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Key Facts at a Glance
Crime reported to police

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Percent of crime reported to police by ethnicity of the victim

  Violent crime Property crime*
  Total Hispanic


  Total Hispanic Non
Average 44.7% 46.0% 44.5%   35.5% 32.1% 35.9%
1992-1993 42.7 42.6 42.8   33.4 30.6 33.7
1994-1995 41.2 40.0 41.3   33.4 29.2 33.8
1996-1997 43.6 46.3 43.2   34.9 28.9 35.6
1998-1999 45.0 43.4 45.1   34.6 30.0 35.0
2000-2001 48.6 53.9 47.8   36.4 32.2 36.9
2002-2003 48.0 48.0 47.9   39.3 37.5 39.5
2004-2005 48.7 51.8 48.3   39.3 37.1 39.7
*by ethnicity of household head

Note: Violent crimes include: rape/sexual assault, robbery, aggravated and simple assault. Property crimes include: household burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft.

Two year average percentages are presented to minimize year to year fluctuations that may be present because of declining sample sizes. See Criminal Victimization, 2005.

Source: The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) Ongoing since 1972, this survey of households interviews about 134,000 persons age 12 and older in 77,200 households each year about their victimizations from crime.
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