Sequencing Abstract Index

DOE Human Genome Program
Contractor-Grantee Workshop VIII
February 27-March 2, 2000  Santa Fe, NM

Author Index
Table of Contents
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Function and cDNA Resources
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Microbial Genome Program
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Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues
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Ordering Information

Abstracts from
Past Meetings

1. Sequence Analysis of Human Chromosome 19

Anne Olsen, Paul Predki, Ken Frankel, Laurie Gordon, Astrid Terry, Matt Nolan, Mark Wagner, Amy Brower, Andrea Aerts, Marnel Bondoc, Kristen Kadner, Manesh Shah, Richard Mural, Miriam Land, Denise Schmoyer, Sergey Petrov, Doug Hyatt, Morey Parang, Jay Snoddy, Ed Uberbacher, and the JGI Production Sequencing Team

2. Draft Sequencing Procedures for Chromosome 16 Sequencing

Mark O. Mundt, David C. Bruce, Leslie Chasteen, Judith Cohn, Lynne Goodwin, Kristina Kommander, Chris Munk, Robert Sutherland, Norman Doggett, and Larry Deaven

3. Large-Scale Finishing of Human and Mouse Genomic Sequences

Richard M. Myers, Jeremy Schmutz, Jane Grimwood, the Sequencing Group at Stanford Human Genome Center, and the Joint Genome Institute

4. A Tale of Three Loci

Lee Rowen, Anup Madan, Shizhen Qin, and Lee Hood

5. Human Telomere Mapping and Sequencing

Robert K. Moyzis, Deborah L. Grady, Han-Chang Chi, and Harold C. Riethman

6. Targeted cDNA Sequencing

Kimberly Prichard, Susi Wachocki, Mira Dimitrijevic-Bussod, Mark Mundt, Judith Cohn, David Bruce, Cliff Han, Norman Doggett, Christa Prange, and Michael R. Altherr

7. Determining Quality of Oligonucleo-tides Synthesized in a High Throughput Process

Linda S. Thompson, David C. Bruce, Norman A. Doggett, Mark O. Mundt, and Larry L. Deaven

8. Progress of Concatenation cDNA Sequencing at the BCM-Human Genome Sequencing Center

Richard Gibbs

9. Full-Length cDNA Sequencing Using Differential Extension with Nucleotide Subsets (DENS)

O. Chertkov, C. Naranjo, D. Zevin-Sonkin, H. Hovhanissyan, A. Ghochikyan, L. Lvovsky, A. Liberzon, M.C. Raja, and L.E. Ulanovsky

10. pZIP: A Versatile Vector for Sequencing by Nested Deletions

John J. Dunn

11. pUC-SV: A New Double Adaptor Plasmid System for Sequencing Complex Genomes

Jonathan L. Longmire, Nancy C. Brown, Larry L. Deaven, and Norman A. Doggett

12. A Fluorescent Sequencing Vector for High-Throughput Clone Selection by Cell Sorting

Juno Choe and Ger van den Engh

13. An Isothermal Amplification System for the Production of DNA Templates for DNA Sequencing

Stanley Tabor and Charles Richardson

14. Universal Energy-Transfer Cassettes for Facile Construction of Energy-Transfer Fluorescent Labels

Jin Xie, Lorenzo Berti, Richard A. Mathies, and Alexander N. Glazer

15. Fimer Chemistry for Sequencing off BAC and Genomic DNA Templates

S. Kozyavkin, N. Polouchine, A. Malykh, O. Malykh, and A. Slesarev

16. Chemical Conversion of Boronated PCR Products into Bidirectional Sequencing Fragments

Barbara Ramsay Shaw, Kenneth W. Porter, Ahmad Hasan, Kaizhang He, and Jack Summers

17. Human and Mouse BAC Libraries for Genome Sequencing, Mapping, and Functional Analysis

Kazutoyo Osoegawa, Chung Li Shu, Aaron Mammoser, Joe Catanese, and Pieter J. De Jong

18. Human and Mouse BAC Ends

Shaying Zhao, Mark D. Adams, Joel Malek, Lily Fu, Bola Akinretoye, Sofiya Shatsman, Maureen Levins, Stephany McGann, Keita Geer, Getahun Tsegaye, Margaret Krol, Peter Choi, Tamara Feldblyum, William Nierman, and Claire Fraser

19. Library Strategy for Genome Sequencing Projects

William C. Nierman

146. The Need for a Simple Sequence Annotation Standard

Lincoln Stein, Sean Eddy, Robin Dowell

156. Time-Resolved Sequence Analysis on High Density Fiberoptic DNA Probe Arrays

David R. Walt and Jane Ferguson

The online presentation of this publication is a special feature of the Human Genome Project Information Web site.