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Improving medication management for older adult clients.


  • Bergman-Evans B. Improving medication management for older adult clients. Iowa City (IA): University of Iowa Gerontological Nursing Interventions Research Center, Research Dissemination Core; 2004 Oct. 55 p. [135 references]


This is the current release of the guideline.



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The grades of evidence (A-D) are defined at the end of the "Major Recommendations".

Description of Practice

Practice Model

The Medication Management Outcome Monitor (see Appendix E in the original guideline document) will guide the initial assessment and subsequent evaluations preferably at six-month intervals for stable clients and more frequently for those experiencing acute illness or exacerbations of chronic disease. The Medication Assessment Tool (see Appendix B in the original guideline document) is useful for recording data needed to evaluate the outcomes.

Outcome 1: Reduce Inappropriate Prescribing


  • Community dwelling older adults: Patients or their families will be instructed to bring all medications in their original containers. The directions will include herbs, vitamins, and prescription and nonprescription medications. This assessment will be performed at least yearly (Colt & Shapiro, 1989: Fillit et al., 1999; Knight & Avorn, 2001; Nathan et al., 1999) (Evidence Grade = C).
  • For individuals residing in long term care facilities, monthly medication review is completed by consulting pharmacists. These medication reviews have repeatedly been found to have a positive effect on clinical and economic outcomes (Gupchup, Vogenbeg, & Larrat, 2001; Harrison, Bootman, & Cox, 1998). Consultation between pharmacy and nursing is imperative, but given the complexity of medication regimens in long term care, nurses and providers must also evaluate routine and as needed (prn) usage from the medication administration record. These evaluations should correspond with the admission process and at scheduled periodic reviews (Ouslander & Osterweil, 1996; Torrible & Hogan, 1997) (Evidence Grade = C).
  • The assessment data will then be compared to the Beer's list (See Appendix A-1 and A-2 in the original guideline document) to ascertain appropriateness of current medication regimen (Fick et al., 2003) (Evidence Grade = C).

Assessment Action

  • Medications found to be in conflict with the Beer's list should be discontinued unless compelling evidence exists for continuance (Fick et al., 2003; Doucet et al., 1996) (Evidence Grade = B).
  • The Beer's list should be used when planning medication initiation, reviewing established medication regimens, or making changes in the medication regimen (Fick et al., 2003; Doucet et al., 1996) (Evidence Grade = C).

Clinical Practice Guidelines:


  • The list of chronic conditions should be compared with the medications prescribed.

Assessment Action

  • Unless contraindicated, health professionals should follow treatment guidelines for chronic and acute disorders that affect older adults ("Collaborative overview," 1994; Berlowitz et al., 1998; Edep et al., 1997; Fonarow, 2002; Fonarow et al., 2001; Lipton et al., 1992; Miettinen et al., 1997; Mulrow et al., 1994; Rochon & Gurwitz, 1999; Staessen, Gasowski, & Wang, 2000; United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) 1998; Yusuf et al, 1985) (Evidence Grade = B).



  • For clients in the community, professionals should ask whether the present medication regimen or new prescriptions are/will be responsible for an undue financial burden (Conn, Taylor, & Stineman, 1992; Coons et al., 1994; Col, Fanale, & Kronholm, 1990) (Evidence Grade = C).
  • For nursing home clients, professionals should consider if the drug regimen prescribed is both the most efficacious and economical possible (Schmader et al., 1994) (Evidence Grade = D).

Assessment Action



  • Clients should be asked the following compliance questions:
    • Are they taking the medication(s) as prescribed (Schaffer & Yoon, 2001)
    • If they have any questions about their medications (Fineman & Delice, 1992)
    • How often they forget to take their medication (Horne, Weinman, & Hankins, 1999)
    • How often they miss a dose of their medication, or adjust it to suit their own needs (Horne, Weinman, & Hankins, 1999) (Evidence Grade = C)
  • A complete history and physical exam to ascertain whether the client is responding to the therapy as expected (Bedell et al., 2000; Donovan & Blake, 1992; Edelberg et al., 2000; Johnson, Williams, & Marshall, 1999) (Evidence Grade = C).

