Bioinformatics Abstract Index

DOE Human Genome Program
Contractor-Grantee Workshop VIII
February 27-March 2, 2000  Santa Fe, NM

Author Index
Table of Contents
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Function and cDNA Resources
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Microbial Genome Program
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Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues
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Ordering Information

Abstracts from
Past Meetings

56. Software to Support BAC Mapping

Cliff S. Han and Norman A. Doggett

57. Automated Optimization of Expert System for Base-Calling in DNA Sequencing

Arthur W. Miller and Barry L. Karger

58. Is Q20 a Sufficient Measure of Quality to Use for DNA Sequencing Process Analysis?

D. C. Bruce, M. D. Jones, J. E. Bryant, R. Lobb, J. R. Griffith, M. O. Mundt, N. A. Doggett, and L. L. Deaven

59. Annotation of Draft Genomic Sequence Generated at the JGI

Richard Mural, Miriam Land, Frank Larimer, Morey Parang, Manesh Shah, Doug Hyatt, Ed Uberbacher, P. Folta, T. Bobo, Zhengping Huang, and T. Slezak

60. Information Systems to Support Experimental and Computational Research into Complex Biological Systems and Functional Genomics: Several Pilot Projects

Jay Snoddy, Denise Schmoyer, Kathe Fischer, Gwo-Lin Chen, Miriam Land, Sergey Petrov, Sheryl Martin, Ed Michaud, Bob Barry, Gene Rinchik, Peter Hoyt, Mitch Doktycz , and E. Uberbacher

61. Navigation, Visualization, and Query of Genomes: The Genome Channel and Beyond

Morey Parang, Miriam Land, Denise Schmoyer, Jay Snoddy, Doug Hyatt, Richard Mural, and Ed Uberbacher

62. Continuation of the Genome Database

Christopher J. Porter, C. Conover Talbot Jr., Jay Snoddy, Ed Uberbacher, and A. Jamie Cuticchia

63. Reconstruction and Annotation of Transcribed Sequences: The TIGR Gene Indices

John Quackenbush, Ingeborg Holt, Feng Liang, Geo Pertea, Jonathan Upton, and Thomas S. Hansen

64. An Informatics Framework for Transcriptome Annotation

Brian Brunk, Jonathan Crabtree, Mark Gibson, Chris Overton, Debra Pinney, Jonathan Schug, Chris Stoeckert, Jian Wang, Ihor Lemischka, Kateri Moore, and Robert Phillips

65. Protein Domain Dissection and Functional Identification

Temple F. Smith, Sophia Zarakhovich, and Hongxian He

66. Finding Remote Protein Homologs

Kevin Karplus

67. Multi-Way Protein Folding Classification Using Support Vector Machines and Neural Networks

C. H. Q. Ding and I. Dubchak

68. Comparative Analyses of Syntenic Regions using Pattern Filtering

Jonathan E. Moore and James Lake

69. Discovery of Distant Regulatory Elements by Comparative Sequence- Based Approaches

Inna Dubchak, Chris Mayor, Lior Pachter, Gabriella Cretu, Edward M. Rubin, and Kelly A. Frazer

70. Identification of Novel Functional RNA Genes in Genomic DNA Sequences

S.R. Holbrook, C. Mayor, and I. Dubchak

71. Automatic Discovery of Sub-Molecular Sequence Domains in Multi-Aligned Sequences: A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Multiple Alignment Segmentation

Eric Poe Xing, Ilya Muchnik, Denise Wolf, Inna Dubchak, Casimir Kulikowski, Manfred Zorn, and Sylvia Spengler

72. Classification of Multi-Aligned Sequence Using Monotone Linkage Clustering and Alignment Segmentation

Eric Poe Xing, Ilya Muchnik, Manfred Zorn, and Sylvia Spengler

73. Extensions to the Arraydb Micro-Array LIMS

Donn Davy, Daniel Pinkel, Donna Albertson, Gregory Hamilton, Joel Palmer, Donald Uber, Arthur Jones, Joe Gray, and Manfred Zorn

74. Identifying Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in Human Candidate Genes

Deborah A. Nickerson, Scott L. Taylor, and Mark J. Rieder

75. Integrating Sequence and Biology: Developing an Informatics Infrastructure for Mouse/Human Comparative Genomics

C. J. Bult, J. T. Eppig, J. A. Blake, J. E. Richardson, and J. A. Kadin

76. WIT2 -- An Integrated System for Genetic Sequence Analysis and Metabolic Reconstruction

Ross Overbeek, Gordon Pusch, Mark D'Souza, Evgeni Selkov Jr., Evgeni Selkov, and Natalia Maltsev

