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Significant Earthquakes of the World



 Earthquakes of magnitude 6.5 or greater or ones that caused fatalities,
 injuries or substantial damage.
   BRK--Berkeley.  PAS--Pasadena.  ATH--Athens, Greece.
   BJI--Beijing, China.  BRA--Bratislava, Czechoslovakia.
   GEN--Genoa, Italy.  ISK--Istanbul-Kandilli, Turkey.
   KRA--Krakow, Poland.
   LDG--Laboratoire de Detection et de Geophysique, France.  
   LJU--Ljubljana, Yugoslavia.  SJR--San Jose, Costa Rica.
   STR--Strasbourg, France.  THE--Thessaloniki, Greece.
   TRI--Trieste, Italy.  TTG--Titograd, Yugoslavia.
   VKA--Vienna-Kobenzl, Austria.  ZAG--Zagreb, Yugoslavia.

    HR MN SEC                          MB  Msz    USED

 JAN 1991
 01 00:06:31.4   18.068 -105.847  35   5.5 6.2 1.2 145 OFF COAST OF JALISCO,    
                MEXICO. Ms 6.6 (BRK). Mo=2.8*10**18 Nm (HRV). Mo=6.0*10**18 Nm  
 05 14:57:11.5   23.613   95.901  20 D 6.2 7.1 1.3 400 BURMA. Ms 7.3 (BRK), 7.0 
                (PAS). Mo=2.4*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=3.1*10**19 Nm (HRV).           
                Mo=4.0*10**19 Nm (PPT). Thirty-two buildings and 380 hectares   
                of farmland damaged in the Thabeikkyin area. Some landslides    
                reported. Felt strongly at Mandalay. Felt in much of            
                northwestern Burma from Hkamti to Sittwe. Also felt in the      
                Silchar area, India and in Thailand from Chiang Mai to Bangkok. 
 31 23:03:33.6   35.993   70.423 142 G 6.4     1.2 530 HINDU KUSH REGION. mb    
                6.6 (BRK). Mo=1.4*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=2.2*10**19 Nm (HRV).       
                Mo=1.6*10**19 Nm (PPT). Estimated 200-400 people killed, many   
                injured and many homes destroyed or damaged in Konar, Nangarhar 
                and Badakhshan Provinces, Afghanistan. At least 300 people      
                killed, hundreds injured and several thousand houses damaged in 
                the Malakand-Chitral-Peshawar area, Pakistan. Three people died 
                of heart attacks, severe damage (VII) and landslides occurred   
                in the Khorog area, USSR. Felt (VI) at Ishkashim, Parkhar,      
                Dushanbe, Garm, Dzhirgatal, Lyangar and Gissar; (V) at          
                Shaartuz, Sherkent, Gezan, Leninabad, Tashkent and Namangan;    
                (IV) at Chimkent; (III) at Dzhambul and Frunze, USSR. Felt      
                throughout northeastern Afghanistan, northern Pakistan and      
                northern India as far away as Delhi. Also felt throughout       
                Tajikistan and eastern Uzbekistan, USSR.                        

 FEB 1991
 09 16:18:58.3   -9.929  159.139  10 G 6.4 6.9 1.1 334 SOLOMON ISLANDS. Ms 6.8  
                (BRK), 6.7 (PAS). Mo=2.8*10**19 Nm (HRV). Mo=2.0*10**19 Nm      
                (PPT). Complex event. Minor damage at Honiara. Felt strongly on 
                Guadalcanal. Felt in the Florida Islands, on Malaita and in     
                western San Cristobal. A small tsunami was generated with       
                maximum wave height 4 cm (peak-to-trough) at Honiara.           
 12 09:54:58.3   40.816   28.878  10 G 4.8 4.6 1.3 183 TURKEY. ML 5.0 (ATH). MD 
                4.7 (THE), 4.5 (ISK). A few people injured slightly and minor   
                damage in the Istanbul area. Felt at Balikesir, Bursa and       
 13 15:49:38.9   44.885    6.760   5 G         0.9 107 FRANCE. ML 3.8 (LDG),    
                3.7 (GEN). MD 3.6 (STR). Nine people killed by an avalanche     
                which was triggered by the earthquake.                          
