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Significant Earthquakes of the World


                                         SIGNIFICANT EARTHQUAKES OF THE WORLD, 1997

Earthquakes of magnitude 6.5 or greater or ones that caused fatalities, injuries or substantial damage.
   BRK--Berkeley.  PAS--Pasadena.  

            UTC         COORDINATES               GS            STA
         HR MN SEC     LAT       LONG            MB  Msz       USED

JAN 05   08 47 25.4  29.845 N   80.532 E   33 N  5.6 5.3   0.9  232  NEPAL-INDIA BORDER REGION. Mw 5.4 (GS), 5.6 (HRV). 
                                                                     Me 5.3 (GS). Es=1.7*10**12 Nm (GS). Mo=1.6*10**17 Nm 
                                                                     (GS). Mo=2.5*10**17 Nm (HRV). Many houses damaged in 
                                                                     western Nepal. Felt at Baitadi and Dandeldhura. 

JAN 09   13 43 31.5  41.026 N   74.284 E   22 D  5.7 5.8   1.0  376  KYRGYZSTAN. Mw 5.7 (GS), 5.8 (HRV), 5.9 (OBN). Me 5.6 
                                                                     (GS). Es=5.6*10**12 Nm (GS). Mo=4.1*10**17 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=5.7*10**17 Nm (HRV). Mo=7.8*10**17 Nm (OBN). At 
                                                                     least 10 houses destroyed and 400 others damaged in 
                                                                     the Dzhergetal area. Felt (VII) at Koshtebe; (VI) at 
                                                                     Kazarman; (V) at Min-Kush; (IV) at Jalal-Abad, Naryn, 
                                                                     Osh, Sufi-Kurgan, Talas and Uzgen; (III) at Bishkek. 
                                                                     Also felt (III) at Almaty, Kazakhstan.

JAN 11   20 28 26.0  18.219 N  102.756 W   33 N  6.5 6.9   1.1  354  MICHOACAN, MEXICO. Mw 7.2 (GS), 7.2 (HRV). Me 7.0 (GS).       
                                                                     Es=7.4*10**14 Nm (GS). Mo=6.4*10**19 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=6.1*10**19 Nm (HRV). Mo=7.5*10**19 Nm (PPT). One 
                                                                     person killed and extensive damage in the Arteaga area.
                                                                     Felt strongly in much of Michoacan and at Mexico City. 
                                                                     Also felt in Colima, Guerrero and Jalisco. 

JAN 12   12 10 51.3  40.956 N   19.672 E   10 G  4.8 4.7   1.3  195  ALBANIA. ML 4.6 (ROM), 4.4 (THE). More than 70 houses         
                                                                     damaged in the Berat District. Damage at Ura Vajgurore.
                                                                     Felt (VI) at Berat and Gramsh; (V) at Cerrik and       
                                                                     Elbasan; (IV) at Kavaje, Tepelene and Vlore.           

JAN 21   01 48 30.1* 39.474 N   76.998 E   33 N  5.3 5.8   1.3   42  SOUTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA. Mw 5.9 (HRV). Mo=7.7*10**17 Nm
                                                                     (HRV). At least 12 people killed, 40 injured and 2,500 
                                                                     families homeless; about 14,000 homes destroyed, 17,000 
                                                                     additional homes damaged and 3,360 head of livestock 
                                                                     killed in the Jiashi area. Felt at Aksu, Akto, Artux, 
                                                                     Kashi and Wuqia. 

JAN 22   17 57 18.7  36.250 N   35.951 E   10 G  5.4 5.4   1.1  270  TURKEY. Mw 5.7 (GS), 5.7 (HRV). ML 5.6 (JER). 
                                                                     Mo=4.4*10**17 Nm (GS). Mo=4.3*10**17 Nm (HRV). At least
                                                                     five people injured and ten houses damaged at Antakya. 
                                                                     Felt at Adana, Malatya and Mersin. Felt at Beirut and 
                                                                     Tripoli, Lebanon. Also felt at Nicosia, Cyprus and in 
JAN 23   02 15 22.9  21.999 S   65.719 W  276 D  6.4       0.9  322  OFF SOUTHERN BOLIVIA. Mw 7.0 (GS), 7.1 (HRV). Me 6.6 (GS).
                                                                     Es=1.8*10**14 Nm (GS). Mo=3.6*10**19 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=5.8*10**19 Nm (HRV). Mo=1.6*10**20 Nm (PPT). Felt (V) 
                                                                     at Antofagasta, Calama and Tocopilla; (III) at Arica, 
                                                                     Chile. Felt in northern Jujuy Province, Argentina. Two 
                                                                     events about 3.0 seconds apart. 

FEB 04   10 37 47.1  37.661 N   57.291 E   10 G  5.9 6.8   1.1  338  TURKMENISTAN-IRAN BORDER REGION. Mw 6.5 (GS), 6.5 (HRV),
                                                                     6.4 (OBN). Me 7.1 (GS). Es=1.1*10**15 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=6.2*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=6.7*10**18 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=5.2*10**18 Nm (OBN). About 100 people killed, nearly 
                                                                     2,000 injured, about 5,500 houses destroyed and 11,000 
                                                                     houses damaged in the Bojnurd-Shirvan area, Iran. Damage 
                                                                     estimated at more than 30 million U.S. dollars. Felt in 
                                                                     many parts of northeastern Iran, including Esfarayen, 
                                                                     Mashhad, Neyshabur, Quchan and Sabzevar. 

FEB 21   23 40 24.1  43.829 N  149.167 E   33 N  6.1 5.6   0.9  411  EAST OF KURIL ISLANDS. Mw 6.0 (GS), 6.1 (HRV), 6.6 (OBN).
                                                                     Me 6.8 (GS). Es=3.1*10**14 Nm (GS). Mo=1.2*10**18 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=1.5*10**18 Nm (HRV). Mo=8.4*10**18 Nm (OBN). Felt (II) 
                                                                     at Kurilsk.

FEB 27   21 08 02.3  29.976 N   68.208 E   33 N  6.3 7.3   1.2  362  PAKISTAN. Mw 7.0 (GS), 7.1 (HRV), 6.8 (OBN). Me 6.7 (GS). 
                                                                     Es=2.8*10**14 Nm (GS). Mo=4.0*10**19 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=5.2*10**19 Nm (HRV). Mo=2.0*10**19 Nm (OBN). 
                                                                     Mo=3.2*10**19 Nm (PPT). At least 57 people killed, 
                                                                     hundreds injured, thousands homeless, more than 500 houses 
                                                                     damaged or destroyed and hundreds of livestock killed in  
                                                                     the Harnai-Sibi area. Roads and railroads in the area 
                                                                     blocked by landslides. Three people killed and several 
                                                                     injured in the Quetta area. Felt throughout much of 
                                                                     central Baluchistan. Complex earthquake, with two events
                                                                     occurring about 5 seconds apart.

