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ISSN: 1080-6059

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Volume 10, Number 4 –April 2004

Another Dimension

Threat of the Spores

Setu K. Vora
*New York Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, New York, USA

Beware the threat of the spores,
Bad news parcels bide their time.
They lurk to enter the unsuspecting
And unleash dormant evil that multiplies.

The twin rings of code within are culprits
Spawning the Unholy Trinity of toxins.
Inject to bleed, swell, and destroy,
While the "protective" antigen does anything but.

Skin lesions black as the namesake coal,
Pale in comparison to the inhaled disease.
Finely milled, known simply as Ames strain
Artificial and abhorrent agents of terror.

"Alpha" bacteria,
Germs of the germ theory.
Origin of the famous postulates,
Crafty bugs made cruel by man.

Brought home the nesting-doll syndrome,
Envelopes, spores, bacilli, plasmids.
With it the fear and the frenzy
To cure what we create.

Comments to the EID Editors

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This page posted March 23, 2004

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