Federal Register

Executive Order 10325--Regulations governing the award of the Medal for Humane Action

Source: The provisions of Executive Order 10325 of Feb. 7, 1952, appear at 17 FR 1239, 3 CFR, 1949-1953 Comp., p. 851, unless otherwise noted.

By virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by the act of July 20, 1949, ch. 353, 63 Stat. 447, and by section 301 of title 3 of the United States Code (sec. 10 of Pub. Law 248, 82nd Cong.), I hereby prescribe the following regulations governing the award of the Medal for Humane Action, created by the said act of July 20, 1949:

1. The Medal for Humane Action, with suitable appurtenances and devices, may be awarded on behalf of the President of the United States by the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of the Navy, and the Secretary of the Air Force under such regulations as they may severally prescribe and subject to the provisions of this order.

2. The Medal for Humane Action may be awarded, as provided in paragraph 1 hereof, to any person who while serving in or with the armed forces of the United States at any time during the period commencing on June 26, 1948, and terminating at the close of September 30, 1949, distinguished himself by meritorious participation in the humane military effort to supply necessities of life to the people of Berlin, Germany. Such a person may have been, at the time of such participation, a member of the armed forces, or a national, of the United States, or a member of the armed forces, or a national, of any country other than the United States.

3. No person shall be awarded more than one Medal for Humane Action.

4. In the case of any person who shall have died while participating in such humane military effort or as a result of his participation therein, or who is found qualified for the award of the Medal for Humane Action but shall have died without having received such award, the Medal for Humane Action shall be presented to such appropriate representative or next of kin of such person as may be determined pursuant to regulations prescribed by the respective Secretaries.

5. The Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force are authorized and directed to prescribe such regulations as may be deemed necessary for carrying out the provisions of this order. Such regulations shall be uniform for all military departments insofar as practicable and shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of Defense.

This order shall be effective as of July 20, 1949.

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