FEB 28   12 57 18.6  38.075 N   48.050 E   10 G  5.5 6.1   1.1  315  ARMENIA-AZERBAIJAN-IRAN BORD REG. Mw 6.0 (GS), 6.1            
                                                                     (HRV). Mo=1.0*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=1.7*10**18 Nm (HRV).
                                                                     At least 1,100 people killed, 2,600 injured, 36,000
                                                                     homeless, 12,000 houses damaged or destroyed and 
                                                                     160,000 livestock killed in the Ardabil region of        
                                                                     northwestern Iran. Severe damage to roads, electrical  
                                                                     power lines, communications and water distribution     
                                                                     systems in that area.

MAR 01   06 04 14.1  39.422 N   76.839 E   22 D  5.2 5.5   1.1  246  SOUTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA. Mw 5.6 (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=3.3*10**17 Nm (HRV). Two people killed, six injured, 
                                                                     4,000 houses destroyed and 738 cattle killed in Jiashi 
                                                                     County. Also felt at Kashi.                  

MAR 04   03 51 25.8  34.892 N  139.038 E   10 G  5.3 5.3   1.2  196  NEAR S. COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN. Mw 5.6 (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=2.8*10**17 Nm (HRV). Three people slightly injured 
                                                                     at Ito. Felt (IV JMA) at Ito, (III JMA) at Yokohama and   
                                                                     Yokosuka, (II JMA) at Tokyo and (I JMA) at Kofu and Urawa.

MAR 04   13 03 47.8  29.422 N   68.790 E   33 N  5.4 5.8   1.1  275  PAKISTAN. Mw 5.7 (GS), 5.7 (HRV). Mo=4.6*10**17 Nm (GS).
                                                                     Mo=4.6*10**17 Nm (HRV). At least one person injured
                                                                     and additional damage at Sibi. Felt at Quetta. 

MAR 06   15 16 32.0   5.518 N    0.313 W   10 G  4.4       0.7   46  NORTHWEST AFRICA. Seven people injured and power outages 
                                                                     occurred in the Accra area, Ghana.
MAR 11   19 22 00.1   7.742 N  127.647 E   10 G  6.3 6.7   1.2  210  PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION. Mw 6.9 (GS), 6.9 (HRV).            
                                                                     Me 7.2 (GS). Ms 6.7 (BRK). Es=1.4*10**15 Nm (GS).
                                                                     Mo=2.3*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=2.2*10**19 Nm (HRV).   
                                                                     Mo=6.7*10**19 Nm (PPT). Some damage to buildings in the
                                                                     Cagayan de Oro area. Felt (V RF) at Bislig; (IV RF) at 
                                                                     Cagayan de Oro and Davao; (III RF) at Surigao; (II RF) 
                                                                     at General Santos. Complex event.

MAR 16   05 51 37.0  34.851 N  137.445 E   36 D  5.7 5.1   0.8  339  NEAR S. COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN. Mw 5.6 (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=3.3*10**17 Nm (HRV). At least 4 people injured at 
                                                                     Toyohashi. Felt (V JMA) at Toyohashi and (IV JMA) at 
                                                                     Hikone, Mino-kamo, Nagoya, Omi-Hachiman and Shimada. 
                                                                     Also felt slightly at Tokyo. 
MAR 19   19 57 11.9  34.872 N   71.620 E   50 G  4.9       0.8   88  PAKISTAN. Fifteen people killed, several injured and 
                                                                     damage to houses in the Bajaur region. Felt at Chitral.    

MAR 20   08 50 40.3  30.136 N   68.022 E   33 N  5.5 5.8   1.0  264  PAKISTAN. Mw 5.7 (GS), 5.9 (HRV). Me 5.4 (GS). 
                                                                     Es=2.4*10**12 Nm (GS). Mo=4.1*10**17 Nm (GS).
                                                                     Mo=8.1*10**17 Nm (HRV). At least three people injured
                                                                     and additional damage to houses in the Harnai area. Felt
                                                                     at Quetta. Two events about 1 second apart.
MAR 26   02 08 57.2  51.277 N  179.533 E   33 N  6.0 6.5   1.0  434  RAT ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS. Mw 6.6 (GS), 6.7 (HRV).        
                                                                     Me 6.1 (GS). ML 6.3 (PMR). Es=3.2*10**13 Nm (GS).
                                                                     Mo=9.0*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=1.2*10**19 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=2.0*10**19 Nm (PPT). Felt (IV) on Adak. This 
                                                                     shallow-dipping thrust earthquake is located very near the 
                                                                     eastern end of the rupture zone of the February 4, 1965 
                                                                     magnitude 8.7 (Mw) earthquake, which is also the eastern 
                                                                     boundary of the Rat Island block. Complex earthquake, with 
                                                                     two events occurring about 3 seconds apart.

MAR 26   08 31 47.1  31.920 N  130.429 E   10 G  5.6 5.9   1.3  275  KYUSHU, JAPAN. Mw 6.0 (GS), 6.1 (HRV). Mo=1.2*10**18 Nm 
                                                                     (GS). Mo=1.8*10**18 Nm (HRV). At least 22 people injured, 
                                                                     many houses damaged and landslides occurred in Kagoshima
                                                                     Prefecture. Railway services interrupted in Kagoshima
                                                                     Prefecture and airports temporarily closed at Kagoshima, 
                                                                     Kumamoto and Miyazaki. Felt (VI JMA) at Akune, Togomachi 
                                                                     and Tsuruda; (V JMA) at Miyanojo and Sendai; (IV JMA) at 
                                                                     Hitoyoshi, Miyakonojo, Okuchi and Yatsushiro; (III JMA) 
                                                                     at Kurume, Makurazaki, Miyazaki, Oita and Saga. Felt 
                                                                     (IV JMA) at Ushibuka, Amakusa-Shimo-jima. Also felt in 
                                                                     much of Shikoku and parts of western Honshu. 

APR 02   19 33 22.2  31.824 N  130.089 E   10 G  5.1 5.0   1.4  120  KYUSHU, JAPAN. Mw 5.5 (HRV). Mo=1.8*10**17 Nm (HRV). At
                                                                     least four people injured, five buildings damaged, 
                                                                     landslides and road damage in Kagoshima Prefecture. Felt 
                                                                     (V JMA) at Akune, Miyanojo and Sendai. Felt in parts of 
                                                                     Kumamoto and Miyazaki Prefectures.

APR 05   12 23 30.5   6.485 S  147.408 E   69 D  6.1       0.9  365  EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG., P.N.G. Mw 6.4 (GS), 6.5 (HRV).       
                                                                     Me 6.2 (GS). Es=5.2*10**13 Nm (GS). Mo=4.8*10**18 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=5.6*10**18 Nm (HRV).

APR 05   23 46 19.5  39.513 N   76.865 E   33 N  5.4 5.9   1.1  335  SOUTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA. Mw 5.9 (GS), 5.9 (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=7.8*10**17 Nm (GS). Mo=7.7*10**17 Nm (HRV). At          
                                                                     least 23 people injured, 3,000 buildings damaged or    
                                                                     destroyed and 100 head of livestock killed in Jiashi   
                                                                     County by this earthquake and the event on April 6,    
                                                                     at 04:36 UTC. 

