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Moving to E-commerce

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Hawaii is one of the leaders in the nation in taking advantage of the emergence of e-commerce as a medium for economic diversification, new business opportunities and streamlining government services. This has been made possible because of two major factors - Hawaii's position and infrastructure as a technological hub for telecommunications in the Pacific region and the recent enactment of legislation to encourage the development of high technology industry.

Hawaii: High National Ranking for E-Commerce
Hawaii ranks 7th in the nation when it comes to e-commerce, according The Progressive Policy Institute's "Best States for E-Commerce" report. The Washington, D.C.- based think tank ranked each state in 10 categories of e-commerce usage, including the use of the Internet to purchase goods, engage in legally binding transactions and government interaction.

To view the report, download the PDF file, Best States for E-Commerce PDF Icon.

For more information about the Progressive Policy Institute, visit PPI: Policy Report PDF Icon.

E-Commerce for Citizens
A comprehensive national survey of state government performance in the 2002 Digital State Survey conducted by the Center for Digital Government and the Progress & Freedom Foundation ranked Hawaii among the most improved states for state government technology planning, eGovernment initiatives, digital democracy services to citizens, and financial management systems.

Last year Hawaii posted the nation's largest year-over-year improvement, rising from 49th to 15th in the electronic government and business regulation category. This year, the state rose even further, moving from 15th to third in the 2002 Digital State Survey.

Page last modified 09-30-2005 03:33 PM