 18 02:37:25.1    8.870  126.480  24 G 6.0 6.6 1.3 319 MINDANAO, PHILIPPINE     
                ISLANDS. Ms 6.6 (BRK), 6.1 (PAS). Mo=3.8*10**19 Nm (GS).        
                Mo=1.6*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=2.0*10**19 Nm (PPT). Felt (III RF) at 
                Cagayan de Oro, Bislig and on Mactan and (I RF) at Cotabato.    
 21 02:35:34.0   58.427 -175.450  20 G 6.2 6.5 1.0 472 BERING SEA. Ms 6.7       
                (BRK), 6.4 (PAS). Mo=7.2*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=1.1*10**19 Nm       
                (HRV). Mo=3.0*10**19 Nm (PPT). Two events about 3.7 seconds     
                apart. Depth based on the first event. Believed to be the       
                largest earthquake ever located in this area. Felt (IV) on St.  
                Paul in the Pribilof Islands, Alaska. Felt (III) on Adak in the 
                Andreanof Islands, Alaska. A small tsunami was generated with   
                maximum wave heights (peak-to-trough) of 30 cm. at Dutch Harbor 
                and 22 cm at Adak.                                              
 25 14:30:27.6   40.386   78.959  21 D 5.5 6.1 1.0 289 SOUTHERN XINJIANG,       
                CHINA. Mo=1.3*10**18 Nm (HRV). Three people were injured and at 
                least 120 houses collapsed and 8,441 houses damaged in the      
                Kalpin area. Ground cracks and earthquake lights were reported  
                in the epicentral area. Felt at Akqi, Aksu, Bachu and Wasi.     

 MAR 1991
 08 11:36:28.4   60.904  167.023  13 G 6.4 6.6 1.3 492 EASTERN SIBERIA. Ms 6.6  
                (BRK), 6.4 (PAS). Mo=7.9*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=1.0*10**19 Nm       
                (HRV). Mo=3.0*10**19 Nm (PPT). Believed to be the largest       
                earthquake ever located in this area.                           
 25 18:02:41.5   39.887  113.923  10 G 5.1 5.5 1.2 108 NORTHEASTERN CHINA. ML   
                5.5 (BJI). Mo=1.6*10**17 Nm (HRV). One hundred thirty-one       
                people injured and 1,328 houses damaged in the Datong area.     

 APR 1991
 04 15:23:20.7   -6.038  -77.130  21 G 6.0 6.3 1.0 356 NORTHERN PERU. Ms 6.4    
                (BRK), 5.9 (PAS). Mo=5.5*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=4.5*10**18 Nm       
                (HRV). Mo=5.0*10**18 (PPT). At least 10 people injured and 15   
                houses damaged (V) in the Rioja-Nueva Cajamarca area. Felt (V)  
                at Moyobamba and Tarapoto, (IV) at Chachapoyas and (III) at     
                Chiclayo, Trujillo and Piura. Also felt (III) in El Oso         
                Province and (II) at Guayaquil and Quito, Ecuador.              
 05 04:19:49.5   -5.982  -77.094  20 G 6.5 6.8 1.0 534 NORTHERN PERU. Ms 6.7    
                (BRK), 6.4 (PAS). Mo=2.8*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=5.1*10**19 Nm       
                (HRV). Mo=5.0*10**19 Nm (PPT). Two events about 6 seconds       
                apart. Depth based on second event. Fifty-three people killed,  
                252 injured and extensive damage (VII) to 8,063 homes in the    
                Rioja-Moyobamba-Nueva Cajamarca area. Felt (VI) at Tarapoto,    
                (V) at Chiclayo, (IV) at Trujillo and (II) at Lima. Felt        
                throughout northern Peru. Felt (IV) at Guayaquil and (III) at   
                Quito, Ecuador. Felt strongly in much of southern Ecuador.      
