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Emails (listserv)

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What is a listserver?

A listserver is an Internet feature whereby one posts a message that is received via email by all listserver members. They can respond to you or to the entire listserver membership.

What kinds of things can you put on a listserver?

You can post text-only emails about anything related to AQUATOX. You can post:

For security reasons the listserver rejects all attachments to emails postings.

How do you join the listserver?

Subscribe to AQUATOXinfo via email. Send an email to lyris@lists.epa.gov, leaving the "Subject:" field blank and putting "subscribe AQUATOXinfo firstname lastname" in the body of the text. Once you have subscribed, you will receive a welcome message confirming your membership.

To unsubscribe to AQUATOXinfo, send another email to the same address, with "unsubscribe AQUATOXinfo" in the body of the email message.

How do you post a message?

Messages are sent by email to AQUATOXinfo@lists.epa.gov. The postings are then sent out as email messages to every member of the AQUATOXinfo listserver.

Where can I see the email listings from previous postings?

Check the search and get documents commands from Lyris Email Help Web site exit EPA.

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