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Web sites. Read the
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Crime Clock (Digital)
NCVRW 2007 Web Banner
(468 x 60 pixels)

Web banner for National Crime Victims' Rights Week, April 22-28, 2007 - See Long Description
The statistics displayed in this banner were extracted from the Crime Clock poster, a component found in the 2007 NCVRW Resource Guide.

This banner was made to link to

If you use this banner, link it to this URL.


The crime clock (digital) banner contains a set of .swf (flash files) and an .html file. These elements are compressed in a zipped file. To use this banner,

  1. Download the zipped ncvrw2007banner_crimeclock_digital.zip file to your desktop.
  2. You will require a decompression utility to unzip the file. You can download WinZip for PC at www.winzip.com or Aladdin Extractor for Macintosh and PC at http://www.stuffit.com/win/expander/index.html.
  3. Double-click the zipped file. Select all the files and extract them to a folder on your computer.
  4. Once you have decompressed the zip file, you will see an HTML page titled "ncvrw2007banner_crimeclock_digital2.html." This will serve as your working HTML file from which you can "cut and paste" code to use on your Web site.
*Zip is a compression utility program. Multiple files can be compressed and archived within a single zip file.

Note: You may need to have a Flash player installed to view some of OVC’s Web banners. You can download it for free at Adobe's Flash Player Download Center.

If you experience technical difficulties downloading the OVC Web banners, contact AskOVC. For software or plug-in support, visit OVC's User Tips page.

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This document was last updated on June 19, 2008