Federal Register

Executive Order 12205--Prohibiting certain transactions with Iran

Source: The provisions of Executive Order 12205 of Apr. 7, 1980, appear at 45 FR 24099, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 248, unless otherwise noted.

Cross reference: Executive Order 12282of Jan. 19, 1981, Chapter 15, revokes the prohibitions contained in this order.

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and statutes of the United States, including Section 203 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1702), Section 301 of Title 3 of the United States Code, and Section 301 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1631), in order to take steps additional to those set forth in Executive Order No. 12170 of November 14, 1979, to deal with the threat to the national security, foreign policy and economy of the United States referred to in that Order, and in furtherance of the objectives of United Nations Security Council Resolution 461 (1979) adopted on December 31, 1979, it is hereby ordered as follows:

1-101. The following are prohibited effective immediately, notwithstanding any contracts entered into or licenses granted before the date of this Order:
(a) The sale, supply or other transfer, by any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, of any items, commodities or products, except food, medicine and supplies intended strictly for medical purposes, and donations of clothing intended to be used to relieve human suffering, from the United States, or from any foreign country, whether or not originating in the United States, either to or destined for Iran, an Iranian governmental entity in Iran, any other person or body in Iran or any other person or body for the purposes of any enterprise carried on in Iran.
(b) The shipment by vessel, aircraft, railway or other land transport of United States registration or owned by or under charter to any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States or the carriage (whether or not in bond) by land transport facilities across the United States of any of the items, commodities and products covered by paragraph (a) of this section which are consigned to or destined for Iran, an Iranian governmental entity or any person or body in Iran, or to any enterprise carried on in Iran.
(c) The shipment from the United States of any of the items, products and commodities covered by paragraph (a) of this section on vessels or aircraft registered in Iran.
(d) The following acts, when committed by any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States in connection with any transaction involving Iran, an Iranian governmental entity, an enterprise controlled by Iran or an Iranian governmental entity, or any person in Iran:
(i) Making available any new credits or loans;
(ii) Making available any new deposit facilities or allowing substantial increases in non-dollar deposits which exist as of the date of this Order;
(iii) Allowing more favorable terms of payment than are customarily used in international commercial transactions;
(iv) Failing to act in a businesslike manner in exercising any rights when payments due on existing credits or loans are not made in a timely manner; or
(v) Make any payment, transfer of credit, or other transfer of funds or other property or interests therein, except for purposes of family remittances.
(e) The engaging by any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States in any service contract in support of an industrial project in Iran, except any such contract entered into prior to the date of this Order or concerned with medical care.
(f) The engaging by any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States in any transaction which evades or avoids, or has the purpose or effect of evading or avoiding, any of the prohibitions set forth in this section.

[Para. 1-101 amended by Executive Order 12211 of Apr. 17, 1980, 45 FR 26685, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 253]

1-102. The prohibitions in section 1-101 above shall not apply to transactions by any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States which is a non-banking association, corporation, or other organization organized and doing business under the laws of any foreign country.

1-103. The Secretary of the Treasury is delegated, and authorized to exercise, all functions vested in the President by the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) to carry out the purposes of this Order. The Secretary may redelegate any of these functions to other officers and agencies of the Federal government.

1-104. The Secretary of the Treasury shall ensure that actions taken pursuant to this Order and Executive Order No. 12170 are accounted for as required by Section 401 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1641).

1-105. This Order is effective immediately. In accord with Section 401 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1641) and Section 204 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1703), it shall be immediately transmitted to the Congress and published in the Federal Register.

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