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International Committee of the Red Cross
an independent, neutral organization ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of war and armed violence.
Food crisis: it's not enough just to deliver food
As the worldwide food crisis deepens, the ICRC's Alain Mourey underlines the need to analyse the root causes, which can vary depending on the region. The author of the ICRC’s nutrition manual explains why it is not enough merely to supply the needy with food rations.
Afghanistan: feeding families in need
This month, in north-west Afghanistan, the ICRC is distributing food to 280,000 people. Hundreds of thousands of Afghans in the region may have to leave their homes this winter because of drought, insecurity and rising food prices. See also British Red Cross Press Release and TV News Footage on the ICRC's work in Kunduz.  15-9-2008
Democratic Republic of the Congo: renewed fighting hits civilians
Fighting resumed in August between the DRC armed forces and armed groups, dramatically worsening the plight of civilians and forcing 100,000 people in North and South Kivu to flee their homes. Interview with the ICRC's head of delegation in the DRC. See also operational update  13-9-2008

More highlights
Twenty years after the end of the Iran-Iraq war, tens of thousands of combatants still unaccounted for
ICRC statements at the United Nations 63rd General Assembly, 2008
Georgia: ICRC continues to assist the most vulnerable
Philippines: helping people cope with displacement and torrential rain
Brazil: the Red Cross helps the people of Rio you won’t see on postcards
Update: US detention related to the events of 11 September 2001 and its aftermath

New publications and films Sign up for new releases
Enhancing protection for civilians in armed conflict and other situations of violence
This brochure presents the methods used by the ICRC to develop activities aimed at improving the protection of civilians in armed conflict or other situations of violence. It proposes a step-by-step approach in promoting a multidisciplinary response to protection needs.  10-10-2008
Red Cross/Red Crescent Magazine: "Shelter: beyond tents and tarpaulins" – Edition 2, 2008
How can we help people fleeing their homes following natural disaster or armed conflict? What type of shelter can the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement offer them? Also in this issue: the global food crisis; fighting in Chad; the cyclone in Myanmar; the earthquake in China and female genital mutilation in Cameroon.  5-9-2008

SWIRMO 2008 - Senior Workshop on International Rules Governing Military Operations
Following the success of the SWIRMO 2007, the ICRC has decided to make the workshop an annual event. The SWIRMO 2008 will again take in some 60 officers from around the world to explore principles and problems related to the law of armed conflict for two weeks.   22-9-2008
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