APR 06   04 36 35.2  39.537 N   76.998 E   33 N  5.6 5.8   1.0  374  SOUTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA. Mw 5.8 (GS), 6.0 (HRV). 
                                                                     Me 5.3 (GS). Es=1.7*10**12 Nm (GS). Mo=6.2*10**17 Nm (GS).
                                                                     Mo=1.1*10**18 Nm (HRV). Injuries and damage for this
                                                                     earthquake are included in the comment for the event on 
                                                                     April 5 at 23:46 UTC.

APR 11   05 34 42.7  39.527 N   76.941 E   15 G  5.8 6.1   1.0  433  SOUTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA. Mw 6.0 (GS), 6.2 (HRV). Me          
                                                                     5.8 (GS). Ms 6.0 (BRK). Es=1.2*10**13 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=1.2*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=2.1*10**18 Nm (HRV). At least 9 
                                                                     people killed, 89 injured, 100,000 homeless, thousands of 
                                                                     buildings destroyed and 11,000 livestock killed in Jiashi 
                                                                     County. Felt in Bachu, Shule, Yingjisha and Yuehpuhu 
                                                                     Counties. This is the largest earthquake to date in a 
                                                                     swarm of large strike-slip and normal faulting events 
                                                                     which began on January 21, 1997.

APR 15   18 19 10.1  39.634 N   76.992 E   23 D  5.4 5.8   1.1  339  SOUTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA. Mw 5.8 (GS), 5.8 (HRV). Me 5.7
                                                                     (GS). Es=9.2*10**12 Nm (GS). Mo=5.4*10**17 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=6.6*10**17 Nm (HRV). One person injured and some 
                                                                     buildings destroyed in Jiashi County. 

APR 21   12 02 26.4  12.584 S  166.676 E   33 N  6.4 7.9   0.9  299  SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS. Mw 7.7 (GS), 7.7 (HRV). Me 7.7            
                                                                     (GS). Ms 7.9 (BRK). Es=8.3*10**15 Nm (GS).
                                                                     Mo=3.7*10**20 Nm (GS). Mo=4.4*10**20 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=7.0*10**20 Nm (PPT). Local tsunami generated with 
                                                                     wave heights up to 3 meters along the coasts of the 
                                                                     Solomon and Vanuatu Islands, causing damage to some
                                                                     houses. Minor tsunami recorded on Funafuti, Tuvalu and
                                                                     at Suva, Fiji. Felt at Honiara, Solomon Islands and on 
                                                                     Santo, Vanuatu Islands. Complex earthquake with at 
                                                                     least one large event occurring about 26 seconds after 
                                                                     small initial onset. 

APR 22   09 31 23.2  11.112 N   60.892 W    5 G  6.0 6.5   0.9  330  WINDWARD ISLANDS. Mw 6.7 (GS), 6.7 (HRV). Me 6.7 (GS).    
                                                                     Ms 6.5 (BRK). MD 5.9 (TRN). Es=2.2*10**14 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=1.4*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=1.1*10**19 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=1.1*10**19 Nm (PPT). Two people injured, three houses 
                                                                     destroyed and extensive damage in the western part of 
                                                                     Tobago. Damage estimated at more than 25 million U.S. 
                                                                     dollars. One of the largest known earthquakes to occur on 
                                                                     or near Trinidad and Tobago. Seismicity in this possible 
                                                                     triple junction zone results from the highly oblique, 
                                                                     right-lateral collision between the Caribbean and South 
                                                                     American plates and subduction of either the North or 
                                                                     South American plate beneath the Caribbean plate. Note 
                                                                     the Windward Islands magnitude 6.2 (Mw) event of April 2, 
                                                                     located about 50 km to the north. Two events about 3 
                                                                     seconds apart.

APR 23   19 44 28.4  13.986 N  144.901 E  101 D  6.2       1.0  309  MARIANA ISLANDS. Mw 6.5 (GS), 6.5 (HRV). Me 6.2 (GS). 
                                                                     Es=4.4*10**13 Nm (GS). Mo=6.4*10**18 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=6.4*10**18 Nm (HRV). Four people injured and some 
                                                                     damage to buildings on Guam. Felt (VII) at Inarajan, 
                                                                     Merizo and Yona; (VI) in central Guam; (IV) at Dededo and 
                                                                     Yigo, Guam. Felt strongly on Rota, Saipan and Tinian. 
                                                                     Power outages occurred on Guam and Rota.

APR 28   12 07 37.8  42.504 S   42.686 E   10 G  5.7 6.3   1.1  163  PRINCE EDWARD ISLANDS REGION. Mw 6.6 (GS), 6.8 (HRV).         
                                                                     Mo=7.5*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=1.5*10**19 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=3.5*10**19 Nm (PPT). 

MAY 01   11 37 36.1  18.993 N  107.350 W   33 N  6.1 6.8   1.2  344  OFF COAST OF JALISCO, MEXICO. Mw 6.9 (GS), 6.9 (HRV).         
                                                                     Me 7.3 (GS). Es=1.8*10**15 Nm (GS). Mo=2.7*10**19 Nm 
                                                                     (GS). Mo=2.8*10**19 Nm (HRV). Felt along the coast of 
                                                                     Jalisco. Two events about 2 seconds apart. 
MAY 03   16 46 02.0  31.971 S  179.382 W  108 D  6.6       1.1  465  KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION. Mw 6.9 (GS), 6.9 (HRV). Me 6.7
                                                                     (GS). Es=2.2*10**14 Nm (GS). Mo=2.2*10**19 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=2.8*10**19 Nm (HRV).   

MAY 08   02 53 14.7  24.894 N   92.250 E   35 D  5.6 5.6   1.0  297  INDIA-BANGLADESH BORDER REGION. Mw 6.0 (GS), 5.9 (HRV).
                                                                     Me 6.0 (GS). Es=2.6*10**13 Nm (GS). Mo=1.2*10**18 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=8.6*10**17 Nm (HRV). Several people injured and some 
                                                                     damage to older buildings at Sylhet, Bangladesh. Felt in 
                                                                     much of Bangladesh. Also felt in parts of Assam, Meghalaya 
                                                                     and Tripura, India.