Assessment Action

  • Pre-poured pillboxes, automatic dispensers with voice-activated message, and regular or video-telephone call reminders have been useful for enhancing medication compliance for older community dwelling congestive heart failure patients (Fulmer et al., 1999) (Evidence Grade = D).
  • Organizational charts with over-the-counter medication organizer improved adherence for old-old subjects (Park et al., 1992) (Evidence Grade = D).
  • Although forgetting is the most common reason for missed dose (Conn, Taylor, & Stineman, 1992), numerous interventions have been employed successfully to help individuals remember to take their medications. The following are suggestions of possible external and/or internal cues that may help to decrease forgetting:
    • Leaving the pills in a prominent place
    • Planning medication taking around activities at the beginning of the day
    • Rereading instructions to increase recall
    • Reading regimen instructions slowly
    • Mentally repeating instructions
    • Concentrating hard when receiving instructions
    • Trying hard to learn about new medications
    • Concentrating hard to learn medication times by repeating the process out loud each time (Gould, McDonald-Miszczak, & King, 1997)
    • Considering the association between medications and daily activities such as taking the prophylactic aspirin in the middle of the largest meal or taking the daily vitamin when brushing teeth in the morning (Schaffer & Yoon, 2001) (Evidence Grade = D)
  • Patients should be given a medication list to carry with them that is updated at each visit (Conn & Edwards, 1999; Haynes, Wang, & Gomes, 1987) (Evidence Grade = D).

Outcome 2: Decrease Polypharmacy

Medication Review: It should be completed every 6 months or with any medication change.


The Medication Review prompts the examiner to query the record and/or the patient regarding the following:

  1. Is the indication for which the medication was originally prescribed still present?
  2. Are there duplications in drug therapy (same class)? Are simplifications possible?
  3. Does the regimen include drugs prescribed for an adverse drug reaction? If so, can the original drug be withdrawn?
  4. Is the present dosage likely to be sub-therapeutic or toxic in light of age and renal status?
  5. Are any significant drug-drug or drug-illness interactions present? (Hamdy et al., 1995) (Evidence Grade = C)

Assessment Action

  1. To simplify the regimen, combination drugs and alternative routes should be considered and used if at all possible. The use of combination tablets improves adherence when compared to dual therapy (Carlson, 1996; Lau et al., 1996; Melikian et al., 2002; Dezii, 2001) (Evidence Grade = B).
  2. Once a day dosing should be followed if at all possible. Decreasing antihypertensive medication dosing from 3 to 1 times daily has been shown to dramatically increase adherence (Eisen et al., 1990; Gambert, Grossberg, & Morley, 1994; Pullar et al., 1988) (Evidence Grade = C).
  3. Medications that fail to meet any of the Hamdy et al. criteria should be discontinued (Carlson, 1996; Hamdy et al., 1995; Hanlon et al., 1992) (Evidence Grade = C).
  4. Medications should not be prescribed to counteract side effects of other medications (Bergman-Evans & Ranno, 1998; Hamdy et al., 1995; Rochon & Gurwitz, 1997) (Evidence Grade = C).
  5. Laboratory studies may require more frequent monitoring (Kane, Ouslander, & Abrass, 1999; Turkoski, 1999) (Evidence Grade = D).
  6. Professionals should screen regularly for drug interactions that may result from the drug regimen (Carlson, 1996; French, 1996) (Evidence Grade = D).

Outcome 3: Avoid Adverse Events


  • The Cockcroft-Gault Formula (See Appendix A.3 in the original guideline document) is a useful method for estimating creatinine clearance based on age, weight, and serum creatinine levels (Kane, Ouslander, & Abrass, 1999). It will be calculated and recorded at least yearly on the Medication Assessment Tool. A decreased creatinine clearance <50 mL/min is a risk factor for drug related problems (Evidence Grade = C).

Assessment Action

  • In general, lower doses should be initially used with the elderly, and upward titration should be performed at a slower rate (French, 1996; Hamdy et al., 1995; Turkoski, 1999) (Evidence Grade = D).
  • For identified renal failure, dosage for drugs renally excreted will need to be adjusted. Examples of these agents are digoxin, aminoglycoside antibiotics, radiographic contrast media, agents affecting the rennin angiotensin system (e.g., angiotensin-converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors), or those inhibiting renal prostaglandin production (e.g., nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs]) (Fang, 2000) (Evidence Grade = D).

