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Human Health Criteria


October 2000

Notice of Development of Revised Human Health Criteria for Arsenic
New Human Health Criteria for Methylmercury and Carbofuran

EPA is revising the recommended human health ambient water quality criteria (AWQC) for arsenic and developing new AWQC for methylmercury, and carbofuran. EPA is requesting the public to submit pertinent scientific data information and views prior to the revision or development of these AWQC.


Under Section 304(a)(1) of the Clean Water Act, EPA develops and publishes, and from time to time revises, AWQC for water. Human health AWQC are based solely on data and scientific judgments and should accurately reflect the latest scientific knowledge. They do not consider economic impacts or the technological feasibility of meeting the criteria in ambient water.

How will the new AWQC protect water quality?

The new AWQC will reflect the latest scientific data and results to protect human health. Water quality criteria provide guidance to States, Territories and authorized Tribes in adopting water quality standards and provide a scientific basis for them to develop controls of discharges or releases of pollutants. The new criteria will also provide scientific bases for EPA to develop federal regulations under the water quality standards and implementation plans section of the Clean Water Act.

Why is EPA notifying the public about the development of AWQC?

EPA believes it is important to provide the public with an opportunity to submit scientific information early in the criteria development process, even though the Agency is not required to invite nor to respond to specific issues. EPA will review and consider significant scientific information submitted by the public that might not have otherwise been identified.  EPA is notifying the public in order to expand and obtain greater public involvement in the criteria development process.

EPA requests that the public submit all scientific references, views and information on the chemicals that would be useful in considering new AWQC.  For arsenic, there is no need to submit information that has already been submitted to the EPA in response to the June 22, 2000 proposal of a National Primary Drinking Water Regulation for Arsenic (65 FR 38888).

Where can I find more information on EPA's Process for Developing New or Revised Criteria?

The Agency published detailed information about its revised process for developing and revising criteria in the Federal Register on December 10, 1998 (63 FR68354) and in the National Recommended Water Quality Criteria.

Additional Information

For additional information contact the Health and Ecological Criteria Division, (4304T),US EPA, Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20460; 202-566-1100.

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