MAY 10   07 57 29.7  33.825 N   59.809 E   10 G  6.4 7.3   1.1  381  NORTHERN IRAN. Mw 7.3 (GS), 7.2 (HRV). Me 7.7 (GS). Ms        
                                                                     7.2 (BRK). Es=8.9*10**15 Nm (GS). Mo=9.5*10**19 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=7.3*10**19 Nm (HRV). At least 1,567 people killed,
                                                                     2,300 injured, 50,000 homeless, 10,533 houses destroyed,
                                                                     5,474 houses damaged and landslides in the Birjand-Qayen 
                                                                     area. Five people killed and some damage in the Herat 
                                                                     area, Afghanistan. Felt in Kerman, Khorasan, Semnan, 
                                                                     Sistan va Baluchestan and Yazd Provinces, Iran. This
                                                                     earthquake appears to have occurred on a southern splay 
                                                                     of the Ferdows fault. The left-lateral, strike-slip 
                                                                     Ferdows fault was the site of the 1968 Dasht-e-Bayaz 
                                                                     earthquake (magnitude 7.3) which resulted in 12,000-20,000 
                                                                     casualties.  The Ferdows fault is north of the Zagros 
                                                                     Mountains (the latter being the northern boundary of the 
                                                                     Arabian plate). Understanding the tectonics of the Ferdows 
                                                                     region is complicated by indistinct boundaries of the 
                                                                     several microplates at that collision zone.

MAY 11   22 16 13.9  36.383 S   97.703 W   10 G  5.6 5.8   1.3   99  WEST CHILE RISE. Mw 6.4 (GS), 6.5 (HRV). Mo=4.7*10**18 
                                                                     Nm (GS). Mo=6.0*10**18 Nm (HRV).                       

MAY 13   05 38 30.2  31.824 N  130.281 E   33 N  5.6 5.8   1.3  241  KYUSHU, JAPAN. Mw 6.1 (GS), 6.1 (HRV). Ms 5.5 (BRK). 
                                                                     Mo=1.4*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=1.4*10**18 Nm (HRV). Thirty-four 
                                                                     people injured and five houses damaged (VI JMA) in the 
                                                                     Sendai area. Felt as far as Fukuoka. Landslides occurred 
                                                                     in Kagoshima Prefecture.    

MAY 13   11 42 21.4  33.465 N   59.894 E   10 G  4.5 4.0   1.2   47  NORTHERN IRAN. One person killed and ten houses               
                                                                     destroyed at Khunik Sar. Also felt at Birjand and Qaen.

MAY 13   14 13 45.7  36.411 N   70.945 E  196 D  6.1       1.0  460  HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN. Mw 6.5 (GS), 6.4 (HRV).       
                                                                     Me 6.3 (GS). mb 6.4 (BRK). Es=6.7*10**13 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=5.9*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=5.0*10**18 Nm (HRV). One person 
                                                                     killed and eleven injured in the Malakand-Peshawar area, 
                                                                     Pakistan. One person injured at Kabul, Afghanistan. Houses 
                                                                     damaged in many parts of northern Pakistan and at Srinagar, 
                                                                     Kashmir. Felt strongly throughout northeastern Afghanistan, 
                                                                     northern Pakistan and Tajikistan. Felt (IV) at Chardzhev, 
                                                                     Turkmenistan; (IV) at Daroot-Korgan and Sopu-Korgon, 
                                                                     Kyrgyzstan; (III) at Shymkent, Kazakhstan; (II) at Bishkek, 
                                                                     Kyrgyzstan. Felt in Himachal Pradesh and as far as Delhi, 

MAY 17  03 58 23.7  39.525 N   76.974 E   33 N  4.9 4.9    0.9  194  SOUTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA. One person injured at Jiashi.

MAY 21  14 10 26.2  20.438 S  169.287 E   57 G  5.9 6.5    1.2  255  VANUATU ISLANDS. Mw 6.6 (GS), 6.8 (HRV). Me 6.5 (GS).
                                                                     Ms 6.1 (BRK). Es=1.1*10**14 Nm (GS). Mo=9.1*10**18 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=1.5*10**19 Nm (HRV). Mo=2.3*10**19 Nm (PPT). Felt (V) at
                                                                     Noumea, New Caledonia. Also felt at Port-Vila.

MAY 21  22 51 28.7  23.083 N   80.041 E   36 G  6.0 5.6    1.0  242  SOUTHERN INDIA. Mw 5.8 (GS), 5.8 (HRV). Me 5.4 (GS). 
                                                                     Es=2.7*10**12 Nm (GS). Mo=5.3*10**17 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=5.8*10**17 Nm (HRV). At least 38 people killed, more 
                                                                     than 1,000 injured, thousands homeless and extensive damage 
                                                                     in the Jabalpur area. Felt in much of Madhya Pradesh. Also 
                                                                     felt at Allahabad, Delhi, Nagpur and in parts of western 
                                                                     Orissa. Two events about 1 second apart.

MAY 21  23 50 43.5  42.881 N    7.193 W   19 D  5.3 4.9    1.1  172  SPAIN. Mw 5.4 (HRV). ML 5.6 (LDG). mbLg 5.1 (MDD). 
                                                                     Mo=1.3*10**17 Nm (HRV). One person died from a heart attack 
                                                                     and minor damage in the Galicia region. Felt in many parts 
                                                                     of northern and western Spain. Also felt in northern 

MAY 22  07 50 53.5  18.684 N  101.604 W   70 G  5.9 6.0    1.0  259  GUERRERO, MEXICO. Mw 6.5 (GS), 6.5 (HRV). Me 6.0 (GS). 
                                                                     Es=2.2*10**13 Nm (GS). Mo=6.8*10**18 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=6.5*10**18 Nm (HRV). Mo=4.9*10**18 Nm (PPT). Many houses 
                                                                     damaged at Arteaga and a church damaged at Patzcuaro, 
                                                                     Michoacan. Felt strongly at Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacan. 
                                                                     Also felt at Mexico City.

MAY 25  23 22 33.1  32.115 S  179.791 E  333 D  6.2        1.2  256  SOUTH OF KERMADEC ISLANDS. Mw 7.1 (GS), 7.1 (HRV).
                                                                     Me 7.2 (GS). mb 6.7 (BRK). Es=1.4*10**15 Nm (GS).
                                                                     Mo=5.8*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=5.2*10**19 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=1.1*10**20 Nm (PPT). Felt strongly on Raoul. Felt
                                                                     throughout the North Island and as far south as 
                                                                     Christchurch on the South Island. Complex earthquake,
                                                                     with two events about 4.5 and 8.5 seconds after the onset.

MAY 29  17 02 38.7  35.964 S  102.511 W   10 G  5.6 6.1    1.0  148  SOUTHERN PACIFIC OCEAN. Mw 6.4 (GS), 6.5 (HRV). Me 6.2 
                                                                     (BRK). Mo=4.5*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=5.9*10**18 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=6.4*10**18 Nm (PPT).

JUN 10  21 53 55.0  35.815 S  108.135 W   10 G  5.8 6.1    1.0  225  SOUTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE. Mw 6.5 (GS), 6.5 (HRV).
                                                                     Me 7.0 (GS). Ms 5.8 (BRK). Es=6.8*10**14 Nm (GS).  
                                                                     Mo=7.0*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=7.3*10**18 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=1.3*10**19 Nm (PPT).