The Drugs Regimen Unassisted Grading Scale (DRUGS) Tool (See Appendix A.4 in the original guideline document):


  • The DRUGS will be administered at the initial visit and at least annually thereafter for clients who are self-administering their own medications (Edelberg, Shallenberger, & Wei, 1999; Edelberg et al., 2000) (Evidence Grade = C).

Assessment Action

  • If inability to self-administer medications is identified with the DRUGS tool, specific measures should be undertaken to correct the situation. (Edelberg, Shallenberger, & Wei,  1999; Edelberg, et al., 2000.). For instance, problems with identification, dosage, or timing could be addressed with adherence aids such as weekly pillboxes. Problems with access could be rectified by ordering non-child resistant packaging (Fulmer et al., 1999) (Evidence Grade = C).

Nonprescription Medications:


  • Professionals need to directly inquire regarding the use of over the counter, herbs, and vitamins as part of the drug history of older adults. Specific questions should be asked in the review of systems such as "What medicines or herbs do you use for a headache, muscle aches or pains, nausea, or constipation?" (Astin et al., 2000; Conn , 1992; Ellor & Kurz, 1982; French, 1996; Gambert, Grossberg, & Morley, 1994) (Evidence Grade = C).

Assessment Action

  • Professionals need to counsel patients regarding safety and possible efficacy of nonprescription products. If duplications, interactions, adverse drug reactions/side effects, or high cost are identified, professionals and patients should collaborate on a plan to correct the problem (French, 1996; Willis & Gutirrez, 2003) (Evidence Grade = C).

Outcome 4: Maintain Functional Status


  • Functional status will be assessed using two standardized instruments: Scale for Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale (See Appendix A.5 in the original guideline document) and The Activities of Daily Living Physical Self-Maintenance Scale (See Appendix A.6 in the original guideline document) (Lawton & Brody, 1969) (Evidence Grade = C).

Assessment Action

  • If changes in functional status are related to proposed or existing medications, the benefits should be carefully weighed against the harms and discussed in detail with the patient (French, 1996; Gambert, Grossberg, & Morley, 1994; Murphy & Cleveland, 2004, Simonson & Florkowski, 1996) (Evidence Grade = C).


Evidence Grading

  1. Evidence from well-designed meta-analysis
  2. Evidence from well-designed controlled trials, both randomized and nonrandomized, with results that consistently support a specific action (e.g., assessment, intervention, or treatment)
  3. Evidence from observational studies (e.g., correlational descriptive studies) or controlled trials with inconsistent results
  4. Evidence from expert opinion or multiple case reports.


None provided




The type of supporting evidence is identified and graded for each recommendation (see "Major Recommendations").



  • Bergman-Evans B. Improving medication management for older adult clients. Iowa City (IA): University of Iowa Gerontological Nursing Interventions Research Center, Research Dissemination Core; 2004 Oct. 55 p. [135 references]


Not applicable: The guideline was not adapted from another source.


2004 Oct


University of Iowa Gerontological Nursing Interventions Research Center, Research Translation and Dissemination Core - Academic Institution


Developed with the support provided by Grant #P30 NR03979, National Institute of Nursing Research, NIH


Not stated


Author: Brenda Bergman-Evans, PhD, APRN, BC

Series Editor: Marita G. Titler, PhD, RN, FAAN


Not stated


This is the current release of the guideline.



The original guideline document and its appendices include a variety of implementation tools, including outcome and process indicators, staff competency material, and other forms.


None available


This NGC summary was completed by ECRI on February 7, 2005. The information was verified by the guideline developer on March 4, 2005.


This summary is based on content contained in the original guideline, which is subject to terms as specified by the guideline developer. These summaries may be downloaded from the NGC Web site and/or transferred to an electronic storage and retrieval system solely for the personal use of the individual downloading and transferring the material. Permission for all other uses must be obtained from the guideline developer by contacting the University of Iowa Gerontological Nursing Intervention Research Center, Research Dissemination Core.



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