 06 14:34:20.7  -15.008 -175.521  16 D 5.8 6.7 1.1 233 TONGA ISLANDS. Ms 6.4    
                (BRK), 6.1 (PAS). Mo=1.1*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=1.1*10**19 Nm       
                (HRV). Mo=3.0*10**19 Nm (PPT).                                  
 18 09:18:30.4   37.457   68.273  33 N 5.4 5.1 1.0 193 AFGHANISTAN-USSR BORDER  
                REGION. Mo=2.0*10**17 Nm (HRV). Several people killed and many  
                injured in Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan. One person killed, 
                6 injured and about 1,000 buildings damaged (VII) in the        
                Kabodiyen district, USSR. Landslides occurred in the Bogi-Dzhud 
                area. Felt (VI) at Shaartuz, (IV) at Kolkhozabad and Leninskiy  
                and (III) at Dushanbe, USSR.                                    
 22 21:56:51.8    9.685  -83.073  10 G 6.3 7.6 1.2 432 COSTA RICA. Ms 7.4       
                (BRK), 6.9 (PAS). Mo=1.1*10**20 Nm (GS). Mo=3.3*10**20 Nm       
                (HRV). Mo=4.0*10**20 Nm (PPT). Forty-seven people killed, 109   
                injured, 7,439 homeless and severe damage (IX) in the           
                Limon-Pandora area. Intensity X was observed in some zones of   
                liquefaction within the epicentral area. Some damage (VI) also  
                occurred in the San Jose-Alajuela area and landslides blocked   
                roads between Limon and central Costa Rica. Twenty-eight people 
                killed, 454 injured, 2,400 homeless and 866 buildings destroyed 
                (VII-VIII) in the Guabito-Almirante-Bocas del Toro area,        
                Panama. Slight damage (VI) also occurred at David and Puerto    
                Armuelles, Panama. Felt (IV) at Colon and (III) at Panama City. 
                Felt (III) in eastern El Salvador and (II) at San Salvador.     
                Also felt in Nicaragua and Honduras and on San Andres Island,   
                Colombia. Maximum uplift of 1.4 meters was observed near Limon  
                and sandblows and liquefaction caused subsidence of soils in    
                the Bocas del Toro area. Ground cracks also occurred in the     
                epicentral area. A 2-meter tsunami with maximum runup of 300    
                meters was observed in the Cahuita-Puerto Viejo area, Costa     
                Rica. Tsunamis were also reported on Bastimentos, Carenero and  
                Colon Islands and at Portobelo, Panama. The maximum amplitude   
                of the tsunami in Panama was about 0.6 m. A 7-cm tsunami        
                (peak-to-trough) was recorded on the tide guage at Cristobal,   
                Panama. Damage in Costa Rica estimated to be about 43 million   
                U.S. dollars.                                                   
 24 10:54:35.7   39.597   41.118  33 N 4.5     0.8  48 TURKEY. One person       
                killed, 3 injured and some houses damaged in Erzurum Province.  
 29 09:12:48.1   42.453   43.673  17 G 6.2 7.0 1.2 500 WESTERN CAUCASUS. Ms 7.3 
                (BRK), 6.9 (PAS). Mo=3.3*10**19 Nm (HRV). Mo=8.0*10**19 Nm      
                (PPT). Two events about three seconds apart. Depth based on     
                second event. At least 114 people killed, about 1,000 injured,  
                70 missing, 67,000 homeless and severe damage (VIII) and        
                landslides in the Dzhava-Chiatura-Ambrolauri area, USSR with 95 
                percent of buildings destroyed in the area. Felt (VI) in the    
                Kutaisi area; (V) at Leninakan and Tbilisi; (IV) at Kirovakan   
                and Spitak. Felt throughout the western Caucasus and            
                Trans-Caucasus from Sukhumi to Groznyy and Yerevan, USSR.       