JUN 17  21 03 40.2  51.347 N  179.332 W   33 N  6.4 6.3    0.9  405  ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS. Mw 6.3 (GS), 6.4 (HRV), 
                                                                     6.3 (CSEM). Me 6.0 (GS). ML 6.6 (PMR). Es=2.2*10**13 Nm 
                                                                     (GS). Mo=2.8*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=4.4*10**18 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=3.5*10**18 Nm (CSEM). Mo=3.1*10**18 Nm (PPT). Felt 
                                                                     (IV) on Adak. Also felt on Amchitka.

JUN 20  12 57 32.3  32.334 N   59.957 E   10 G  5.0 5.4    1.4  108  NORTHERN IRAN. Mw 5.6 (HRV). Mo=2.4*10**17 Nm (HRV).
                                                                     Sixty houses destroyed in Khorasan Province. 

JUN 25  09 50 12.4  34.395 N  131.603 E   10 G  5.5 5.6    1.0  252  WESTERN HONSHU, JAPAN. Mw 5.9 (GS), 5.9 (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=9.1*10*17 Nm (GS). Mo=6.7*10**17 Nm (HRV). One person 
                                                                     slightly injured in Yamaguchi Prefecture. Felt (V JMA) in
                                                                     western Shimane and (IV JMA) in northern Hiroshima and 
                                                                     eastern Shimane Prefectures. A landslide occurred near 

JUN 25  19 38 40.6  33.938 N   59.475 E   10 G  5.5 5.8    0.9  269  NORTHERN IRAN. Mw 5.9 (GS), 5.9 (HRV). Me 6.0 (GS). 
                                                                     Es=2.0*10**13 Nm (GS). Mo=7.7*10**17 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=7.4*10**17 Nm (HRV). About 100 houses destroyed, 
                                                                     5,000 others damaged and some livestock killed in the 
                                                                     Birjand-Qayen area.  

JUL 06  09 54 00.7  30.058 S   71.872 W   19 G  5.8 6.5    1.2  189  NEAR COAST OF CENTRAL CHILE. Mw 6.8 (GS), 6.8 (HRV).
                                                                     Me 6.1 (GS). Ms 6.3 (BRK). Es=3.7*10**13 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=1.9*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=1.9*10**19 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=4.0*10**19 Nm (PPT). Felt (III) at Coquimbo, 
                                                                     La Serena, Ovalle and Vicuna. Two events about 3.0
                                                                     seconds apart.

JUL 09  19 24 13.1  10.598 N   63.486 W   20    6.2 6.8    1.3  350  NEAR COAST OF VENEZUELA. Mw 6.9 (GS), 7.0 (HRV). Me 6.5 
                                                                     (GS). Ms 7.0 (BRK). Es=1.1*10**14 Nm (GS). Mo=2.6*10**19 
                                                                     Nm (GS). Mo=3.1*10**19 Nm (HRV). Mo=6.0*10**19 Nm (PPT) . 
                                                                     At least 81 people killed, 522 injured, 3,000 homeless, 
                                                                     extensive damage and landslides in the Cariaco-Cumana 
                                                                     area. Several people injured in the Barcelona-Puerto 
                                                                     La Cruz area. Some damage on Isla de Margarita. Power, 
                                                                     telephone and water services disrupted on Isla Coche and 
                                                                     Isla de Margarita. Felt in much of northeastern Venezuela 
                                                                     and as far west as Maracaibo. Felt (V) on Trinidad. Also 
                                                                     felt on Tobago.

JUL 18  07 33 57.4  41.101 N   45.140 E   33 N  4.2        1.2   34  EASTERN CAUCASUS. About 5,000 houses damaged in the 
                                                                     Noyemberyan area, Armenia. Felt (III) at Tbilisi, Georgia.

JUL 19  14 22 08.7  16.333 N   98.216 W   33 N  5.7 6.3    1.2  217  NEAR COAST OF GUERRERO, MEXICO. Mw 6.9 (GS), 6.7 (HRV).
                                                                     Me 6.0 (GS). Ms 6.1 (BRK). Es=2.3*10**13 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=2.5*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=1.2*10**19 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=1.5*10**19 Nm (PPT). Felt in Guerrero and Oaxaca. Also 
                                                                     felt at Mexico City. Complex event.

JUL 21  08 45 49.1  26.857 S   26.619 E    5 G  5.0        1.1   36  REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. At least 15 people killed and 
                                                                     46 injured at the Hartebeesfontein gold mine near 
                                                                     Stilfontein. Felt as far as Pretoria.

AUG 08  02 39 01.9  39.746 N   41.869 E   10 G  4.5        1.4   66  TURKEY. One person injured and seven houses destroyed 
                                                                     in the Koprukoy area.

AUG 08  22 27 19.8  15.477 S  179.140 W   10 G  5.7 6.6    1.1  224  FIJI ISLANDS REGION. Mw 6.5 (GS), 6.6 (HRV). Ms 6.6 (BRK).
                                                                     Mo=7.0*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=9.5*10**18 Nm (HRV).
AUG 10  09 20 30.9  16.013 S  124.329 E   10    5.9 6.0    0.8  269  WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Mw 6.3 (GS), 6.2 (HRV). Me 6.6 (GS).
                                                                     Ms 6.0 (BRK). Es=2.1*10**14 Nm (GS). Mo=2.7*10**18 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=2.6*10**18 Nm (HRV). Felt in many parts of northwestern 

AUG 20  07 15 15.9   4.358 N   96.494 E   33 N  5.9 6.0    1.2  292  NORTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA. Mw 6.0 (GS), 6.0 (HRV). 
                                                                     Me 5.8 (GS). Es=1.1*10**13 Nm (GS). Mo=1.2*10**18 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=1.1*10**18 Nm (HRV). Several hundred houses destroyed 
                                                                     in Aceh. Felt at Banda Aceh, Medan and other parts of 
                                                                     northern Sumatera. Felt at Alor Setar, Petaling Jaya, 
                                                                     Pinang and Shah Alam, Malaysia. Also felt at Hat Yai and 
                                                                     Songkhla, Thailand.
AUG 20  13 51 16.6  41.715 S   80.134 E   10 G  5.6 6.4    1.3   93  MID-INDIAN RIDGE. Mw 6.5 (GS), 6.5 (HRV). Me 6.9 (GS).
                                                                     Es=4.5*10**14 Nm (GS). Mo=5.8*10**18 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=5.7*10**18 Nm (HRV).

AUG 24  21 11 24.7  28.795 N   52.593 E   33 N  5.0 4.1    0.9  151  SOUTHERN IRAN. Sixty-seven people injured in the
                                                                     Firuzabad area.

AUG 29  06 54 00.2  15.235 S  175.576 W   33 N  5.6 6.4    1.3  187  TONGA ISLANDS. Mw 6.5 (GS), 6.4 (HRV). Me 6.7 (GS). 
                                                                     Ms 6.1 (BRK). Es=2.5*10**14 Nm (GS). Mo=5.5*10**18 Nm 
                                                                     (GS). Mo=5.3*10**18 Nm (HRV). Mo=4.1*10**18 Nm (PPT).

