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ISSN: 1080-6059

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Volume 14, Number 6–June 2008

Another Dimension

Plague Victims Catapulted Over Walls Into Besieged City

Thomas Lux

Early germ

warfare. The dead

hurled this way turn like wheels

in the sky. Look: there goes

Larry the Shoemaker, barefoot, over the wall, and Mary Sausage Stuffer, see how she flies, and the Hatter twins, both at once, soar over the parapet, little Tommy's elbow bent as if in a salute, and his sister, Mathilde, she follows him, arms outstretched, through the air, just as she did on earth.

From The Street of Clocks. New Yori: Houghton Mifflin Co.; 2001. Published with permission of the author.

Thomas Lux is author of several books of poetry and recipient of many poetry awards. He holds the Bourne Chair in Poetry at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, where he runs the poetry program.

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This page posted March 21, 2008

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