                Landslides created a natural dam on the Patas River. This was   
                breached several days later, causing additional damage in the   
                Dzhava-Tskhinvali area. Also felt in Ardahan, Artvin, Kars and  
                Rize Provinces, Turkey.                                         

 MAY 1991
 03 20:19:38.8   42.683   43.247  10 G 5.3 5.2 1.2 272 WESTERN CAUCASUS.        
                Mo=3.1*10**17 Nm (HRV). At least 3 people killed by landslides  
                in Georgia, USSR.                                               
 04 03:42:54.5    9.542  -82.418  10 G 5.6 6.2 1.3 256 PANAMA-COSTA RICA BORDER 
                REGION. Ms 6.2 (BRK). Mo=2.1*10**18 Nm (HRV). Mo=3.0*10**18 Nm  
                (PPT). Thirty-six people injured, 400 families homeless, ground 
                cracks and liquefaction in the Changuinola- Almirante-Bocas del 
                Toro area, Panama. Felt strongly at Limon, Costa Rica. Felt     
                from the Central Valley of Costa Rica as far east as Santiago,  
 19 00:58:01.7    1.156  122.957  33 N 6.0 6.8 1.2 228 MINAHASSA PENINSULA. Ms  
                6.9 (BRK). Mo=3.2*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=2.5*10**19 Nm (HRV).       
                Mo=3.0*10**19 Nm (PPT). Felt (III) in the Manado area. Two      
                events about 4.5 seconds apart.                                 
 26 10:59:48.9    5.865  116.746  33 N 5.1 4.5 1.1  88 KALIMANTAN. One person   
                died from shock and there was slight damage at Ranau, Malaysia. 
                Felt at Melapap, Kota Kinabulu, Papar and along parts of the    
                west coast of Sabah, Malaysia.                                  
 26 12:26:00.2   40.730   15.765   8   5.1 4.8 1.1 207 SOUTHERN ITALY. ML 5.2   
                (ZAG), 5.0 (TTG). A few people injured and minor damage in the  
                Potenza area. Felt in the Avellino-Matera-Naples area. Also     
                felt at Salerno and Bari.                                       
 27 18:40:27.9    9.482  -82.694  10 G 5.0 5.0 1.1  53 PANAMA-COSTA RICA BORDER 
                REGION. MD 5.1 (SJR). Mo=3.8*10**17 Nm (HRV). Several people    
                injured slightly and damage (IV) at Changuinola, Panama. Felt   
                (IV) on Bocas del Toro and Carenero Islands and (III) at Volcan 
                and David, Panama. Also felt in Costa Rica.                     
 30 13:17:41.9   54.567 -161.606  28 G 6.3 6.7 1.1 584 ALASKA PENINSULA. Ms 6.8 
                (BRK). Mo=1.9*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=3.1*10**19 Nm (HRV).           
                Mo=1.8*10**19 Nm (PPT). Felt (V) at Cold Bay, King Cove and     
                Sand Point; (IV) at False Pass and Perryville; (III) at Chignik 

 JUN 1991
 10 17:35:49.4   23.771  -45.368  10 G 6.1 6.5 0.8 557 NORTH ATLANTIC RIDGE. Ms 
                6.8 (BRK). Mo=5.3*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=3.3*10**18 Nm (HRV).       
                Mo=6.0*10**18 Nm (PPT).                                         
 15 00:59:20.3   42.461   44.009   9 G 6.1 6.1 1.2 458 WESTERN CAUCASUS. Ms 6.5 
                (BRK). Mo=1.5*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=2.9*10**18 Nm (HRV).           
                Mo=4.0*10**18 (PPT). Two events about 2 seconds apart. Depth    
                based on second event. At least 8 people killed, 200 injured    
                and extensive damage (VIII) in the Dzhava-Tskhinvali area,      
                USSR. Felt (VI) at Kutaisi, Sukhumi and Tbilisi and (V) in      
                northwestern Azerbaijan. Landslides occurred at Khieti.         
