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Register Your Business in Hawaii

In today's business world, commerce is increasingly conducted across state and national borders. Where you register your business is now, as much a matter of convenience and business benefits as it is physical location. You have a choice on where you legally domicile your business. It's an important choice and we appreciate your consideration of Hawaii as your legal domicile.

Hawaii has a business registration process that matches up well in features with other states such as Delaware and Florida. Whether you are registering a corporation, partnership, limited liability company or a limited liability partnership, Hawaii provides a business registration process that fulfills its ministerial obligations yet is minimally intrusive and convenient for business filers.

For those considering Hawaii as their legal business domicile, we offer the following benefits:

Single Agency Jurisdiction

In Hawaii, all business registrations are filed with the State of Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Business Registration Division. No county filings are necessary.

Simple Registration

Hawaii has streamlined its business registration forms. They are simple to fill out and only require enough information to fulfill Hawaii's statutory filing requirements.

Efficient Processing

Hawaii's filing and review process matches up well with any of the leading business registration states like Delaware and Florida. Normal filings can be accomplished in only 3 to 5 working days. Expedited filings can be done in just 1 day.

Straightforward Filing Fees

Hawaii has a very straightforward filing fee schedule for business registrations. Except for financial institutions, Hawaii assesses no business franchise taxes or charter taxes.

More about Business Registration and their services at Introduction to BREG and General Info.

Page last modified 07-26-2007 03:17 PM
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