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Benefits of creating a captive in Hawaii

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Specialized Insurance Regulatory Expertise
Specialized staffing and dedicated funding of Captive Insurance Branch

Hawaii is one of the few captive jurisdictions with:
  1. An exclusive full-time staff who specialize in captive insurance regulation and development. These individuals maintain professional designations including certified public accountant and certified financial examiner.
  2. Consistent annual funding of its Captive Insurance Branch ensures timely and reliable resources for the ongoing regulation and development of captive insurance industry in Hawaii.
  3. Constructive working relationship with insurance regulators and supervisors in other jurisdictions.

Consultative approach to development and regulation of captive programs

  1. Prudent application of appropriate insurance regulatory core principles and standards, including program design recommendations as may be necessary.
  2. Responsiveness to changing environment of business owners and risk financing marketplace.

Depth and experience of captive service providers
Wide range of professional service providers including:

  1. Captive Insurance Managers
  2. Investment and Treasury Managers
  3. Insurance Consultants
  4. Legal Counsel
  5. Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers and Intermediaries
  6. Banking and Trust Services
  7. Actuarial Services
  8. Claims Administrators

Strong and active trade association:

  1. Promotion and education of captive insurance
  2. Development and support of legislation and administrative rules
  3. Involvement with local, national and international issues

Stable, Consistent, Committed Political Environment

Consistent bipartisan Legislative support for effective captive insurance legislation

Ongoing Governor and Administration commitment to provide promotional and operational resources for captive insurance industry

Strategic Location

  • Ease of access from North America and from Asia
  • Non-stop flights from 23 major U.S. and 27 international destinations.
  • Favorable time zone differences facilitate communication with U.S. mainland and Asia
  • Ability to transact business with eastern U.S. and Japan in the same business day in Hawaii
  • 5 to 6 hours behind eastern U.S. mainland
  • 2 to 3 hours behind western U.S. mainland
  • 18 hours behind Japan
  • World class business meeting and hospitality facilities
Page last modified 04-29-2008 07:28 AM