 15 01:13:21.4  -58.285  -24.183  52 D 5.8 6.5 1.2 190 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS   
                REGION. Ms 6.3 (BRK). Mo=2.7*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=7.7*10**18 Nm   
                (HRV). Mo=5.0*10**18 Nm (PPT).                                  
 15 11:15:28.0   15.119  120.355  10 G 5.7 5.5 1.0 213 LUZON, PHILIPPINE        
                ISLANDS. Mo=2.8*10**17 Nm (HRV). Felt at Manila. This is the    
                largest of a series of earthquakes associated with the eruption 
                of Pinatubo Volcano. At least 137 people were killed and        
                extensive damage was caused in Zambales Province by the         
 20 05:18:52.5    1.196  122.787  31 G 6.2 7.0 1.2 367 MINAHASSA PENINSULA. Ms  
                7.2 (BRK). Mo=1.6*10**20 Nm (GS). Mo=2.3*10**20 Nm (HRV). At    
                least 1,500 houses were damaged (VI) in the Gorontalo area.     
                Felt (IV) in the Manado area and (II) at Poso.                  
 21 06:27:39.9   13.399  -89.618  77   5.3     1.1 249 EL SALVADOR.             
                Mo=6.3*10**17 Nm (HRV). Mo=1.0*10**18 Nm (PPT). One person      
                killed and three injured when a short circuit caused a fire in  
                a home in the San Salvador area. Felt (IV) at San Salvador.     
                Felt lightly in Guatemala City, Guatemala.                      
 28 14:43:54.5&  34.262 -118.002  11   5.8 5.1     297 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA.     
                . ML 5.4 (PAS), 5.7 (BRK). Mo=3.5*10**17 Nm (HRV).       
                Mo=3.0*10**17 Nm (PPT). One person killed at Arcadia and one    
                person died from a heart attack at Glendale. At least 100       
                people were injured although most involved only minor cuts and  
                bruises. Damage in the Arcadia, Monrovia, Pasadena, San Marino  
                and Sierra Madre areas estimated at 33.5 million dollars.       
                Maximum intensity VII at Arcadia, Monrovia, Pasadena and Sierra 
                Madre. Some rockslides occurred on mountain roads. Felt         
                strongly throughout much of southern California from Santa      
                Barbara to San Diego and east as far as the Palm Springs-Indio  

 JUL 1991
 04 11:43:10.4   -8.099  124.681  29   6.2 6.5 1.1 328 TIMOR. Mo=2.3*10**19 Nm  
                (GS). Mo=1.5*10**19 Nm (HRV). Mo=2.0*10**19 Nm (PPT). Two       
                events about 2.5 seconds apart. Twenty-three people killed, 181 
                injured, at least 5,400 left homeless and about 1,150 buildings 
                destroyed at Kalabahi, Alor. Estimated 7.7 million U.S. dollars 
                damage occurred in the epicentral area. Felt at Dili.           
 06 12:19:49.5  -13.108  -72.187 105 G 6.2     1.2 449 PERU. mb 6.5 (BRK).      
                Mo=3.1*10*19 Nm (GS). Mo=1.8*10**19 Nm (HRV). Mo=1.3*10**19 Nm  
                (PPT). Two events about 4 seconds apart. Some damage (VI) at    
                Cuzco. Felt (V) at Abancay. Also felt at Lima and Ica. Felt     
                (II) at La Paz, Bolivia.                                        
 12 10:42:21.2   45.364   21.057  11 D 5.3 5.7 1.3 298 ROMANIA. MD 5.3 (TTG),   
                5.3 (TRI). ML 5.2 (BRA), 5.0 (KRA). Mo=2.5*10**17 Nm (HRV). At  
                least 2 people killed, 30 injured and some buildings damaged    
                (VIII) in the Banloc-Deta-Timisoara area. Slight damage at      
                Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Felt in Subotica-Nis area, Yugoslavia.    
                Also felt at Sofia, Bulgaria and Szeged, Hungary.               
