Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

Table 14
Commercial Freight Activity in the United States by Mode of Transportation: 2002a

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Mode Value (billion $) Tons (millions) Ton-miles (billions)
All modes 13,052 19,487 4,409
Single modes 11,599 18,894 4,073
Truckb 9,075 11,712 1,515
Rail 392 1,979 1,372
Water 673 1,668 485
Air (includes truck and air) 563 6 13
Pipelinec 896 3,529 688
Multiple modes 1,121 229 233
Parcel, postal, or courier 1,022 27 21
Truck and rail 77 52 50
Other multiple modesd 22 150 103
Unknown modes 331 365 103

a These estimates include Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) data plus data on sectors that are not included in the CFS such as imports, logging, construction, retail, services, publishing, municipal solid waste, and household and business moves. They also include estimates of shipments for sectors that are covered in the CFS but may have been underestimated due to a small sample size, such as exports, intermodal, and petroleum products.

b "Truck" as a single mode includes shipments that were made only by private truck, for-hire truck, or a combination of private and for-hire truck.

c Estimates for pipeline include shipments of crude petroleum.

d Other multiple modes includes a combination of truck and water, rail and water, and other combinations.

Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Freight in America (Washington, DC: In press).

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