Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve
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Coyote Kids Activities

Go with the Flow
Eolian Science
Endemic Insects
Exotic Escapes
Digging Back in Time

clue-coyoteDear Coyote-Kids and Teachers,

We welcome teachers and students alike to participate in the five activities above. Each activity contains Field Notes, Action Photos, Critical Thinking discussions, and a clue activity that will help you unlock the Eolian Sciencefulgurscope. Each clue must be gained by solving an interactive puzzle*. In each section you can engage in a clue activity by clicking the clue-coyote. Collect all five clues (remember to write them down) to unlock the fulgurscope.

And teachers, Coyote-Kids is for you too. Additional classroom and outdoor activities are also available in each section. Look in Activities for a list of related lesson plans and activities. A complete list of all materials is also Endemic Insectsavailable in the Teachers' Guide.


Great Sand Dunes Rangers


*To complete the activities and enter the fulgurscope, the free Macromedia Flash Player 6.0 or greater is required.

the Fulgurscope

When lightning strikes the sand dunes, fulgurites are formed as intense heat fuses quartz crystals together. These hollow tubes of sandy-glass are found throughout the Great Sand Dunes.
Fortunately, this web site contains a very special fulgurite, one that is large enough and special enough to be a fulgurscope. The difference between a fulgurscope and other types of "scopes" (telescopes, microscopes, and periscopes) is that with a fulgurscope we are able to peer along the 'wild-space' continuum! Complete the five activities to unlock and experience the fulgurscope.

and students made possible by Parks As Classroom