AUG 29  08 14 09.9   3.562 S  144.362 E   23    5.8 6.8    1.1  191  NEAR N COAST OF NEW GUINEA, PNG. Mw 6.5 (GS), 6.6 (HRV).
                                                                     Me 6.9 (GS). Ms 6.9 (BRK). Es=5.5*10**14 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=6.6*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=7.5*10**18 Nm (HRV).

SEP 02  12 13 22.9   3.849 N   75.749 W  199    6.5        0.9  420  COLOMBIA. Mw 6.8 (GS), 6.8 (HRV). Me 6.5 (GS). 
                                                                     mb 6.0 (BRK). Es=1.2*10**14 Nm (GS). Mo=1.8*10**19 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=1.6*10**19 Nm (HRV). Mo=8.0*10**18 Nm (PPT). Felt at 
                                                                     Armenia, Bogota, Cali, Ibague, Manizales, Medellin, 
                                                                     Pereira and many other parts of central and western 
                                                                     Colombia. Also felt (II) at Panama City and Penonome, 
                                                                     Panama. Complex earthquake. A small event is followed by 
                                                                     at least three larger events about 1.0, 4.0 and 7.0 
                                                                     seconds later.

SEP 04  04 23 37.0  26.569 S  178.336 E  625 D  6.3       1.0   435  SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS. Mw 6.8 (GS), 6.8 (HRV). 
                                                                     Me 6.5 (GS). mb 6.4 (BRK). Es=1.1*10**14 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=2.0*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=2.1*10**19 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=2.2*10**19 Nm (PPT). Complex earthquake.

SEP 20  16 11 32.1  28.683 S  177.624 W   30 G  6.1 7.0   1.0   359  KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION. Mw 6.9 (GS), 7.0 (HRV). 
                                                                     Me 6.5 (GS). Ms 7.1 (BRK). Es=1.3*10**14 Nm (GS).
                                                                     Mo=2.8*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=3.5*10**19 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=4.4*10**19 Nm (PPT).

SEP 25  00 05 23.2  26.367 S   27.406 E    5 G  4.7       0.8    71  REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. mbLg 4.5 (BUL). At least three 
                                                                     people injured at the East Dreifontein gold mine. Felt
                                                                     at Johannesburg.

SEP 26  00 33 12.2  43.048 N   12.879 E   10 G  5.5 5.6    1.2  341  CENTRAL ITALY. Mw 5.6 (GS), 5.7 (HRV). Me 5.7 (GS). 
                                                                     ML 5.9 (VIE), 5.7 (STR), 5.6 (FUR), 5.5 (ROM), 5.2 (LDG). 
                                                                     Es=7.6*10**12 Nm (GS). Mo=3.3*10**17 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=3.8*10**17 Nm (HRV). Casualties and damage in the 
                                                                     Marche and Umbria regions are included in the comment for 
                                                                     the event at 09:40:26 UTC on September 26. Maximum 
                                                                     intensity (VIII) in the epicentral area. Damage to the 
                                                                     Basilica of St. Francis at Assisi.

SEP 26  09 40 26.3  43.084 N   12.812 E   10 G  5.7 6.0    1.3  348  CENTRAL ITALY. Mw 6.0 (GS), 6.0 (HRV). Me 6.1 (GS). ML 
                                                                     6.4 (VIE), 6.2 (FUR), 6.0 (STR), 5.8 (ROM), 5.6 (LDG). 
                                                                     Es=2.9*10**13 Nm (GS). Mo=1.0*10**18 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=1.1*10**18 Nm (HRV). Eleven people killed, more than 
                                                                     100 injured and about 80,000 homes destroyed or damaged 
                                                                     in the Marche and Umbria regions by this earthquake and 
                                                                     the event at 00:33:12 UTC on September 26. Maximum 
                                                                     intensity (X) at Serravalle di Chienti and (IX) at 
                                                                     Valtopina. Extensive damage to the Basilica of St. 
                                                                     Francis at Assisi. Felt in many parts of central and 
                                                                     northern Italy from Bologna and Modena to Rome. Felt (IV) 
                                                                     in western and central Slovenia and (III) in southern 
                                                                     Karnten Province, Austria.

SEP 28  01 38 28.6   3.776 S  119.727 E   33 N  5.6 5.5    1.3  145  SULAWESI, INDONESIA. Mw 5.9 (GS), 5.9 (HRV). Me 5.6 (GS). 
                                                                     Es=6.2*10**12 Nm (GS). Mo=6.8*10**17 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=7.1*10**17 Nm (HRV). At least 18 people killed, over  
                                                                     300 injured and 650 houses and buildings destroyed in 
                                                                     the Parepare-Pinrang area. Felt (IV) at Majene and (III) 
                                                                     at Ujungpandang.
SEP 30  06 27 24.7  31.959 N  141.878 E   10 G  5.5 6.5    1.1  245  SOUTH OF HONSHU, JAPAN. Mw 6.2 (GS), 6.2 (HRV).
                                                                     Me 5.8 (GS). Ms 6.5 (BRK). Es=1.2*10**13 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=1.9*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=2.1*10**18 Nm (HRV).

OCT 03  08 55 21.5  43.075 N   12.794 E   10 G  5.1 4.9    1.1  314  CENTRAL ITALY. Mw 5.3 (HRV). ML 5.5 (VIE), 5.4 (FUR), 
                                                                     5.2 (STR), 4.9 (LDG). MD 4.8 (ROM). Mo=9.9*10**16 Nm 
                                                                     (HRV). About 20 people injured and additional damage 
                                                                     (VII) in the Marche and Umbria regions. Additional 
                                                                     damage to the Basilica of St. Francis at Assisi. Felt 
                                                                     at Rome.

OCT 03  11 28 40.5  27.813 N   54.731 E   33 N  5.2 4.8    1.1  203  SOUTHERN IRAN. Mw 5.3 (HRV). Mo=1.0*10**17 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Six people injured and several houses damaged in the 
                                                                     epicentral area.

OCT 06  12 30 05.8   9.790 N  125.779 E  106 D  5.9        1.0  237  MINDANAO, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Mw 6.5 (GS), 6.4 (HRV). 
                                                                     Me 5.8 (GS). Es=1.0*10**13 Nm (GS). Mo=5.5*10**18 Nm 
                                                                     (GS). Mo=5.2*10**18 Nm (HRV). Mo=9.6*10**18 Nm (PPT). 
                                                                     Felt (III RF) in eastern Cebu.
OCT 06  23 24 52.5  43.045 N   12.835 E   10 G  5.3 5.2    1.2  263  CENTRAL ITALY. Mw 5.5 (HRV). ML 5.8 (VIE), 5.5 (FUR), 
                                                                     5.3 (FBB), 5.3 (ROM), 5.1 (LDG). Mo=2.3*10**17 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Four people injured and additional damage (VIII) in the 
                                                                     Assisi, Foligno, Gualdo Tadino and Nocera Umbra areas. 
                                                                     Felt from Arezzo to parts of Lazio.

