Genome Sequencing Technologies and Resources Section 

DOE Human Genome Program Contractor-Grantee Workshop VII 
January 12-16, 1999  Oakland, CA

27. Adapting the Tecan Genesis 2 Meter Workstation for High Density Agarose Gel Loading 

Linda Sindelar, John Bercovitz, Mario Cepeda, and David Humphries 
Joint Genome Institute, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California 

We have modified the Tecan Genesis Workstation to load high density agarose gels that are used for transposon mapping. Each Gel contains 210 wells that are 1mm wide and have a center to center spacing of 2.25mm. To achieve the positional accuracy required for this application we have designed modified pipetting tips and elevated work decks that hold four gels, source microtiter plates, markers, and a custom tip calibration fixture. We have also designed and fabricated casting trays and combs which precisely locate the gels on the work deck. Four gels are loaded with buffer and sample in 32 minutes. The application was written in the Tecan Logic Software. 

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