 13 02:50:14.6   42.182 -125.641  11 G 6.2 6.9 1.0 535 OFF COAST OF OREGON. ML  
                6.7 (BRK). Mo=1.9*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=2.1*10**19 Nm (HRV).       
                Mo=3.0*10**19 Nm (PPT). Felt (V) at Coquille, Harbor and        
                Reedsport, Oregon. Felt (IV) at Bandon, Coos Bay, Langlois,     
                Ophir, Port Orford and Wedderburn, Oregon. Also felt (IV) at    
                Crescent City and Klamath, California. Felt throughout much of  
                western Oregon and northern California.                         
 18 11:56:30.6   44.888   22.407  12 G 5.7 5.5 1.2 436 ROMANIA. Ms 5.6 (BRK).   
                ML 5.5 (TTG). Mo=1.3*10**17 Nm (GS). Mo=2.9*10**17 Nm (HRV). At 
                least 615 houses damaged (VIII) in the Orsova area. Landslides  
                occurred in the epicentral area. Felt strongly in western       
                Romania and (IV) in northwestern Bulgaria. Also felt in         
                southeastern Hungary and in parts of Yugoslavia.                
 23 19:44:50.2  -15.679  -71.574   5 G 5.0 4.7 1.3  51 SOUTHERN PERU.           
                Mo=9.1*10**16 Nm (HRV). At least 12 people killed, 30 injured   
                and about 80 missing in the Maca-Chivay area. Felt (V) at Maca, 
                Yanque, Ichupampa and Achoma. Felt (II) at Arequipa. Landslides 
                occurred in the epicentral area.                                
 24 09:45:41.8   36.520   44.066  26 D 5.4 5.1 1.1 273 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION. 
                Mo=2.2*10**17 Nm (HRV). At least 20 people killed, many         
                injured; at least 100 houses destroyed and many damaged in the  
                Arbil-Dibs area, Iraq. Felt at Mahabad and Piranshahr, Iran.    

 AUG 1991
 14 19:15:03.6  -13.593  167.607  14 G 6.1 6.6 1.3 355 VANUATU ISLANDS.         
                Mo=6.6*10**18 Nm (HRV). Mo=2.0*10*d19 Nm (PPT).                 
 17 19:29:40.0&  40.235 -124.348  12   6.0 6.2     507 NEAR COAST OF NORTHERN   
                CALIF. . ML 6.0 (BRK). Mo=3.3*10**18 Nm (GS).              
                Mo=1.9*10**18 Nm (HRV). Mo=3.0*10**18 Nm (PPT). Damage (VII) at 
                Honeydew and Whitethorn. Slight damage (VI) at Garberville,     
                Myers Flat and Piercy. Also slight damage and landslides in the 
                Petrolia area. Felt (V) at Alderpoint, Carlotta, Covelo, Fields 
                Landing, Finley, Fortuna, Fort Bragg, Leggett, Loleta,          
                Manchester, Phillipsville, Redcrest, Redway, Rio Dell, Salyer,  
                Weott, Westport, Willits and Zenia. Felt from Grants Pass,      
                Oregon south as far as Sacramento and San Francisco.            
 17 22:17:14.6   41.821 -125.397  14 G 6.2 7.1 1.2 431 OFF COAST OF NORTHERN    
                CALIFORNIA. ML 6.8 (BRK). Mo=2.3*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=4.4*10**19  
                Nm (HRV). Mo=6.0*10**19 Nm (PPT). Felt (V) at Klamath,          
                Phillipsville, Rio Dell and Trinidad; (IV) at Bridgeville,      
                Fortuna, Myers Flat and Whitethorn. Also felt (V) at Lakeside,  
                North Bend and Pistol River, Oregon; (IV) at Coos Bay,          
                Coquille, Murphy, Reedsport, Rogue River, Roseburg, Sixes and   
                Scottburg, Oregon. Felt as far as Sacramento, California and    
                Eugene, Oregon.                                                 

 SEP 1991
 18 09:48:13.1   14.646  -90.986   5 G 5.7 6.1 1.3 271 GUATEMALA. Ms 6.2 (BRK). 
