Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues Abstract Index

DOE Human Genome Program
Contractor-Grantee Workshop VIII
February 27-March 2, 2000  Santa Fe, NM

Author Index
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Function and cDNA Resources
Table of Contents

Microbial Genome Program
Table of Contents
Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues
Table of Contents
Table of Contents

Ordering Information

Abstracts from
Past Meetings

127. Electronic Scholarly Publishing: Foundations of Classical Genetics

Robert J. Robbins

128. Genes, Environment, and Human Behavior: A Curriculum Module

Mark V. Bloom, Rodger W. Bybee, Michael J. Dougherty, and Joseph D. McInerney

129. High School Students as Partners in Sequencing the Human Genome

Kristi Sanford, Maureen Munn, and Leroy Hood

130. The Science and Issues of Human DNA Polymorphisms: An ELSI Training Program for High School Biology Teachers

David Micklos, Matt Christensen, and Scott Bronson

131. Using the Power of Informal Learning to Address Science Literacy: A Report from the Microbial Literacy Collaborative

Cynthia A. Needham

132. Hispanic Role Model and Science Education Outreach Project - Human Genome Project Education and Outreach Component

Clay Dillingham

133. Seeking Truth, Finding Justice: A PBS Documentary Special

Noel Schwerin

134. SoundVision Science Literacy Project

Barinetta Scott and Jude Thilman

135. Getting the Word Out on the Human Genome Project: A Course for Physicians

Sara L. Tobin and Ann Boughton

136. Dilemmas in Commercializing Human Genome and Biotechnology Products: Developing a Case-Based Business Ethics Curriculum for Industry

Barbara Koenig

137. The Responsibility of Oversight in Genetics Research: How to Enable Effective Human Subjects Review of Public and Privately Funded Research Programs

Barbara Handelin

138. Confidentiality Concerns Raised by DNA-Based Tests in the Market-Driven Managed Care Setting

Jeroo S. Kotval, Kathleen Dalton, and Patricia Salkin

139. An Economic Analysis of Intellectual Property Rights Issues Concerning the Human Genome Program

David J. Bjornstad and Steven Steward

140. EINSHAC's Genetics Adjudication Resource Project

Franklin M. Zweig

159. Continuing Interest in the Legal, Ethical and Social Implications of Genome Research*

REV. William E. Nebo

*Invited speaker

The online presentation of this publication is a special feature of the Human Genome Project Information Web site.