OCT 13  13 39 37.4  36.379 N   22.071 E   24 G  6.2 6.6    1.2  484  SOUTHERN GREECE. Mw 6.4 (GS), 6.4 (HRV), 6.5 (CSEM).
                                                                     Me 6.2 (GS). Ms 6.7 (BRK). Es=4.8*10**13 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=4.1*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=4.9*10**18 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=7.3*10**18 Nm (CSEM). Minor damage in southern 
                                                                     Peloponnisos. Felt strongly at Athens. Felt throughout 
                                                                     Greece, including Crete. Complex earthquake, with at least 
                                                                     three larger events occurring about 1, 3 and 5 seconds 
                                                                     after the onset.

OCT 14  09 53 18.1  22.101 S  176.772 W  167 D  6.7        0.9  537  SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS. Mw 7.8 (GS), 7.7 (HRV). Me 7.3 
                                                                     (GS). mb 7.0 (BRK). Es=1.8*10**15 Nm (GS). Mo=5.4*10**20 
                                                                     Nm (GS). Mo=4.5*10**20 Nm (HRV). Mo=5.3*10**20 Nm (PPT). 
                                                                     Felt at Wellington, New Zealand. Complex earthquake, with 
                                                                     two events occurring about 6 and 12 seconds after the 

OCT 14  15 23 10.2  42.962 N   12.892 E   10 G  5.4 5.5    1.2  316  CENTRAL ITALY. ML 5.7 (VIE), 5.6 (FUR), 5.5 (STR), 5.4 
                                                                     (ROM), 5.3 (LDG). One person injured and additional 
                                                                     damage (VIII) in the Assisi-Perugia-Foligno area. Slight 
                                                                     damage at Rome. Felt as far south as Naples.
OCT 15  01 03 33.4  30.933 S   71.220 W   58 G  6.8 6.8    1.0  429  NEAR COAST OF CENTRAL CHILE. Mw 7.1 (GS), 7.1 (HRV). 
                                                                     Me 7.6 (GS). Ms 6.7 (BRK). Es=5.3*10**15 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=4.9*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=4.9*10**19 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=6.6*10**19 Nm (PPT). Five people killed at Pueblo 
                                                                     Nuevo, one person killed at Coquimbo, one person killed 
                                                                     at La Chimba and another died of a heart attack at 
                                                                     Punitaqui. More than 300 people injured, 5,000 houses
                                                                     destroyed, 15,700 houses damaged, numerous power and 
                                                                     telephone outages, landslides and rockslides in the 
                                                                     epicentral region. Some damage (VII) at La Serena and 
                                                                     (VI) at Ovalle. Felt (VI) at Alto del Carmen and Illapel; 
                                                                     (V) at Copiapo, Huasco, San Antonio, Santiago and 
                                                                     Vallenar; (IV) at Caldera, Chanaral, Rancagua and Tierra 
                                                                     Amarilla; (III) at Talca; (II) at Concepcion and Taltal. 
                                                                     Felt as far south as Valdivia. Felt (V) in Mendoza and 
                                                                     San Juan Provinces, Argentina. Felt in Buenos Aires, 
                                                                     Catamarca, Cordoba and La Rioja Provinces and Distrito 
                                                                     Federal, Argentina. Also felt in parts of Bolivia and 
                                                                     Peru. Two events about 5 seconds apart.
OCT 28  06 15 17.3   4.368 S   76.681 W  112 G  6.6 6.3    0.9  537  NORTHERN PERU. Mw 7.1 (GS), 7.2 (HRV). Me 6.7 (GS). 
                                                                     mb 6.8 (BRK). Es=2.9*10**14 Nm (GS). Mo=5.0*10**19 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=7.2*10**19 Nm (HRV). Mo=6.0*10**19 Nm (PPT). Slight 
                                                                     damage at Chachapoyas. Two events about 6.5 seconds apart.

NOV 03  08 07 59.9  38.806 N   42.408 E   33 N  4.8        0.9   96  TURKEY. Two people injured and seven houses destroyed at 

NOV 06  02 34 33.0& 46.800 N   71.410 W   23 G  4.8 4.0         134  SOUTHERN QUEBEC, CANADA. <OTT-P>. mbLg 4.8 (GS), 5.1 (OTT).
                                                                     One person died of a heart attack. Felt in many parts of 
                                                                     southern Quebec. Felt as far west as Ottawa, Ontario and 
                                                                     as far east as Edmundston, New Brunswick. Felt (V) at 
                                                                     Adamstown; (IV) at Clayton Lake, Farmington, Saint Francis, 
                                                                     Saint John and Shirley Mills, Maine. Felt (V) at East Haven 
                                                                     and Newport; (IV) at Barton, Beebe Plain, Sheldon Springs 
                                                                     and West Glover, Vermont. Also felt (IV) at Groveton, New 
                                                                     Hampshire. Felt in western Maine, northern New Hampshire, 
                                                                     northern Vermont and parts of northeastern New York.

NOV 08  10 02 52.6  35.069 N   87.325 E   33 N  6.2 7.9    1.4  344  XIZANG. Mw 7.4 (GS), 7.5 (HRV), 7.1 (OBN). Me 7.4 (GS). 
                                                                     Ms 7.5 (BRK). Es=3.1*10**15 Nm (GS). Mo=1.4*10**20 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=2.2*10**20 Nm (HRV). Mo=5.2*10**19 Nm (OBN). 
                                                                     Mo=1.5*10**20 Nm (PPT). Complex earthquake with at least 
                                                                     two larger events occurring about 3 and 6 seconds after the 

NOV 09  22 56 42.7  13.849 N   88.808 W  176    5.6        1.1  364  EL SALVADOR. Mw 6.5 (GS), 6.4 (HRV). Me 5.7 (GS). mb 6.1 
                                                                     (BRK). MD 5.0 (SSS). Es=6.9*10**12 Nm (GS). Mo=5.4*10**18  
                                                                     Nm (GS). Mo=3.9*10**18 Nm (HRV). Felt (IV) at San Salvadore.

NOV 14  04 29 53.4  24.156 N  121.861 E   33 N  5.2 4.8    1.1   89  TAIWAN. One person injured by a landslide on the coastal 
                                                                     highway between Hua-lien and Su-ao. Felt (V JMA) at Hua-
                                                                     lien. Felt in much of Taiwan.

NOV 15  18 59 24.3  15.145 S  167.375 E  123 D  6.4        1.1  357  VANUATU ISLANDS. Mw 7.0 (GS), 7.0 (HRV). Me 6.7 (GS). 
                                                                     mb 6.8 (BRK). Es=2.8*10**14 Nm (GS). Mo=4.1*10**19 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=4.2*10**19 Nm (HRV). Complex earthquake with at least 
                                                                     one larger event occurring about 3 seconds after the onset.

