Genome Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues Section 

DOE Human Genome Program Contractor-Grantee Workshop VII 
January 12-16, 1999  Oakland, CA

    185. The Hispanic Educational Genome Project 
    Margaret C. Jefferson, Mary Ann Sesma, and Patricia Ordonez 
    California State University, Los Angeles, Calfornia 
    The primary objectives of this grant were to develop, implement, and distribute culturally competent, linguistically appropriate, and relevant curricula that lead to Hispanic student and family interactions regarding the science, ethical, legal, and social issues of the Human Genome Project. 
    Two curricula were developed: (a) that designed for students and (b) that designed for parents. The student component consists of available materials (e.g., the BSCS HGP-ELSI curricula; laboratory projects; University of Washington High School Human Genome Program exercises; Virtual FlyLab; and more) and newly developed materials (e.g., teacher-developed activities in four major units of biology; student-developed surveys; and more). The parent component consists of newsletters written by students available in both English and Spanish and parent focus groups which discuss issues related to genetics and health. Discussions have been in both English and Spanish with translators available. Information on materials are available via our WWW home page:
    *Supported by a grant from the Director, Office of Energy Research, Office of Health and Environmental Research of the U.S. Department of Energy under grant # DE-FG03-94-ER61797.  

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