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The United States
Court of Appeals
The Bankruptcy
Appellate Panel

CM/ECF and PACER Links
Click here to open this document  ECF Login
Click here to open this document  ECF Login (For 64-bit Mac Users)
Click here to open this document  PACER Login

CM/ECF and PACER Links
Click here to open this document  BAP ECF Login
Click here to open this document  BAP ECF Login (for 64-bit Mac Users)
Click here to open this document  BAP PACER Login

Documentation and Other Information
Click here to open this document  PACER FAQ
Click here to open this document  CM/ECF General Information
Click here to open this document  CM/ECF FAQ
Click here to open this document  ECF Event and Relief Codes
Documentation and Other Information
Click here to open this document  BAP ECF and PACER Information

Notice to Fee-exempt PACER Users
The court would like to remind fee-exempt PACER users of the terms of the exemption and of potential issues associated with a new software application called RECAP. It was designed by a group from Princeton University to enable the sharing of court documents on the Internet. Once a user loads RECAP, documents that he or she subsequently accesses via PACER are automatically sent to a public Internet repository. Other RECAP/PACER users are then able to see whether documents are available from the Internet repository.

A fee exemption applies only for limited purposes. Any transfer of data obtained as the result of a fee exemption is prohibited unless expressly authorized by the court. Therefore, feeexempt PACER users must refrain from the use of RECAP.

The prohibition on transfer of information received without fee is not intended to bar a quote or reference to information received as a result of a fee exemption in a scholarly or other similar work.

CM/ECF Hardware/Software Requirements
Click the link below to view information on the hardware and software requirements for accessing the Tenth Circuit COurt of Appeals or Bankruptcy Appellate Panel CM/ECF systems.
Click here to open this page  Hardware/Software Requirements

Registration for PACER and ECF
If you would like to file electronically and view case records you will need both a general PACER account and an ECF account. Please note registering for ECF is different than registering to view PACER generally.
Click here to open this page  Registration Overview
Click here to open this page  Register Now for ECF (aka CM/ECF)
Click here to open this page  Register Now for PACER
Click here to open this document  Court of Appeals Registration Step by Step Guide
Click here to open this document  BAP Registration Step by Step Guide

Training Resources
Click the link below to view our online training resources and documentation as well as to get a preview of the new ECF system that will be available at the beginning of next year.
Click here to open this page  Court of Appeals Training Resources
Click here to open this page  BAP Training Resources