Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge
Midwest Region
Introduction | Volunteer | Recreation | Calendar of Events | Partners for Fish & Wildlife | Wildlands/ Wildlife | Visitor Center | Education | Staff | Links

sunset on Crane Creek at Ottawa NWR by Sharon CummingsAlong the sourthern edge of Lake Erie in Ohio lies the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge Complex. This complex is made up of three National Wildlife Refuges, two divisions and one waterfowl production area:

  • Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge (Including the Darby and Navarre Divisions) profile page

  • Cedar Point National Wildlife Refuge profile page

  • West Sister Island National Wildlife Refuge profile page

  • Schoonover Waterfowl Production Area

With over 9,000 acres, these refuges help to preserve the diminishing Lake Erie marshes and provide a resting and feeding place for birds traveling to their nesting or wintering grounds.


Part of a Much Bigger System


muskrat by Sharon Cummings

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2008 Calendar of Events

Cars for Critters, September 21st!

Naturally Speaking Series




Email Ottawa NWR




Last updated: September 4, 2008