77. PUMA2 -- An Environment for Comparative Analysis of Metabolic Subsystems and Automated Reconstruction of Metabolism of Microbial Consortia and Individual Organisms from Sequence Data

Natalia Maltsev and Mark D'Souza

78. Progress Report on EMP Project

Evgeni Selkov, Nadezhda Avseenko, Valentina Dronova, Galina Dyachenko, Aleksandr Elefterov, Milyausha Galimova, Nadezhda Fedotcheva, Maria Fomkina, Tatiana Kharybina, Irina Krestova, Aleksandr Kuzmin, Elena Mudrik, Nikolay Mudrik, Valentina Nenasheva, Valeri Nenashev, Evgeni Nikolaev, Aleksandr Osipov, Lyudmila Pronevich, Anna Rykunova, Aleksey Selkov, Evgeni Selkov, Jr., Vladimir Semerikov, Tatiana Sirota, Anatoly Sorokin, Oleg Stupar', Vadim Ternovsky, and Olga Vasilenko

79. BCM Search Launcher - Providing Distributed, Enhanced Sequence Analysis

M. P. McLeod, Z. Yang, and K. C. Worley

80. Data Submission Tool

Manfred D. Zorn and David Demirjian

81. Working Examples of XML in the Management of Genomic Data

J. D. Cohn and M. O. Mundt

82. The Genome Database -- Integrating Maps with Sequence

Christopher J. Porter, C. Conover Talbot Jr., and A. Jamie Cuticchia

83. A Visual Data-Flow Editor Capable of Integrating Data Analysis and Database Querying

Dong-Guk Shin, Ravi Nori, Rich Landers, and Wally Grajewski

84. Annotating DNA with Protein Coding Domains

Winston A. Hide, Robert Miller, Gary L. Sandine, and David C. Torney

85. Clustering and Visualizing Yeast Microarray Expression Data Using VxInsightâ„¢

George Davidson, Edwina Fuge, and Margaret Werner-Washburne

86. Comprehensive Microbial Genome Display and Analysis

Frank Larimer, Doug Hyatt, Miriam Land, Richard Mural, Morey Parang, Manesh Shah, Jay Snoddy, and Ed Uberbacher

87. Infrastructure and Tools for High Throughput Computational Genome Analysis

Doug Hyatt, Phil Locascio, Victor Olman, Manesh Shah, and Inna Vokler

88. Genome Information Warehouse: Information and Databases to Support Comprehensive Genome Analysis and Annotation

Miriam Land, Denise Schmoyer, Morey Parang, Jay Snoddy, Sergey Petrov, Richard Mural, and Ed Uberbacher

89. BiSyCLES: Biological System for Cross-Linked Entries Search

Michael Brudno, Igor Dralyuk, Sylvia Spengler, Manfred Zorn, and Inna Dubchak

90. Updated ASDB: Database of Alternatively Spliced Genes

I. Dralyuk, M. Brudno, M.S. Gelfand, S. Spengler, M. Zorn, and I. Dubchak

91. Splice Site Recognition

Terry Speed and Simon Cawley

92. Refreshing Curated Data Warehouses Using XML

Susan B. Davidson, Hartmut Liefke, and G. Christian Overton

93. Genome-Scale Protein Structure Prediction in Prochlorococcus europae Genome

Ying Xu, Dong Xu, Oakley H. Crawford, J. Ralph Einstein, and Ed Uberbacher

94. The Ribosomal Database Project II: Providing an Evolutionary Framework

James R. Cole, Bonnie L. Maidak, Timothy G. Lilburn, Charles T. Parker, Paul R. Saxman, Bing Li, George M. Garrity, Sakti Pramanik, Thomas M. Schmidt, and James M. Tiedje

145. BioInformatics Prototyping Language for Mapping, Sequence Assembly and Data Analysis

Bud Mishra

151. Commercialization of the GRAIL EXPTM Gene Discovery System

Doug Hyatt, Morey Parang, and Ed Uberbacher

154. A Simulation Extension of a Workflow-based LIMS

Gary Lindstrom, T. Richard Bogart, Peter Cartwright, and William Delaney

157. Our Vision for the New Protein Data Bank

Helen Berman, John Westbrook, Kyle Burkhardt, Zukang Feng, Shri Jain, Rachel Kramer, Bohdan Schneider, Christine Zardecki, Peter Arzberger, Phil Bourne, John Badger, Helge Weissig, Gary L. Gilliland, Phoebe Fagan, Diane Hancock, Narmada Thanki, and Gregory B. Vasquez

The online presentation of this publication is a special feature of the Human Genome Project Information Web site.