
Codification of Presidential Proclamations and Executive Orders


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Gas. See Natural gas
See also Petroleum and petroleum products
Federal motor vehicles, use and procurement of fuel--EO 12261
Gasoline. See Petroleum and petroleum products
General Services Administration
Buy-American Act, purchase of materials of foreign origin--EO 10582
Consumer product information center--EO 11566
Government contracts
Forms, revision--EO 11246
National defense--EO 10789
Procurement, Federal, employment of disabled--EO 11758
Emergency preparedness functions--EO 10480; EO 12038; EO 12656
Equal employment opportunity--EO 12086
Exhibits and displays--EO 11440
Federal buildings and facilities, management--EO 12072
Labor management relations--EO 12171
Labor surplus areas, Federal procurement policy--EO 12073
Management and Budget Office, functions transfer--EO 11717
Occupational safety and health--EO 12196
Presidential authority, delegations--EO 10480; EO 10530; EO 11012; EO 11609; EO 11672; EO 11912; EO 12024; EO 12261; EO 12411
Ridesharing, Federal facilities--EO 12191
Generalized System of Preferences--EO 11846
George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama, designation--EO 10870
Germany, U.S. authority and functions--EO 10608
Goat meat, imports--EO 11539
Gold, Federal acquisition and holding--EO 11825
Good Conduct Medal--EO 8809
Government buildings. See Buildings and facilities, Federal
Government Certificates of Merit, U.S.--EO 11246
Government contracts
Buy-American Act, purchase of materials of foreign origin--EO 10582
Certificate of Merit, U.S. Government--EO 11246
Construction, nondiscrimination--EO 11246
Conversion of Federal commercial activities to private sector--EO 12615
Debarment and suspension--EO 12549
Emergency preparedness--EO 10480
Energy conservation--EO 11912
Environmental protection policies, compliance--EO 11738
Equal employment opportunity--EO 11063; EO 11141; EO 11246; EO 12086
Foreign countries, contracts with U.S.--EO 11223
Gasohol--Procurement for Federal motor vehicles--EO 12261
Handicapped persons, employment--EO 11758
Labor surplus areas, Federal procurement policy--EO 12073
National defense--EO 10789; EO 10865
Prison inmates, non-Federal, employment--EO 11755
Procurement agreement--EO 12260; EO 12352
Recreation facilities--EO 11200
Regulations for voiding or rescinding--EO 12448
Telecommunications--EO 12046
Travel expenses--EO 12561
Veterans, employment--EO 11701
Government employees
Absentee voting for employees stationed overseas--EO 12642
Adverse action appeals system--EO 11491
Alaska, Defense Department employees stationed in--EO 10895
Benefit conferences--EO 10826
Career appointments, Schedule B--EO 11203--EO 11955
Career-conditional appointment system--EO 10577
Central Intelligence Agency employees, training exemptions--EO 108805
Child support and alimony payments, garnishment of wages--EO 12105
Civil service rules--EO 12107
Classified civil service--EO 8743
Competitive status, conferral--EO 9807
Consumer affairs personnel--EO 12160
Conversion of commercial activities to private sector--EO 12615
Correctional officer appointments, Bureau of Prisons--EO 9738
Defense Production Act, essential positions--EO 10647
Diplomatic missions and personnel, privileges, immunities, and liability insurance--EO 12101
Drug Enforcement Administration, criminal investigators--EO 12230
Drug-free workplace--EO 12564
Employment rights, protection--EO 11899
Ethical conduct standards--EO 11222
Evacuation from foreign countries--EO 10982
Executive Assignment system--EO 11315
Executive Schedule positions--EO 12154
Experts and consultants, appointment under Defense Production Act--EO 10647
Foreign or overseas duty, personnel allowances--EO 12228
Foreign Service, competitive service appointments--EO 11219
Fundraising activities by national voluntary agencies--EO 12353
Hawaii, Defense Department employees stationed in--EO 10895
Indians, Federal contracting or trading--EO 12328
International organizations, details and transfers--EO 11552
Labor management relations--EO 11491; EO 12171
Leave transfer--EO 12589
Leaves of absence--EO 10471
Management reform--EO 12479
Motor-vehicle pools, interagency--EO 10579
Moving expenses--EO 10614
Occupational safety and health programs--EO 12196
Office of Management and Budget, conversion of temporary appointments--EO 12505
Overseas employment--EO 12362
Panama Canal, Permanent Force employment conditions--EO 1888
Patent policy for inventions--EO 10096
Pay and allowances. See Wages
Permanent employees, promotions and reassignments--EO 10556
Personnel exchanges, Federal and State governments--EO 11589
Personnel management--EO 9830
Personnel mobilization during national emergency--EO 12656
Physicians, comparability allowances--EO 12109
Presidential Management Intern Program--EO 12364
President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service--EO 10717
Prevention or relief from working by administrative order--EO 10552
Productivity improvement--EO 12637
Reinstatements--EO 11579; EO 12026
Retirement--EO 9154; EO 11961; EO 12023; EO 12177; EO 12461
Ridesharing program--EO 12191
Safety belt use--EO 12566
Schedule B positions--EO 12596
Security requirements--EO 10450
Training programs--EO 11348
Travel expenses--EO 12561
Veterans Administration, Contact Representative appointments--EO 9628
Volunteers, Peace Corps--EO 11103
Women, legal equity--EO 12336
Work space management reforms--EO 12411
Work-study programs, career or career-conditional appointments--EO 12015
Government Patent Board--EO 10096
Government Printing Office--EO 10789
Grand Coulee Dam Project, integration and coordination of electrical facilities with Bonneville Project--EO 8526
Grants, Federal
Armed Forces, U.S., education grants--EO 11079
Environmental protection policies--EO 11738
Housing development--EO 11063
Small and minority business--EO 11625; EO 12138; EO 12432
Great Britain, Bank of England, accounts concerning hostages held in Iran--EO 12277
Great Lakes, designation of restricted waters--Proc. 3385
Greece, consular officers--EO 11300
Grenada campaign, naturalization exceptions for aliens serving in--EO 12582
Administration, functions transfer--EO 10077
Income tax laws, effective date--EO 10211
Guard, National--EO 10996; EO 11157; EO 11485

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