NOV 18  13 07 41.7  37.570 N   20.656 E   33 N  5.9 6.4    1.4  402  IONIAN SEA. Mw 6.4 (GS), 6.6 (HRV), 6.3 (CSEM). Me 6.2 (GS). 
                                                                     Ms 6.3 (BRK). ML 6.1 (THE). Es=4.1*10**13 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=4.2*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=9.0*10**18 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=3.1*10**18 Nm (CSEM).  Several people injured and 
                                                                     considerable damage to buildings at Amalias, Gargalianoi, 
                                                                     Kalamai, Kiparissia, Meligalas, Pirgos and other parts of 
                                                                     western Peloponnisos. One house destroyed on Zakinthos. Felt 
                                                                     in much of Greece as far as Crete. Also felt on Sicily. 
                                                                     Complex event.

NOV 21  11 23 06.3  22.212 N   92.702 E   54 D  5.9        1.0  362  INDIA-BANGLADESH BORDER REGION. Mw 6.1 (GS), 6.1 (HRV). 
                                                                     Me 5.5 (GS). Es=4.4*10**12 Nm (GS). Mo=1.5*10**18 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=1.5*10**18 Nm (HRV). Twenty-three people killed, 200 
                                                                     injured and a five-story building collapsed at Chittagong, 
                                                                     Bangladesh. Houses damaged at Alikadam, Bandarban, Lama 
                                                                     and Nakhyaungcharipara, Bangladesh. Felt in much of 
                                                                     Bangladesh as far north as Rangpur and Rajshahi. Two 
                                                                     events about 1.75 seconds apart.

NOV 25  12 14 33.6   1.241 N  122.536 E   24 G  6.1 6.8    1.2  296  MINAHASSA PENINSULA, SULAWESI. Mw 7.0 (GS), 7.0 (HRV). 
                                                                     Me 6.9 (GS). Ms 6.7 (BRK). Es=4.7*10**14 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=3.7*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=4.1*10**19 Nm (HRV).
                                                                     Mo=2.4*10**19 Nm (PPT). At least 90 buildings damaged (VI) 
                                                                     in the Gorontalo area. Felt (III) at Manado. 

NOV 28  22 53 41.5  13.740 S   68.788 W  586 D  6.4        0.9  488  PERU-BOLIVIA BORDER REGION. Mw 6.6 (GS), 6.7 (HRV). Me 6.5
                                                                     (GS). mb 6.3 (BRK). Es=1.3*10**14 Nm (GS). Mo=1.0*10**19 
                                                                     Nm (GS). Mo=1.1*10**19 Nm (HRV). 

DEC 05  11 26 54.6  54.841 N  162.035 E   33 N  6.3 7.6    1.0  460  NEAR EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA. Mw 7.7 (GS), 7.8 (HRV), 7.5 
                                                                     (OBN). Me 7.2 (GS). Ms 7.7 (BRK). Es=1.5*10**15 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=4.1*10**20 Nm (GS). Mo=5.3*10**20 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=2.2*10**20 Nm (OBN). Felt (VII) in the epicentral area
                                                                     and (V) at Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy and Ust-Kamchatsk. 
                                                                     Felt (II) at Severo-Kurilsk, Paramushir. Also felt aboard 
                                                                     the cargo ship Stepan Krasheninnikov in the epicentral 
                                                                     area. Tsunami generated with recorded wave heights 
                                                                     (peak-to-trough) at the following selected tide stations: 
                                                                     15 cm on Adak and Unalaska, Alaska; 60 cm at Kahului, 52 cm 
                                                                     at Haleiwa, 47 cm at Hilo, 30 cm at Hanalei, 12 cm on 
                                                                     Midway, 10 cm at Snug Harbor and 5 cm at Honolulu, Hawaii.
                                                                     Complex earthquake with at least one event occurring about 
                                                                     14 seconds after the onset.

DEC 05  18 48 22.7  53.752 N  161.746 E   33 N  6.2 6.5    1.1  477  OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA. Mw 6.4 (GS), 6.5 (HRV), 6.6 
                                                                     (OBN). Me 6.5 (GS). Ms 6.4 (BRK). Es=1.1*10**14 Nm (GS).
                                                                     Mo=3.8*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=5.4*10**18 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=9.3*10**18 Nm (OBN). Felt (IV) at Petropavlovsk-
                                                                     Kamchatskiy. Also felt (II) at Severo-Kurilsk, Paramushir.

DEC 06  10 59 10.0  53.972 N  161.909 E   33 N  5.7 5.8    1.0  427  OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA. Mw 5.9 (GS), 6.1 (HRV), 
                                                                     6.6 (OBN). Me 5.7 (GS). Es=9.1*10**12 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=9.0*10**17 Nm (GS). Mo=1.5*10**18 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=8.1*10**18 Nm (OBN).

DEC 07  17 56 18.7  54.658 N  162.882 E   33 N  5.6 6.0    1.1  368  NEAR EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA. Mw 6.2 (GS), 6.2 (HRV),
                                                                     6.5 (OBN). Me 6.0 (GS). Es=2.0*10**13 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=2.3*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=2.1*10**18 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=6.0*10**18 Nm (OBN).

DEC 17  04 38 51.4  51.187 N  178.871 E   20 G  5.8 6.5    1.0  369  RAT ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS. Mw 6.5 (GS), 6.6 (HRV). Me 
                                                                     6.2 (GS). Ms 6.4 (BRK). ML 6.4 (PMR). Es=4.1*10**13 Nm (GS).
                                                                     Mo=6.0*10**18 Nm (GS). Mo=9.9*10**18 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=1.2*10**19 Nm (PPT). Felt (IV) on Adak. Two events about
                                                                     1.5 seconds apart.

DEC 22  02 05 50.0   5.495 S  147.867 E  179 D  6.3 6.7    1.0  496  EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG., P.N.G. Mw 7.0 (GS), 7.2 (HRV). Me 
                                                                     7.1 (GS). mb 6.4 (BRK). Es=8.7*10**14 Nm (GS). 
                                                                     Mo=4.1*10**19 Nm (GS). Mo=6.2*10**19 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                     Mo=5.6*10**19 Nm (PPT). Some minor damage at Lae. Felt at 
                                                                     Madang, Morobe, Port Moresby and on New Britain. Complex

Notable North American Earthquakes

JUN 23  19 13 27.0& 47.599 N  122.574 W    7    5.0             150  WASHINGTON. <SEA-P>. MD 4.9 (SEA). Slight damage (VI) at 
                                                                     Bremerton and Poulsbo. Felt (V) at Gig Harbor, Port 
                                                                     Gamble, Tracyton and on Bainbridge Island; (IV) at Allyn, 
                                                                     Indianola, Kent, Keyport, Kirkland, Manchester, Mercer 
                                                                     Island, Mountlake Terrace, Olalla, Orting, Port Orchard, 
                                                                     Quilcene, Seabeck, SeaTac Airport, Seattle, Shelton,  
                                                                     South Colby, Southworth and Vashon. Felt throughout the
                                                                     Puget Sound area from Mount Vernon to Olympia.

Compiled by Waverly J. Person