Federal Register

Proclamation 4064--Display of flags at the Washington Monument

Source: The provisions of Proclamation 4064 of July 6, 1971, appear at 36 FR 12967, 3 CFR, 1971-1975 Comp., p. 49, unless otherwise noted.

The Washington Monument stands day and night as America's tribute to our first President. The fifty American flags that encircle the base of the Monument represent our fifty States and, at the same time, symbolize our enduring Federal Union.

As this Nation's 200th year approaches, I believe that it would do all Americans well to remember the years of our first President and to recall the enduring ideals of our Nation.

As an expression of our rededication to the ideals of America and in accordance with the joint resolution of Congress of June 22, 1942 (56 Stat. 377), as amended by the joint resolution of December 22, 1942, (56 Stat. 1074), which permits the flag to be displayed at night "upon special occasions when it is desired to produce a patriotic effect," it is appropriate that our national colors henceforth be displayed day and night at the Washington Monument.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, RICHARD NIXON, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim that, effective July 4, 1971, the fifty flags of the United States of America displayed at the Washington Monument in the District of Columbia be flown at all times during the day and night, except when the weather is inclement.

The rules and customs pertaining to the display of the flag as set forth in the joint resolution of June 22, 1942, as amended, are hereby modified accordingly.

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