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Who We Are

The Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council is a group made up of people with disabilities, family members, advocates, and state department representatives who work to create favorable conditions for people with developmental disabilities and their families in the Commonwealth. Created under a federal act and Governor's Executive Order, the Council is both a planning group and a funding body. The Developmental Disabilities Council is charged with periodically creating a state plan. It begins by learning about the present situation for people with developmental disabilities and their families in Pennsylvania. Next, the Council considers actions and strategies that will lead to more meaningful and participant lives for people with developmental disabilities in our state. These action ideas become the heart of Council's work plan over the coming years.

In order to achieve the goals in the plan, Council funds proposals from groups and organizations through a competitive bid process. The Council's work is broad and its activities are many. The Council participates in creating a better future for Pennsylvanians with disabilities by:

  • Funding short-term projects that show new and innovative ways for people with disabilities to participate as respected and valued members of our communities.
  • Empowering people with disabilities and their families to have a strong voice on matters in Pennsylvania which affect their lives.
  • Advocating for improved public policies and services so that people with developmental disabilities may benefit from the opportunities and resources available to all other citizens and community members.
  • Encouraging change in communities that embraces the diversity of the disability experience and confronts the stigma encountered by citizens with disabilities.

The Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council also concerns itself with trends at the national level that may have influence in the lives of people with disabilities and/or their families. By carefully watching and examining trends and new developments on a national level, the Council is up-to-date on ways to support people with disabilities and families right here in Pennsylvania.

The Council is always seeking thoughts and ideas from concerned citizens regarding issues that affect the lives of people with developmental disabilities and creative ideas for tackling these issues in Pennsylvania. For more information contact the Council.

RSS Feed
Every Day Kids Survey - Please Participate!

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

The Smoky Mountain Research Institute (SMRI) is currently working with the PADDC to develop a scale for measuring outcomes for children in the 10 domains included in Every Day Kids,...
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Winter Slice of Pie

Tuesday, 03 March 2009

The Winter, 2009 Slice of Pie Newsletter is online here.
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Request for Proposals

Tuesday, 03 February 2009

The Council has issued its 2009 Request for Proposals.    
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Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council
Harrisburg Office
Room 561 Forum Building
605 South Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Voice: 717-787-6057
TTY: 717-705-0819
Toll Free: 1-877-685-4452
Pittsburgh Office
8500 Brooktree Road
Suite 100
Wexford, PA 15090
Voice: 724-933-1655
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