think this was an excellent choice. I intend to hold the confirmation hearing as soon as possible, after the nomination is received by the Senate. This is a critically important job and I would like to get Admiral Loy confirmed expeditiously."
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October 2003 Press Releases
September   November   --   2002   2004  
October 31 - Education Secretary Pledges to Work With Chairman Collins To Combat Use of Diploma Mill Degrees

October 24 - Senate Approves Collins’ Contracting Amendment in Treasury-Postal Spending Bill

October 24 - Sen. Collins Seeks Explanation of Why Contracting Waivers Have Been Granted to MCI

October 23 current Press Release

October 22 - Committee Approves Bills Affecting Homeland Security, the Federal Workforce, and D.C.

October 22 - Committee Approves Collins’ Bill to Provide Cutting Edge Counterterrorism Equipment to Communities

October 22 - Committee Approves Collins’ Bill to Provide Budget Autonomy to the District of Columbia

October 21 - Federal Electronic Rulemaking Progresses, But More Work is Needed

October 20 - Collins Commends Small Business Administration for Issuing New Contracting Regulations

October 17 - DOD Privacy Protections Questioned by Bipartisan Trio; Collection of JetBlue Passenger Information May Have Violated the Law

October 17 - Chairman Collins Introduces Bill to Create National Women’s History Museum

October 15 - Sen. Collins Takes Steps to Strengthen U.S. Seaports Against Terrorist Attacks

October 9 - Chairman Collins Commends FDA for Issuing New Food Safety Regulations

October 2 - Senate Governmental Affairs Committee Approves Department of Homeland Security Nomination

October 2 - Chairman Collins Introduces Bill to Improve Mental Health Services for Children

October 1 - Chairman Collins Calls for Federal Real Property Reform

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Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510