                Mo=2.1*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=2.2*10**18 Nm (HRV). Mo=3.0*10**18 Nm 
                (PPT). At least 25 people killed, more thanhomeless and         
                extensive damage in the Pochuta-Solola area. Landslides blocked 
                many roads in the epicentral area. Felt (IV) at Guatemala City. 
                Also felt (II) at San Salvador, El Salvador.                    
 28 20:26:56.1   -5.814  150.959  28 G 5.8 6.6 1.1 370 NEW BRITAIN REGION,      
                P.N.G. Ms 7.1 (BRK). Mo=9.8*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=8.2*10**18 Nm    
                (HRV). Mo=1.3*10**19 Nm (PPT). Two events about 2.3 seconds     
 30 00:21:46.4  -20.878 -178.591 566 G 6.3     1.0 452 FIJI ISLANDS REGION. mb  
                6.5 (BRK). Mo=2.3*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=3.1*10**19 Nm (HRV).       
                Mo=3.0*10**19 Nm (PPT).                                         

 OCT 1991
 14 15:58:12.7   -9.094  158.442  23 D 6.3 7.1 1.3 377 SOLOMON ISLANDS. Ms 7.0  
                (BRK). Mo=6.4*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=7.8*10**19 Nm (HRV).           
                Mo=8.0*10**19 Nm (PPT). Two events about 10 seconds apart. Felt 
                strongly throughout the Solomon Islands.                        
 19 21:23:14.3   30.780   78.774  10 D 6.5 7.0 1.2 525 NORTHERN INDIA. Ms 7.0   
                (BRK). Mo=1.8*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=1.8*10**19 Nm (HRV).           
                Mo=6.0*10**18 Nm (PPT). Two events about 1.6 seconds apart. At  
                least 2,000 people killed, more than 1,800 injured and 18,000   
                buildings destroyed in the Chamoli-Uttarkashi area. Some damage 
                occurred at Chandigarh and New Delhi. Felt in northern India,   
                western Nepal and northeastern Pakistan. Landslides occurred in 
                the epicentral area. A 30-meter deep crack was noted in the     
                Uttarkashi area.                                                
 28 01:09:10.8   33.827  131.222  17 D 5.1 4.9 1.1 115 KYUSHU, JAPAN.           
                Mo=7.5*10**16 Nm (HRV). One person slightly injured in          
                Yamaguchi Prefecture, Honshu. Felt (IV JMA) at Fukuoka, Kyushu  
                and (III JMA) in southwestern Honshu. Also felt on Shikoku.     
                Felt (III) at Iwakuni, Honshu.                                  

 NOV 1991
 01 16:23:22.3  -30.255 -177.981  21 G 6.4 6.5 1.1 484 KERMADEC ISLANDS, NEW    
                ZEALAND. Ms 6.7 (BRK). Mo=9.5*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=9.4*10**18 Nm  
                (HRV). Mo=1.0*10**19 Nm (PPT). Two events about 5 seconds       
                apart. Felt on Raoul Island.                                    
 04 01:50:31.6   30.666   50.218  39   5.4 5.4 1.2 298 NORTHERN IRAN.           
                Mo=3.1*10**17 Nm (HRV). Fifty-one people injured and 290 houses 
                destroyed or damaged in the Behbahan area.                      
 10 15:19:14.2   30.585   50.268  44   5.0 4.4 1.1 195 NORTHERN IRAN. Fifteen   
                people injured and damage in the Behbahan area. Also damage at  
                Deh Dasht.                                                      
 13 11:12:13.2    8.361  126.371  36 G 6.1 6.4 1.2 399 MINDANAO, PHILIPPINE     
                ISLANDS. Ms 6.5 (BRK). Mo=1.6*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=1.0*10**19 Nm  
                (HRV). Mo=1.0*10**19 Nm (PPT). Some damage (VI RF) was reported 
                in the Bislig-Butuan-Surigao area. Felt (IV RF) at Cagayan de   
                Oro, (III RF) on Camiguin and (II RF) on Cebu.                  
