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Kobuk Valley National ParkImage of flowers blooming on the tundra
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Kobuk Valley National Park
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Stretching from the Baird Mountains on the north to the Kobuk Sand Dunes in the south, Kobuk Valley National Park occupies a broad valley that supports caribou, salmon, loons, the rare Kobuk locoweed, wolves and native culture. The park’s 1.7 million acres sit in a semi-enclosed bowl about 30 miles north of the Arctic Circle.

The boreal forest reaches its northern limit here, resulting in an open woodland of small trees in a mat of thick tundra. The Western Arctic caribou herd travels through this area during its migration. The tracks of nearly ½ a million caribou mark the tundra and the towering sand dunes in the southern designated wilderness area of the park. Local residents hunt caribou near the river today, much as they have for the last 9000 years.

Far from the hustle and bustle of other Alaskan destinations, the magnificent scenery and untamed nature of this national park allows you to experience genuine “Wild Alaska” on its own terms. Your possibilities here are vast. Whether immersing yourself in archeological prehistory, boating down the languid Kobuk River, thrilling your senses on a scenic flight, camping, or charting your own backcountry trek, the country is ready for those willing and prepared to enter it. Whatever adventure you choose, please remember to leave cultural artifacts and natural features as you find them for others to enjoy.

Access and services here are limited when compared to traditional National Parks you may have visited elsewhere. What the area may lack in services, it more than makes up for in friendly people and an un-crowded wilderness experience.

You'll find no roads, no gift shops, and no parking facilities within the park. Trails don't exist; neither do campgrounds. Not even the park headquarters or visitor center are within the park. Both facilities are in Kotzebue, Alaska - an airplane ride away.

Kobuk Valley’s visitor isn’t your average tourist. They tend to be skilled backcountry explorers familiar with surviving potential high winds, rain, and snow — and that's in the summer months. Winter visits are recommended only to outdoorspeople experienced in arctic camping and survival techniques. The ranger staff can provide valuable information on conditions and logistics for first time travelers.

Licensed operators offer various services such as air taxi, guided rafting and hunting. Contact any service providers on the list of licensed operators to facilitate your trip. Flight shuttle services are available in Kotzebue and Bettles.

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Image of a tiny wood frog with a black eye stripe is dwarfed by the palm of the person's hand on which it sits.  

Did You Know?
A frog that lives in Kobuk Valley National Park spends the winter as an ice cube. In the fall, the Wood Frog burrows under leaves on the forest floor. Its temperature drops to 20° F or lower until spring, at which point it thaws out and goes on its way.

Last Updated: July 02, 2008 at 18:08 EST