 19 22:28:51.0    4.554  -77.442  21 D 6.4 7.0 1.2 447 NEAR WEST COAST OF       
                COLOMBIA. MD 6.8 (UVC). Ms 6.4 (BRK). Mo=5.0*10**19 Nm (GS).    
                Mo=7.3*10**19 Nm (HRV). Mo=5.0*10**19 Nm (PPT). Complex event.  
                Two people killed and 28 houses damaged in Choco Department.    
                Minor damage (VI) to buildings in the Buenaventura and Cali     
                areas. Felt strongly in many parts of western Colombia. Felt    
                (II) at Quito and Guayaquil, Ecuador.                           
 22 00:40:23.9   13.887   44.068  10 G 4.7     1.1  40 WESTERN ARABIAN          
                PENINSULA. Ten people killed, 39 injured, 17 houses destroyed   
                and 87 damaged in western Yemen.                                
 28 17:19:55.5   36.924   49.603  16 D 5.6 5.0 1.0 349 WESTERN IRAN.            
                Mo=3.2*10**17 Nm (HRV). At least one person killed, 70 injured  
                and damage in the Rudbar area. Landslides occurred on the road  
                between Rudbar and Rasht. Felt in other parts of northern Iran  
                and at Tehran.                                                  

 DEC 1991
 02 08:49:40.2   45.498   21.115   9   5.2 5.6 1.1 281 ROMANIA. ML 5.5 (LJU),   
                5.1 (WAR), 4.9 (TIR). MD 5.5 (VIE), 5.4 (TTG). Mo=1.9*10**17 Nm 
                (HRV). Mo=2.0*10**17 Nm (PPT). Some people injured, about 4,500 
                people homeless and more than 5,000 buildings damaged (VIII) in 
                the Voiteg area. Slight damage in the Belgrade area,            
                Yugoslavia. Felt along much of the Romania-Yugoslavia border.   
                Also felt in southern Hungary.                                  
 11 20:39:39.2  -23.368  171.044  37 D 5.8 6.5 1.4 418 LOYALTY ISLANDS REGION.  
                MS 6.3 (BRK). Mo=6.4*10**18 Nm (HRV). Mo=4.0*10**18 Nm (PPT).   
 13 02:33:51.8   45.578  151.560  30 G 6.1 6.6 1.1 509 KURIL ISLANDS. Ms 6.2    
                (BRK). Mo=8.1*10**18 Nm (HRV). Mo=1.3*10**19 Nm (PPT).          
 19 01:33:40.4   45.253  151.176  27 G 6.0 6.6 1.0 529 KURIL ISLANDS. Ms 6.4    
                (BRK). Felt (III) at Kurilsk. Mo=1.5*10**19 Nm (HRV).           
                Mo=1.0*10**19 Nm (PPT). Two events about 1.6 seconds apart.     
 22 08:43:13.4   45.533  151.021  25 D 6.3 7.4 0.9 552 KURIL ISLANDS. Ms 7.3    
                (BRK). Mo=2.2*10**20 Nm (GS). Mo=2.8*10**20 Nm (HRV).           
                Mo=2.5*10**20 Nm (PPT). Complex event. Felt.                    
 27 04:05:58.2  -56.032  -25.266  10 G 6.2 7.2 1.4 341 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS   
                REGION. Ms 7.1 (BRK). Mo=5.9*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=6.0*10**19 Nm   
                (HRV). Mo=1.3*10**20 Nm (PPT). Complex event.                   
 28 00:52:10.1  -56.102  -24.614  10 G 6.1 6.7 1.1 285 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS   
                REGION. Ms 6.5 (BRK). Mo=7.1*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=9.9*10**18 Nm   
                (HRV). Mo=2.0*10**19 Nm (PPT).                                  
 Compiled by Waverly J. Person